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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 1277x754, bitc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10180590 No.10180590 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is going to go slightly lower, but we can see it is beginning to level off as the declines become less and less steep. It will then turn and begin to make an upward trend over the next 6-12 months which will far surprass its previous higher point.

I do not think now is the best time to buy, wait a few more weeks or so until the trend levels off a bit more and heads upward.

>> No.10180608

2018 has gone by so fast. Very painful. But maybe lessons to take forward and when asteroid mining arrives we can sell the top and then troll the asteroid kiddos who haven't been through a bubble before.

>> No.10180620

Most reasonable post in a while, and I agree.

>> No.10180921

im starting to acculumate due to FOMO. cant time the bottom so I'm just gonna average down til we get there

>> No.10181119

This is the best course of action

>> No.10181293

This is literally what is going to happen

>> No.10181305

no way
so I have a little time to finish up my portfolio, and then were off? thats great!

>> No.10181364

Once I make my contract hours for the year, my hourly rate goes up to $76/hr. I'd love for it to stay this low until EOY cause I won't hit them until sept-oct and want to dump all my extra money in crypto.

>> No.10181594
File: 200 KB, 1129x635, 98124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10181772

Looks about right

>> No.10181793

Ta fags are the most deluded insufferable faggots on the planet. They literally get everything wrong all the time. Picking the one random correct prediction out of the million wrong ones, in a manipulated market, only adds to your faggots delusion.

>> No.10181865

Sick lines bro.

>> No.10181894

My guru

>> No.10182931

Dream on- core is finished as it continues melting down

>> No.10182958

kys ver, noone likes you

>> No.10182959

This, but you gotta give them credit for wasting their time day in and day out pretending to be doing something.

>> No.10182974

The thing is you don't find the bottom and then Saturn, you have to build back a slow uptrend, after the bottom we'll probably stay on a range for a while.