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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10180290 No.10180290 [Reply] [Original]

where are the fudfags now?

>> No.10180488

Blockchain by Muslims who are known to be liars worldwide.

>> No.10180536

Bullish news, but i would agree with >>10180488

Let's keep fudding for the sake of fudding

>> No.10180557

This shit is an inflatable pyramid scheme

>> No.10180574

ah, we really are back to the good old days were literally no good fud even exists. you are all pathetic and weak.

>> No.10180680

You have nothing positive on your side.

>Changing the tokenomics the 3rd time in 3months
>Tweeted about the "imminent Beta wallet...Q2 Update...2019 Q1 ready...lmao
>Everything else delayed too, great developers

>> No.10180938

i expect way more delays for a project of this scope. no one with half a brain is worried about that until the end of 2019. this was always a long as fuck term hold. the tokenomics changing reflect the needs of real-world financial institutions; that's never a bad sign. and more narrowly this is GREAT fucking news that they ditched what to me was an overly complex, muddled system and are going back to something similar to the original approach, all at the request of their customers. do you see the fucking territories these niggers are able to operate in? switzerland, england, germany, dubai?

it's an absolute blessing that this will remain cheap for a few months more. i am going to accumulate an insane stack and just ignore crypto until the end of next year.

>> No.10181179

>Customer request
It was actually the community as in the chucklefucks on TG. That is a terrible fucking sign.

>> No.10181423


>> No.10181527



>> No.10181822

Big wall of cope

>> No.10181984

You know why the community want it? Because it'll make holders absolutely filthy rich. We're back to not needing bizfags to pump our bags. FUD away, more it tanks, the more i'll get for cheap over the next year.

>> No.10182027

The community wanting something is a terrible reason for business decisions.

>> No.10182041

Yeah, doing something because moonbois demand it is a recipe for failure

Can't wait till they start doing "market management" like fucking Tron

Oh wait, they said in their q2 report that they will do marketing soon, so there you go

>> No.10182996
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>> No.10183043

Shut up moonlet

>> No.10183070
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>> No.10183089

Shut up boomlet

>> No.10183123

>Not a single pump till now has been jCash/jBonds
>Central Banks, VCs and $250mm from Dubai ready to pump JNT
>Initial $5-10mm in jCash rolling out any day now in (pending regulatory approval)

>> No.10183190

Shut up brainlet

>> No.10183206
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>> No.10183262

What a brilliant 180 from "Jcash will not be backed by JNT, and havr strict compliance rules to follow". The team is simply saying what every deluded JNT "investor" wants to hear. Exit scam confirmed.

>> No.10184004

It really reeks of them making shit up to mollify the community. No exit scam but this won't last. It is just a stalling tactic.

>> No.10184856

Why even bother arguing with discord pajeets to fud a dead project with zero volume

>> No.10184901

this is really first rate. cuts right to the chase.

>> No.10185112

It's first rate faggotry. The tokenomics just got 100x better for anyone holding this coin. Looks pretty retarded to fud that aspect of it.

>> No.10185177

But that they can (and probably will) change it again.

It's all or nothing at this point so the fud doesn't bother me. It's good to be aware of the glaring flaws in this project and whether or not they'll be addressed in the future. I really don't expect them to have a working product this year or probably even next year at this rate.

Business side looks good enough but they have zero tech development so far. This is still a huge longshot to even return to it's original value,

>> No.10185528

Changing it twice means it up for change anytime.

>> No.10185562

They can say JNT is 300% backed on-chain and -50% backed off chain. Their words is nothing worth anymore, when you change the tokenomics from month to month.

>> No.10185732

Pretty much this. If they say they are working with someone they are working with them.

If they say they are going to have something done by X date or that this is how the tokenomics function you can tell them to fuck off because you can't trust it.

>> No.10186094
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>randomly changing the tokenomics after 1 month
sorry brehs I can't hold this anymore
been in since ico, held through all the shitty fuds and the price drop
but this is too much
I have 60k, all in, but I must fucking sell this shit before its too late

>> No.10186112
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