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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 300x300, george-soros-speaks-about-the-euro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10175043 [Reply] [Original]

Is he still /ourguy/?

>> No.10175081

He was never

>> No.10175348

Was he ever our guy? I get the feeling that if he had his way, only a select few would /makeit/ and the rest of would be locked out permanently and forced to wage-slave forever

>> No.10175362

Typical Jew

>> No.10175486


/biz/ was happy because a Soros in crypto would guarantee gains at EOY 2018

>> No.10175510

Alchemy Of Finance is mustread for any serious /bizguy. Even crypto follows the ideas mentioned there.

>> No.10175575

5 mBtc has been deposited into your ShareBlue rewards account

>> No.10175596

>being this mad that a Jew did a better job as Nazi than you


>> No.10176338


>> No.10176753


he supposedly help round up his fellow jews for the nazis and is completely amoral when it comes to making money

that makes him A-OK in my book

>> No.10176817

i pretend to hate him but i secretly idolize him . hes everything i want to be as an old man

>> No.10176890

when the time is right he will fuck us all

>> No.10176957

He is senile though. Look rather to his old clips (pre 2012 ) where there is spark for money in his eyes. That is our Soros.

>> No.10176982
File: 8 KB, 187x270, soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.10177031
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x1426, 1529885667710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pays almost 20 billion for open border pro immigration ngos and politicians
>instead of making even more money with those 20 billions
>money is a tool for schadenfreude instead of vice versa

>does sweetheart deals with countries while president
>refuses to pay taxes or to give his investments into a blind trust
>puts rex tiller as one of his bffs
>generally acts like a rich nigger, likes shitty women and aesthetics
>blunt af and doesn't care

>> No.10177290


>> No.10177336


that was before his supply of fresh baby blood got cut off

>> No.10177408



the nazis used jews to help identify and round up fellow jews during ww2 and seize their property. they called them "Judenräte"

That's the role that Soros filled and he openly admits it. He calls it the "most exciting time in his life" and he justifies it by saying that "if he didn't do it someone else would have".

That's the same justification he uses when he made his famous trade that "broke the Bank of England". If he didn't do it someone else would have. Not saying there's anything wrong with any of that, it's actually the mentally you need to have to be successful in finance.

>> No.10177452
File: 12 KB, 192x262, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot to add, anything saying he was an "SS officer" is completely false, obviously. There is this picture floating around claiming it is a young Soros, but actually it was created by leftists just so they can use it to "debunk" any claims that Soros was a nazi collaborator (which he absolutely was). Again, not saying there's anything wrong with being a Nazi collaborator.

>> No.10177454

Confirmed for not watching the lecture. He and his family saved loads of Jews and gave them fake aliases. He said this was his most exciting time of his life.

>> No.10177534


INTERVIEWER: You went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the jews

SOROS: Yes, that's right.

>> No.10177981


I bet this was his strategy to play along and survive. He said it was to him a personal experience with evil, so I think he experienced it all intellectually and conceptually so he internalized the experience. He probably was traumatized after this thus all this open societies nonsense.

>> No.10177997

He was just going on survival instincts he thought the interviewer was a crypto-nazi. Lots of them in our society.

>> No.10178019

Cutthroat world. I would do the same , I'm not risking being thrown in a fucking oven. Also knowing that my ppl are in fact mostly shady I would feel comfy giving up ppl unless it was a close lad

>> No.10178201

Also ... noone has looked into his foundation. I bet there are tons of moneyhungry bastards who push their own agenda and are after rich old billionaire's money for different reasons. He is probably being used.

>> No.10178219

he's known to short currencies into the ground, hes definitely not our guy

>> No.10178234


But we also buy high and sell low.

>> No.10178248
File: 125 KB, 819x553, 33430138_179565986095233_5874067822589509632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fk banks

>> No.10178261

Hello Mr Pajeet.How's shit today?

>> No.10178679

soros had a great time rolling on jews according to him

hes probably pushing this open borders shit so the nazis come back and he can do it all over again

>> No.10178843

but we hate governments and fiat so that implies he's /our-guy/

>> No.10178851

eh? He said it was the happiest time in his life kek. look it up on youtube and kek at the interviewer's face

>> No.10178872

>shorts a country's currency
>Uses his infinite Jew funds to make that country implode

BTC was a cake walk for this faggot

>> No.10178904

he is controlled by the bogs, unless you're a beartard he is definitely not /ourguy/

>> No.10178930

the GBP was going to implode anyway. The bank was operating under the assumption that 2+2=5 and he was just like "that doesn't add up, the value should be lower". If he was truly incorrect he would have gotten short squeezed by a richer jew, he doesn't even have 10b

>> No.10178995

Any articles on that?

>> No.10179583

Just google it. The idea that a billionaire can play a country's currency like a fiddle is a meme