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File: 231 KB, 1200x900, gregory-maxwell-pieter-wullie-blockstream-bitcoin-core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10171382 [Reply] [Original]

The dev team that saved Bitcoin

>> No.10171409
File: 117 KB, 2094x796, 1530837315436[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dev team that single handedly caused the current bear market

>> No.10171422

god bless craig and ver for saving bitcoin(BCH) from those brainlets

>> No.10171424

Bitcoin Core is not the real bitcoin and has nothing to do with Satoshi's vision

>> No.10171745



BTC isn't going up unless the block size is increased and that simply will not happen.

Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin and will eventually overtake the market.

>> No.10171761

Damn they are full onions

>> No.10172307


Cashcuck cope.

Imagine paying 1K+ for an airdrop other people got for free.

>> No.10172393

you forgot to add when exchanges started batching transactions in jan/feb which caused a huge drop in total tx's and makes that look way worse than it really is..

segwit is technically a block size increase

>> No.10172485
File: 108 KB, 1143x728, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exchanges started batching transactions
they never did.

>segwit is technically
uncurable aids infecting the bitcoin codebase

>> No.10172514

>uncurable aids infecting the bitcoin codebase
How is Segwit bad?

>> No.10172523

Jew Crew

>> No.10172603

it's a really ugly hack, making the transaction structure and the entire code base much more complicated.
segwit transactions are actually larger than normal transactions. but by counting every byte of the signature data as 0.25 bytes, they only "appear" to be smaller. an ugly accounting trick with no technical basis.
segwit was never intended to be a scaling solution in the first place, only an opt-in workaround for transaction malleability. the entire point of making such an overly complicated solution was to avoid a hardfork, which in the end, it didn't prevent.

>> No.10172864

Could transaction malleability been solved any other way? Is remaining on the BTC chain and not using Segwit a better choice than using Segwit on the BTC chain?
I value your insight and opinion over what others say.

>> No.10173159

tx malleability is easily fixed by changing the transaction structure slightly so that the txid is computed only from fields covered by the input signature. it's a small change, but does require a hardfork. BCH already implemented this.

segwit is currently kinda pointless to use unless you intend to use the lightning network, or happen to run a poorly written exchange that relies on unmalleable txids.
given the complexity of the segwit code, there is a greater chance that it contains undiscovered bugs, which may result in you losing your money. i think this is unlikely however, given the massive amounts of money involved, any serious bugs would have been exploited by now.

>> No.10173367

Interesting. Thanks for the info

>> No.10174101

They look normal to me.

>> No.10175327

Corecucks on suicide watch!

>> No.10175412
File: 288 KB, 1251x692, 1526254575659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10175553

is that why bch is still worth not even half of btc despite being around for over a year now?

>> No.10176237
File: 7 KB, 199x199, betacuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smartest men in Crypto right there boys. Pure cypherpunks.

Unlike this (pic related) fraud. This French faggot was writing spyware for (((Facebook))) when the real men in the OP were putting it down. FFS this French faggot's entire code base was written by the real men in the OP sans a number change from 1 to 32. A fucking monkey could write bitcoinABC.