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1017132 No.1017132 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1017136


1. Is it true that the palce is filled with really smart people doing really dumb work? Have you learnt a lot in your job?

2. I know that google hires people by making them solve algorithm 101 tier problems on a white board. Why is this even seen as challenging or controversial?

3. Is it like a generic big corporate job where BS rules, or are intelligent contributions and hard work all that matter? Or where is it in between these extremes?

4. Do you ever work with people from unconventional backgrounds? i.e. non CS related degrees or people who were self taught programmers? What are they like compared to someone who did a CS degree from Stanford, as an example?

>> No.1017138

Where are you on the autism spectrum?

>> No.1017139


>> No.1017141


>> No.1017153

1) yes and no. Google is very selective, so all the engineers tend to be very smart. But software by its nature requires a lot of work beyond just coding that isn't all that intersting or challenging. Maintenance, testing, monitoring, configurarion, etc. And there are a lot of legacy services to maintain. That sort of work isn't sexy but can't be done by idiots either.

2. You'd be surprised how many people who claim to be engineers can't into the basics of cs. And foundational basics are critical at Google because of our massive scale. You can overlook them at a lot of shit-tier startups, but not here.

3. Somewhere between. Way better than most big companies, but it's still a big company.

4. Yes, but those people most often end up in SRE. I tend to like them better than my fellow swes and hang out with them more. I'm a metalhead married to a goth chick, so they tend to be my crowd. Swes are more often the typical nerd type.

>> No.1017162

Also re: 2 -ost interview questions are open ended and can be taken in a lot of different directions depending on the candidates response. The people who get offers bang out a simple solution quickly and then we delve into making it more efficient, concurrency, or dealing with resource limitations. The cs 101 part is necessary but not sufficient. It's just a starting point.

>> No.1017166

Mild aspergers. But married with a daughter, have friends, a life, lead a team at work, etc.

>> No.1017168

Keep hating. And I told you, no fucking mayonnaise on my Whopper.

>> No.1017179

1) Is google a modern day version of Enron?

Everytime I listen to the earnings calls it seems like a lot of BS

2) How do you guys get rid of third party adword providers who hire people on the side to click on their customers ad's to generate comissions for themselves?

3) Is there any verifiable way of measuring sales that are generated through adword clicks?

4) If google is so great and transparent then why
a) Do the insiders have a 10-1 voting ratio to ordinary stock holders
b) Eric Schmidt is chairman of the board vs an outsider (as is with Apple and MSFT)
c) That when its time to elect the board at the general meeting, why does google only put forward the same amount of nominations that there are free board spaces and
d) With the growth google has had in revenues and skilled employee's, why hasn't google innovated past search and maps that have had mass market penetration/acceptance (not counting andriod).

>> No.1017180


re: 4

I'm self learning programming right now, almost finished Python and Java on codeacademy, as well as Automate boring stuff on Udemy, after that I'm going to work on building some simple stuff in Python, like a Calculator or something

Any advice for someone who's just new? What should I learn or make? For my portfolio, how many projects should I have, should I only show the toughest ones, or all of them, from noob days to pro days?

Also, how much do you make, did you get an internship and get hired that way, or were you from another company? What does a Google engineer "do" exactly?

>> No.1017212

1) Search is still a massive and growing cash cow. Most other Google products lose money, although cloud is starting to make some headway. If we shut down everything but search, the profits would be mind-blowing, but we are playing the long game.

2) I don't know amlot about the particulars of fraud prevention, but I do know we invest in it heavily, take it very seriously, and you have to be way smarter than your example to get around it. Enforcement is very aggressive.

3) just direct your ads a URLs specific to the ad, and track with your own software.

4) Google is structured to keep the founders in control. Part of the reason they can be more open is they know they have an iron grip on the reins and can't be railroaded by hostile shareholders. Larry and sergey can just say: here's the decision. Don't like it? Get fucked. There's less need to control information because of this.

As for d: we've invested heavily in a wide variety of things, but are playing the long game. Think self-driving cars, machine learning as a service, the cloud platform, etc. But nothing has yet come anywhere near search in terms of success and revenue. Those kinds of society-altering advances are rare and you can't just throw money at the problem of discovering more. Just ask Microsoft.

>> No.1017218

That sort of self learning is a great start and a good way to see if this career is right for you, because you pretty much have to love it to succeed.

That said, as others have noted, Google highly values foundational computer science. Even if you don't get a degree, I'd recommend taking at least a few academic classes. Also, no one with any sense gives a shit about what languages you know. They care about core knowledge.

Including stock and bonus, I make about $300k. I came in as an experienced developer.

My day can vary a lot depending on circumstances. Sometimes I get to spend.long stretches writing code. Other times I spend a lot of time tracking down problems users are having, or in design meetings talking about future work.

>> No.1017228


2) I know of several third party providers who engage in signing up clients for adwords, then they hire several people to click on the ads of their clients. I live in Australia and New Zealand - there are many advertisements "work from home clicking ads".

I understand you may have some measures in place but it sounds like these guys just act like normal customers. The requirements to be an adwords reseller is just an online test, so there isn't exactly a strict filtering process.

Where does one go/email/talk to regarding this giving specific company names?

I know of an adwords reseller in the UK that went out of business because of fraud and then I saw them pop up in New Zealand and Australia, doing the same thing over again.

>> No.1017234

can you weigh in on this for me?

^"copy Pasta":
I'll put it in greentext as tradition here.

>I am 28
>living in the city of Windsor, Ontario. unemployment capital of Canada
>I dropped out of engineering @ the university a few years ago
>currently living in my mother's basement, going insane and impatient
>I have to pay $2400 to go back to school
>Thinking about computer science, already have some of their courses. possibly 2 years to finish. Already know basics of coding
>any job i find, will be $10/month (I have security guard license)

What should I do? I feel like I should get in my uninsured car and drive far far away, with no money, and just start new.

Should I go back to school? Can I fake my degree or something and get a job?

/biz/ is based sometimes.

Help me make a decision please. I can't take it anymore. I haven't held my chin up for so long.


>> No.1017239

Don't want to ask anything, just going to congratulate you on your success buddy. This board is so full of bitching that It's really nice to see a thread like this.

>> No.1017241

Thanks for taking the time to answer questions in a productive manner.

What do employees at google think about some aspects of the company? Monopoly, lobby activities, foreign policy interventionism, spying, high execs embedding themselves in the so called "elite", over commercialization of the internet etc.. Is there a drinking the kool aid effect or do you not talk about those issues?


Sorry for the long article but without going full conspiracy, your company seems to have completely departed from its early values. I feel like the people at google are good people individually but the collective effect is chilling.

>> No.1017243

Get your shot together and finish your degree. If you have to work overtime for shit wages to get it done, join the fucking club. A degree is basically evidence that you can work toward a goal and finish it. If the thought of faking it even crossed your mind, I sure as hell wouldn't want to hire you, and neither would anyone else.

As for the temptation to run off and start over, there's an old saying: wherever you go, you bring yourself with you.

Your problems are your responsibility. Even if they aren't your fault, although it sounds to me like they are.

Man the fuck up and work. Self respect will follow.

>> No.1017245

Thanks anon!

>> No.1017248

Internal criticism is actually quite harsh and open. There's very little kool-aid, at least among the ranks of engineers. We have an internal memgen that's often brutal toward tone-deaf execs and unpopular decisions.

Larry is still very popular and highly regarded, but not all other execs are.

I can't go into any specifics of course. But yeah, no kool aid.

>> No.1017249


Have you met Ray Kurzweil and is he getting you to build a nano augmentation device that will allow him to become the Terminator Jew

>> No.1017253

I actually have met Ray. Super nice guy although a bit kooky. The longevity startup is called calico. No idea what they're up to. It's very hush hush.

>> No.1017255

Gotta run. May do another one later. Thanks for the great questions.

>> No.1017256

Do you think it'll become the Weyland Yutani / Skynet? If yes, how can you justify working for them?

>> No.1017262


I see, and yeah, I'm planning to go to university in 8 months, for a Bachelor of Computing in Computer Science most likely, unless I get into Software Engineering. I'm in Canada so my university will be University of Guelph I think, here are the courses each program will incorporate, plus electives I choose: https://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/calendars/undergraduate/2015-2016/c10/c10bcomp-sofs.shtml


Would you mind taking a look at them, and telling me if they'll be good programs to take? I'm planning on adding some robotics courses and more mathematics, probably just for my first year and second year, after that I'm going to move into more design courses.

Also, what do you mean by core knowledge, like knowledge about how to solve issues, and make stuff, or knowledge about debugging and shit? And since no one cares what languages you know, is it "expected" that you know like C++, Java, and Swift now I guess, know enough to get through something or know how to search to find the answers?

>> No.1017263
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how many bitcoins do you hold?

>> No.1017265

Dayum. This was a good AMA. I just missed him, though :(

>> No.1017267

Have you taken the FE or PE exams?

If not, how does it feel to be fraudulent, fake engineer?

>> No.1017277

Thanks anon. Hate to say it but you're right.

>> No.1017295
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always that one piece of shit

>> No.1017296

How many googlers are singularity types? I'm guessing Larry/Sergey are quite convinced. I am as well.

I know that Google has its hands in multiple projects. Which ones do you think have the most promise? Self driving cars seem like the most important thing you're developing.

What are you guys doing with VR? Why don't you guys have a VR device like Facebook/Oculus? Seems bad? I imagine the Google glass hardware is going to take a few more years before it becomes small enough to be concealed.

Do you think Facebook can create its own browser/search platform in the near future that would destroy you guys?

What are your thoughts on blockchain technology, especially distributed computing blockchain technology like Ethereum?

>> No.1017460

I actually have an interview at Google as a new grad for SWE

So, any tips other than the usual, any specific kinds algos that are generally overlooked but kinda important from Google's perspective ?

I've been preparing since 20 days now
Haven't left my room except for eating and shitting
Giving it all I got

>> No.1017470

Why aren't you more like duckduckgo?

>> No.1017476

I study informatics in Scandinavia. Finished the first semester now.
How do I get an internship at Google? Either in Europe(most likely UK) or US? How should I apply, any types of classes I should take or focus on, any other tips to improve my chances?
Also I want to do my masters at Stanford. Any tips on how to achieve that?

>> No.1017570


I have a small business that has a website, what is THE BEST WAY so that when people google my area of services, in my state, that my website come up top or close to the top?

>> No.1017588

>Including stock and bonus, I make about $300k. I came in as an experienced developer.

Are you L5?

>> No.1017625

Generally, how many hours are you working each week?

>> No.1017632

Why is your documentation so lousy? Especially in light of how helpful MSDN is.

>> No.1017870

how good of a student are you/ how good of a university do you attend?

>> No.1017942

different google SWE here

core knowledge such as algorithms and data structures. nothing specific to a particular technology gets asked unless you really brag about it on your resume.

i'd say graph algorithms. if i had to interview again, i'd just study the "cracking the coding interview" book.

>> No.1018048

Thanks for replying mate
Can you tell me a bit about your interview experience,
Like, what happens in each round?

>> No.1018054

Top 100 internationally overall. Top 50 in computer science. Best in the country. The University is good enough.
My grades are excellent.
I am wondering how to improve my chances outside of the obvious of getting excellent grades.

>> No.1018216

How bad is google with tracking your searches? Do they have an extensive profile built on all it's users?

When they changed their privacy policy I switched to duckduckgo and never looked back.

>> No.1018420


Coding on the whiteboard each round, five rounds total. Two of them are usually open-ended design questions. The interviewers are mostly nice and want to help you, it's like working on an issue with coworkers.

Sorry to say, but your school and grades probably matter the least. Make sure that you're good at solving problems. Sites like topcoder and hackerrank will help. A good github profile will go a long long way.

See for yourself at history.google.com
You can turn history off if you'd like.
Internally, all work is done with anonimized data and accessing the real deal gets you walked out of the building the same day.

>> No.1018463

How commonly is python used as a programming language in real world applications?

>> No.1018804

> history.google.com

That asks me to log in with a google account. I do not have a google account, yet they track me extensively via cookies, and can correlate with other metrics such as time of day, browser, and so on.

>> No.1019025

what are the hours like?

i've heard those places that are open 24/7 and have on-site services (e.g. gym, cafeteria, sleeping area) are there because they expect you to put in 80 hours a week

>Sorry to say, but your school and grades probably matter the least. Make sure that you're good at solving problems. Sites like topcoder and hackerrank will help. A good github profile will go a long long way.
can a guy learn coding on his own get a job there? or is a degree from a good school required?
like, i'm sure most of the hires are from stanford, MIT, harvard, yale or princeton

>> No.1019416
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I've read/known about Google hiring self taught programmers and people with bootcamp experience as long as they know their shit.

I think, for Google, it's about what you know and less about who you know and which school you've attended.

Although, the latter could get you an interview relatively easily, but that is about the max it can help.

The interview is supposed to be very selective having a spectacular false negative rate i.e. even if you're talented and did well in the interview, you might not get the job.

>> No.1019544
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I've interviewed there twice and been rejected both times.

The first interview I legitimately wasn't at my best and knew I failed.

The second time I generally did well in every session but made some (I thought) forgivable mistakes, like momentarily making a DF instead of BF traversal algorithm.

They don't give any feedback on interviews and the process is honestly pretty shitty since its 100% technical and not done with the team or people you're applying to work with.

Also the last time I went the whole area, from SFO, to my hotel, to the Google campus, smelled like feces mixed with eggs. I assume the area had some large gas leak but still.

Also when I asked what people did there every answer was boring as fuck with the exception of one cool dude who worked on the self driving cars team.

But you'll make crazy money if you ignore the fucking insane cost of living!

>> No.1019662
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Breh, would you be kind enough to tell me the questions that were asked?

I might not get the job but I'll be damned if I don't give it my best shot...

>> No.1020329


As others have said your best bet is to do leetcode or hacker rank problems mastering algorithms. That's all they ask in all 5 interviews. Both of mine were that way at least.

Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, or most game companies will typically be 1/3 algorithms/coding, 1/3 design/OOP, and 1/3 behavioral. I'm actually kind of shocked at how shitty google's process is compared to other tech companies. Especially the lack of feedback.

>> No.1020350

I'm a business student (finance and information systems). Do you know anything about interning at Google as a business student? I;m assuming it's nowhere near as hard as computer science positions.

>> No.1020357

why do you work for such an evil company, have you ever met eric schmidt?

>> No.1020687

How much did they payed you to make that leftist propagandistic video?

>> No.1020700

What position do you work in (like, are you a code monkey or at a high position)?

Are most employees aware that google mines data and sells it to the Gubmint? Or that Eric Schmidt takes in political favors?

Are employees in dissent over what their work results in? Do most of them care about it, or do they not?

What is the job like compared to a company like SpaceX? What are the working hours like? Is the pay satisfactory? Do people get laid off regularly, and how many of them are foreigners?

Are promotions common? Is skill the main factor or is butt-kissing still comsidered heavily?

>> No.1020736

1.are half of the employees in IT companies really indians and arabs?
2.I'm in 12th grade. i'm off to college next year. what's the difference between the two majors: "Computer Science" and "Software Engineering" ?
and what courses and subjects should i take and care about the most? are maths and physics really that important ?
3. how's the future for programming jobs? guaranteed ?
4. i can only program Pascal. i learned C but it confuses me whenever i try to code with it. what's the best way to self-teach a programming language? e-books? youtube tutorials?

also OP thanks for making this thread. working in a big company such as google is my dream job.

>> No.1020892

Maths is important for algorithms.
Learn C or Java or Python.
Just keep in mind that languages and frameworks are less important than your algorithmic aptitude if you want to work at good companies.

You might be a troll but fuck it, I don't care.

>> No.1020897

If I call and say that I payed someone else to build and set up my website and act like a computer dummy will I get my adsense account back?


>> No.1020984

im not a troll
whats the difference between CS and software engineering?

>> No.1020999


Time of people at Google don't drink the koolaid. Don't get too worked up over a PR piece.

Computer science is pure science. Things like algorithms and computational complexity and research and formal grammar. Software engineering is how to best run software projects. Scheduling, managing changes, code, customer, etc. Less about writing code.

These terms are changing all the time though, so check the curriculum of the actual degree track that you are considering.

>> No.1021000

*tons of people

>> No.1021062
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How does a typical project work? Like, how do you estimate things like scheduling how long it takes, who should do what tasks, how to deal with people lagging behind, etc?

>> No.1021296
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How does it feel working for a company that just blocks its ears and goes "LA LA LA LA" to the innocent? How many sleeping pills does it take for you to be able to sleep at night?

>> No.1021301

are google engineers are the world finest?

>> No.1021368
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Earning around 300k a year, it must feel really really good actually...

>> No.1021443

When you applied for the job, did they care whether you had a CS degree or not? also, how are people without CS degrees taken in? are their likelihood of being hired lowered?

>> No.1021473

Not sure if you know anything about youtube, but what is its future.

>> No.1022056

How do I become a technical account representative?

How much code and in what language do I need to know?

Thank you Google

>> No.1022350

Can you please tell the Google Car people to not drive on San Antonio anymore at rush hour?

Also, now for some real questions:

Also, what do those guys do in there? Are they typically the software designers? Temps? Just there in case shit goes bad and someone needs to take the wheel?

What exactly was that secretive barge floating in the bay that everyone was shitting themselves over for?

I'm interested in Accounting/Finance, so I'm thinking of learning Ruby, Python, SQL, Matlab etc. What would you recommend for a total programming beginner? I've heard Ruby and Python have the simplest syntax...

Also, you have any recommended sources for independent Math study? I'm signed up for Khan Academy.

>> No.1022654
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any openings for hardware men?