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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 222 KB, 406x720, vlcsnap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10167180 [Reply] [Original]

i'm gonna buy a vintage pac-man arcade case
took out my last 10 grand for pac-man arcade machine
can't afford to have the heat on in the car

but once i restore this pacman arcade case
i'll name my own price at that point

>> No.10167238


>> No.10167295

10 bands damn OP that is an expensive analogy system.

>> No.10167683

I got mine for $100 fyi

>> No.10167766
File: 22 KB, 231x218, IMG_0713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one result on google image search and it's this thread

Sam is that really you? Do you own Chainlink?

>> No.10167787


>> No.10167805

Snip snap indeed, Trayboon. Stupid coon.

>> No.10167826
File: 45 KB, 450x448, stock-photo-isolated-shot-of-a-man-licking-a-gun-8364304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a clip from an old video of sam talking about how he's in rough shape and all his friends have abandoned him and he's sleeping in his car and can't even afford to turn the heat on in his car. He decided that he's gonna put the last 10 grand he has to his name into finding/restoring a vintage pac man arcade cabinet, seeing it as his surefire ticket to a financial revival, extending the similarities he shares with JC himself...

Can't find the video anymore, dunno if it was taken down or if im just a big tard

>> No.10167930

Dude you're retarded he's saying that so people think he's poor and donate to him.

He has money, probably a few hundred grand at least (from donations and sales of his shit book).

>> No.10167939

Almost forgot: He has a cult following of utter retards with too much time and money... of course he's doing well financially even if somewhat 'artistic' (lol), and neurotic in that way.

If you make a lot more than you spend it doesn't matter really.

>> No.10167966

oh I didn't say I thought the video wasn't satire, just relaying the contents of the vid to a fellow anon. Thanks though!

>> No.10167996

Lol u fucking faggot