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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.10167084 [Reply] [Original]

>That 25 year old Boomer who plays video games, watches anime, random garbage like ASMR videos, listens to music with that has had levels maximised in mastering, and other media designed to inflict complete sensory overload thus lulling you into a comatose-like state of compliance and docility.

>> No.10167096

>that 25 year old Boomer who spends 30-40 hours a week watching Twitch streams

>> No.10167108

>that 30 year old boomer that shitposts on /biz/ all day

>> No.10167110

What a fucking loser
But not as bad as:
>That 25 year old Boomer who donates to Twitch streamers

>> No.10167118

I do all this but I also fast regularly
Fasting is truly amazing.

>> No.10167127

It's honestly sad and makes me want to die that I know what that things such as Twitch and "ASMR" exist, though. I think about the fact that I know these things exist quite a bit. How do I forget something?

Fasting is good, but you're a retard for the other stuff.

>> No.10167169

hey bro do not knock ASMR. shit is the bomb when youre high and need to sleep.
i find that very vewry few peopoe do it proplerly though, a lot of ugly thots sucking on microphones for them asmr views

>> No.10167186

Fuck off boomer
You don't get a pass just because you personally like it faggot

>> No.10167223

dude eat my duck

>> No.10167231

>that 28 year old boomer who hates the state of society but only posts on /pol/ all day long

>> No.10167234

Don't like duck
/Pol/ is full of anime losers

>> No.10167275

duck is good, but you only get a very small amount of good meat from it.

>> No.10167305
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Takes one to know one. How is this so fucking accurate, OP?

>> No.10167312

I don't eat the flesh of animals anymore unless I caught it myself and prepared it myself and ate it myself
Inb4 vegan blah blah

I used to love it, but I realised that I thought it was wrong for a long time the way they're farmed, etc, I just didn't have the willpower to not eat steak

I'll only eat what I catch

>> No.10167323

I'm very observant and do a lot of research for the sake of research and finding the most ground-level traits of humanity for purposes of trying to understand why I hate everyone

>> No.10167340

Op you talk too fucking much you vegan pussy

>> No.10167351

ASMR is about the gayest thing I can think of short of prostate stimulation.

>> No.10167365

vegan hippy lmao so lame
your demand for meat is what kills the animal. that cute little lamb wouldnt be on his way to the slaughter house is you didnt buy cutlets every thursday. doesnt matter if it isnt by your hand, tts by your dollar which is in turn earned by your hand so whatever

Not as gay as being vegan

>> No.10167418

Read my post again you low IQ moron
It's gay that we know it exists tho

>> No.10167530


Accurate as fuck except the last bit

>> No.10167765
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Whose side are you on?

>> No.10167885



my favorite boomer

>> No.10167890

>Watching people play video games
Top cuckold

>> No.10167896

Replace the left side with PBS shit because my family didn't buy me cable and adults don't watch cartoons. I'm 23 fuck you.

>> No.10167902

>that early 20s psued boomer who thinks his "refined elistist taste" makes him a good or interesting person

>> No.10167917

It does faggot
What is the world without elitism? You'd be a puddle of cells you dopey faggot

>> No.10167957

There is nothing wrong with some. But I cannot stand when people can't appreciate anything outside of their bubble. People who deify intelligence and shun anything that seemingly lacks it are annoying turds. Enjoy yourself, let loose, most art is about what you FEEL.. There's just a time and place.

>> No.10167979

Accurate how do i stop being a boomer guys ?

>> No.10168007

>Video games
LMAO fuck off numale

>> No.10168013

OMAD masterrace

>> No.10168024

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10168109

I’m aware that I’m doing this tho hopefully that counts for something. At least it’s not completely taken over yet...

>> No.10168122

Already far too late

>> No.10168140

Nah I’m on nofap/noporn bro, which is honestly the only thing rn that’s giving me a sense of stability/progression while I constantly bombard my self with video games, music, social media and dumb YouTube vids. If I start fapping everyday it’s all over

>> No.10168156

Yeah, it's far too late already dumb cunt

>> No.10168179

You have a lot of anger with you senpai. I hope you find what you’re looking for in life bro.

>> No.10168182

I refuse to believe people from the right are posting on 4chan

>> No.10168198

>Post on the internet had a bad bad naughty word
Nah, you're a sensitive faggot as well blatantly

>> No.10168209

Watching TT:go rn

>> No.10168215

>listens to music with that has had levels maximised in mastering

>> No.10168235

Ben 10, Naruto and Symbionic titan are the only decent things on the right

>> No.10168236

There are some good shows there.

>> No.10168239

are the pseudo-psychiatrists from plebbit here again?

>> No.10168276

Nah dude I just care about other people and can empathize with them.

>> No.10168304

>that 25 yo boomer who is pretending to hate degeneracy but masturbate on fetish pornography because he can't resist it
>that 25 yo boomer dreaming about how he would solve all society's problem if he was in charge but is already failing at managing his personal life
>that 25 yo boomer spending hours everyday thinking about how much he hates likes, roasties and niggers ruining society while he is doing nothing to actually get power in society
>that 25 yo boomer who has an IQ between 115 and 135, is proud of it but use it to be a NEET parasiting his worried parents and drawing memes
>that 25 yo boomer who has no friends in real life and is chasing crumbs of social interaction with anonymous poster on a Sudanese snowboarding forum
>that 25 yo boomer who is perpetually trying to choke his sentiment of shame by hammering his reward circuits with empty entertainment only worsening his situation
>that 25 yo boomer who did not already kill himself because he think he will get a hold on himself magically one day instead of a long agony to finally be a bit functional
>that 25 yo boomer relying on magic meme money to solve all problems in his life and finally withdraw from society

>> No.10168325

No you're a fucking numale faggot quite blatantly
Go watch a cartoon boy

>> No.10168340


>> No.10168345

That's a bingo

>> No.10168348

Maybe you should do something with that instead of being a hikikomori

>> No.10168354

Tell me what happened bro. You’re obviously looking for attention on here. Why do you hate life so much?

>> No.10168361

Oh I forgot
>that 25 yo boomer posting on imageboards trying to touch other people's feels for (You) because it's the closest thing of an emotional connection he can have with another human being

>> No.10168381

>implying both your and OP's posts aren't combined projections of the same person
I take it you've all made it out of your mental rut by now?

>> No.10168415

>that 25 yo boomer feeling a sentiment of unease when reading about other 25 yo boomers

>> No.10168442

I think you're projecting cartoon watcher

>> No.10168448

>If you know something exists you must be or do the something that exists

>> No.10168669

>25 yo boomers pretending to not be 25 yo boomers with an air of elitism because they don't do their previous 25 yo boomer activities
We're on 4chan, an anime board. This wasn't hard to figure out, famalam

>> No.10168697

This is a business section retard
If you want your gay cartoons then go to /a/

>> No.10168760

Nah dude you're just acting like an ass with everyone in the thread. Maybe you're the problem.

>> No.10168821

Don't think I am, you're just a sensitive beta male, it's your natural position to despise me

>> No.10168860

I feel sorry for you if anything. Find Jesus, or something.

>> No.10168867

Who is talking about elitism anon? It's all free for interpretation by my fellow boomers.

>> No.10168888

State of this numale
I've got your number don't I?

>> No.10168890

this is an anime website, shitlord. That means each board is by proxy "Anime & (X)", or in this case, "Anime & Business". If you don't like it, feel free to return to r/crypto with the rest of your bandwagoning pajeet selves.

>> No.10168895

No it isn't you cartoon watching gimp

Time to grow up you pathetic bitch

>> No.10168925
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Yes, it is you newfag. You gotta go back.

>> No.10168965

>that 25 year old loser degenerate millennial who misuses a meme pretending to be a Chad boomer while those don't even do one of the things you mentioned

>> No.10169020

>22 posts by this ID

>> No.10169023

>1 post by this ID

>> No.10169151
File: 280 KB, 633x640, 1530005536206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao i'm 25, watch anime, and read this as i was listening to ASMR. Boomer confirmed.

>> No.10169488


>> No.10169521


>> No.10169552
File: 263 KB, 764x551, 1482097324854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello darkness my old friend.

>> No.10169691
File: 63 KB, 793x786, C82CEFBA-87CD-4645-BA3F-15461B0E340B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn’t come here to feel bad

>> No.10169706

I've had insomnia most of my life and ASMR is the only thing that gets me to sleep. It is usually just nature sounds to drown out my thoughts, if you think that's degenerate then you need to jump out of a helicopter.

>> No.10169766

I just explained to you why it is
>I've sucked cocks and liked it all of my life its the only thing that makes me happy It is usually just one or two per week but if you think that's degenerate you need to jump out of a helicopter
You don't get to not count it when its you

>> No.10169789

>*opens can*
> I remember megas, now that was some quality television.

>> No.10169855


Adventure Time, Regular Show, Chowder, and Flapjack are pretty good. Everything else on that side is shit.

>> No.10169878

>that 25 year old boomer that still plays Counterstrike Source

>> No.10169884


thanks op. this unironically explains why i;ve been feeling dead lately.

>> No.10169892

While I hate anime that guy is technically more right than you are about what this site is meant to be

>> No.10169920

27 Y/O boomer here

Just had a coffee at work, my girlfriends' sister is having a baby (teen mom).

And my girlfriend also wants a baby, but all I want to do is drink monster (ultra) and play fortnite on my Xbox One X (sold my 1080 ti GAYming PC)

>> No.10169942

What does it say at the top of this board? And in the Url? Does it say "anigay cartoons post them here"? Or is there a specific board for that?

>> No.10169990

>this is an anime website

Imagine being this fucking stupid

>> No.10170078

How fucked am I if all of these are true for me?

>> No.10170083

Never too late to come clean

>> No.10170089

what the fuck

>> No.10170096

The person who seriously wrote this actually has to have checked off all of these points. There is no why he simply came up with them out of thin air.

>> No.10170126

He could just be observant
I've noticed similar too

>> No.10170129
File: 32 KB, 470x512, 1405020254166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn this stuff is never true, but it's true this time.

Especially the part where I don't kill myself just in case LINK or some other alt moons.

>> No.10170153
File: 192 KB, 1200x698, 1486444766848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair
CS is most trader like game the control over nerves 2 b clutch much like control over nerves 2 make money

>> No.10170173

Are you braindead or something

>> No.10170187

No person can be THAT observant. It's not like we NEETs round around and tell others about our dark thoughts and ideas of society and other people. We are too high-inhibition for that.

>> No.10170196

People on the right is instagram/tumblr

>> No.10170220
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>> No.10170308

>No person can be that observant

>> No.10170320

The only thing i know on the right is Naruto. The left part made me so nostalgic.

>> No.10170350

Can easily beat such situation. You have to start now.

>> No.10170554
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