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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.10160480 [Reply] [Original]

>Facebook buys coinbase
>mainnet release
>absolutely perfectly engineered, everyone is blown away
>partnerships with Microsoft, IntellectEU, SWIFT, SAP, Salesforce and a dozen banks
>Evan Cheng acts as liaison between FB and smartcontract.com
>ChainLink added to Coinbase, and buy/sell features implemented along with btc and eth on Facebook
>overnight, enterprise smart contract adoption begins
>ChainLink surpasses btc on coinmarketcap

>> No.10160524

>ChainLink surpasses btc on coinmarketcap
this isn't unrealistic at all

>> No.10160539
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>>ChainLink surpasses btc on coinmarketcap

>> No.10160554

Nice fanfic how do I subscribe?

>> No.10160577
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>ChainLink surpasses btc on coinmarketcap

>> No.10160583

agreed! bitcoin is a meme. chainlinks market cap represents all of the possibility in the world that can be unlocked with its middleware. Bitcoin gets the mcap from its use as a payment and 'muh store of value'

>> No.10160587
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>> No.10160589


>> No.10160602

peak delusion

>> No.10160617

you forgot to mention the EEA

>> No.10160653


>> No.10160688





>> No.10160717

How do we know link is partnered with intellecteu and it's not an competitor?

>> No.10160750

Who is intellectEU's CEO?
What big conference did she present at in 2017?
Who else was there giving a mind blowing presentation on decentralized oracles?

>> No.10160772

just handing out mind blow jays like they would be 1k eoty, amirite?

>> No.10160788

Dirk Avau, literal who

>> No.10160792
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Why do you all need to be such passive aggresive bipolar fucks? I know those aren't the words I'm looking for, whatever.

>> No.10160799

this: >>10160750 and:
>company is all about middleware solutions
>partnered with SWIFT (working with ChainLink)
>partnered with Sony (tested the chainlink network last year)
>affiliated with hyperledger (chainlink is working on hyperledger, eth, and btc compatibility)
>partnered with Raiffeisen bank (on of the bank directors is in the ChainLink slack)

It's obviously speculation, but at this point I think there's a greater chance they're working together than not

>> No.10160893

Don't worry they're just pre-coping for all the gains they'll miss out when the singularity hits. They can see how the dots connect but don't have the balls to buy in, so they're coming up with stuff to tell themselves to cope post-singularity.

"It just seemed too good to be true," "you all seemed so deluded, "any reasonable person would have stayed out of Link because of the cult shilling, I'm fine with missing out on those gains because they were deluded but got lucky." These are all things they'll be saying 3 years down the line

>> No.10160908

We're all bozos in this bus.

>> No.10160922

I like Chainlink because it is going to make Jewish lawyers obsolete.

Dis be like anudda shoah

>> No.10160927

dream on polky

>> No.10160954

oy vey they'll never allow this

>> No.10160984

(((they))) don't have a choice. Thats why I love link.

>> No.10161016

>Private contracts>Law

Not gonna happen. Every smart contract will follow the law. Regulations will be insane.

>> No.10161085
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>regulations in crypto will ever matter
Nice fanfic government bootlicker. The future is /cyber/.

Governments will act though but have no real power as most of the wealth will be encrypted away from their filthy, gnarly hands. They will be barely able to afford to pay their thugs and the only ones paying will be those who don't know any better.

>> No.10161145

but what about jason parser and the supercomputes on every street???

>> No.10161732

Yeah, every smart contract will follow the law, executing and delivering flawlessly. Lawyers will only be necessary to administer the law in exceptional cases, instead of billing dozens of hours a day to write, read, rewrite, reread, reread again, stamp, double stamp, argue etc over EVERY SINGLE CONTRACT. The bulk of their jobs will be replaced by copypasted, automatically executing, legally binding financial agreements.

>> No.10161905


>> No.10161931

FB is making their own coin with the CL code.
You linkies are gonna get cucked hard.

>> No.10162741

I worry sometimes that the myetherwallet site is going to quietly disappear while I wait for LINK to make it

>> No.10162780

And what would that matter? Do you not know how to use the ethereum blockchain?

>> No.10163254

Even if Chainlink would be added as the optimal buy option on facebook normies wouldn't even know what to do with it.

Hell, most of us will never even run a node by ourselves..

>> No.10163259

I'm stoned so could someone check my maths:
Link surpasses BTC when each link costs 2m sats (Assuming 20m btc 1b LINK).

Its high but its not impossible

>> No.10163273

kek if thats corporate espionage being called out by a group of autists on a kerplunk forum

>> No.10163315

Oh fuck

>> No.10163375

Without the Dark, there can be no Light,
We have purpose
Without the Lie, there can be no Truth,
We have purpose
Without the War, there can be no Victory,
We have purpose
Without the Death, there can be no sacrifice,
We have purpose
Without the Hope there can be no Future,
We have purpose
Without the Loyalty there can be no one chapter,
We have purpose
Without the Link, there is nothing,...
And we would have no purpose

I am with you my brother. $1000 eoy

>> No.10163424

No you dumb fucks. Traditional banks will never accept a decentralized crypto coin.

They might establish a private net to secure transfers.

>> No.10163453

Chainlink can be used on private blockchains.

>> No.10163460

They will use a permissioned ledger with decentralised oracles obviously you dumb fuck. Thats peak efficiency and minimal risk.

>> No.10163479

How the fuck can they regualte a voluntary agreement between two people that executes based on agreed upon computer code LOL? The whole point of smart contracts is that you don't enter into them unless you plan to execut what you say you will, which is what makes them so revolutionary. There's literally no jewish wiggleroom.

>> No.10163500

There's no jewish wiggle room and no need for regulation. The parties agree, sign, it executes. This literally kills the juden.

>> No.10163565

i used to think this, but smart contracts wont replace all lawyer functions. No way can they decipher was 'fair' or 'in good faith' means.

>> No.10163583

>smart contracts wont replace all lawyer functions
Not all, but most.

>> No.10163606

Most law decisions are ruled on the basis of interpreted language sematics. With lots of leeway for edge cases.

Also there will need to be a breakthrough in natural language processing to convert 'lawyer talk' to 'smart contract talk'.

>> No.10163615


>> No.10163629

for simple contractual shit, why not?

>> No.10164673

Die Juden sind unser Unglück

>> No.10165031

Hitler digits send codeship to Nazi moon base! We're all gonna make it

>> No.10165053



>> No.10165467
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>> No.10165534

Parse Syntax Grammer has been invented by David-Wynn Miller. http://dwmlc.com

>> No.10165589

who let /x/ out??

>> No.10165607
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>> No.10165701

you should use edge. paul speaks at a bunch of events across the country on crypto wallets and security

>> No.10165870

You are a MADMAN!

>> No.10165921

Fuck off dumb nigger

>> No.10166235


>> No.10166270


>> No.10166361

I worry sometimes that my nano ledger will stop working and my LINK will be lost forever...

>> No.10166538

not going to happen
Sergey sold me weed in my freshman year of college.
He charged 50 an eighth and it was always short.
He is not a trustworthy guy.

>> No.10166564

succ the zucc make the bucc

>> No.10166611

Ill take "Things Dat Aint 'Gon Happen" for 2000 Alex.

>> No.10166687

did you write down the seed phrase you fucking moron

>> No.10167022

Steve Bannon is unironically a linky. We are all going to make it

>> No.10167042

I did, you goat dick sucker.

>> No.10167388
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dude... SO ARE YOU
you are in every fucking thread saying the exact same shit
"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

>> No.10167399

They think $1000 EOY is realistic when they failed to meet $1 SIBOS, $5 EOY '17, and $3 April '18
Just laugh at them and move on

>> No.10167453
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>decentralized crypto coin

>> No.10168159
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$1000 EOY is honestly FUD at this point.

>> No.10169092

Yeah, LINK is the ultimate jew tool, it'll allow the big jews to save a shit ton of money and fire a shit ton of people, and since they're known backstabbers, some of the fired people will also be jews.
We'll also profit from this, and this time, the jew will share his finance control with /bizmen, that's why you shouldn't sell if you hate the jew, but stake those linkies in nodes.

>> No.10169112
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Typical boomer thread.

>> No.10169188

[FOMO intensifies]

>> No.10169278
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>> No.10169347

Litigation will still be human. Discovery, document processing, and a lot of the clerk work could easily be automated though.

>> No.10169786

kek long time no hear

block 72 reporting in brethren

>> No.10170142

How much linkies per node?

>> No.10170810


>> No.10170819

I guess I'm better off having them on linkpool then.

>> No.10170949


Nobody has this information yet. Nobody knows.

>> No.10171003

Linkpool estimated it to be around 100k link as far as I remember
now let's say there is 5k node operators (not initially of course but when adoption gains momentum)
5k * 100k = 500m link taken out of circulation

>> No.10171019

Sergey mentioned 19k nodes

>> No.10171034

yea but that was the amount of people who just checked the box
>I want to run a node
during the ico I believe and he just said that it would be enough but I also remember Rory saying that (some time ago) the initial implamantation can handle around 10k nodes, that's why I chose my conservative number

>> No.10171054

You forgot to mention that Facebook's David Marcus is a board member of coinbase.

>> No.10171529

you are a


>> No.10171557

Linkedin confirms

>> No.10171756

Linkpool used 50k in their article but another anon yesterday said it was changed to 10-20k so idk, we’ll have to wait for the confirmation

>> No.10171774

I'm starting to think smart contracts are a meme. Like jimmy said if you tokenize a title for a house how are you going to keep the token and the house tied together. Someone can still steal the private seed and now what?

Is this why we all will be getting microchips implanted into our wrists?

>> No.10171952
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>Is this why we all will be getting microchips implanted into our wrists?

No mark of the beast for me thank you very much

>> No.10171961

TFW you can run your own node and live off of your stinky stack of 13K link for life

>> No.10171989

I'm starting to think paper titles are a meme. Likejimmy said if you havea paper title for a house how are you going to keep the title and the house tited together. Some can steal the paper title and now what? They fucking know you probably have it somewhere in the house!

Are we supposed to get paper titles tattooed on our bodies or what?

>> No.10171997

Not necessarily tokens, but digital records will have to be kept on the blockchain. Blockchain + smart contracts will automate easily repeatable yet time consuming tasks, as well as tasks that can’t be digitally completed because of security concerns. It’s going to an entirely new form of bookkeeping and executing transactions

>> No.10172648

How will ChainLink solve the problem where 5 different oracles could all be the same person and then build up awesome reputation for a few years then use their 5 oracles with impeccable integrity to corrupt a 100 million dollar smart contract?

>> No.10172682

you wouldn't use just 5 oracles for a 100 million dollar smart contract

>> No.10172699

no one is gonna use 5 oracles to a 100m dollar contract, good luck getting 51% of your nodes chosen out of hundreds/thousands in the future

>> No.10172731

this is pasta newfag, some link shills just spam shit for fun. get lost to whatever board u came from

>> No.10172735

1. Since the data is transferred through Intel SGX trusted hardware that’s impossible
2. Why would anybody want to do that in the first place? They’d instantly ruin a reputation earning them a ton of money. What would they gain?
3. Whoever chooses the oracles would probably have a feature at their disposal to see who’s operating an Oracle. Can’t be certain since it’s not known
4. What are the actual chances someone chooses 5 oracles out of thousands that just so happen to belong to the same individual?
5. If I had a contract that was worth $100MM I’d be paying for 100+ oracles

>> No.10174031


>> No.10174258
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It can't be 100k per node because sergey said the network will initially be set to handle 10k nodes. If it was set to 100k link per node you will never be able to have 10k nodes running at once as some people will own less than 100k and some people will own more than 100k link to boost their node reputation.