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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.10159476 [Reply] [Original]

>still not owning the easiest moon of the century

>> No.10159492

>muh pajeet
>muh scam
>muh judge doom
>muh no use case
>muh fake pow
that should just about cover all the angry replies from those who will fomo in at $30

>> No.10159650

Thats only 1 person though

>> No.10159653
File: 17 KB, 256x256, origami-logo-256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Origami Network (ori.network)

> Real use case (utility token)
> real customers
> Backed by 2 banks
> bi-weekly update
> ~$500 000 marketcap

>> No.10159867

But it IS most of those things: it has no use case ( smart contracts? Yeah like no other token does that), mining means it's environmentally unfriendly and wastes electricity - and there's no gaurentee that the miners even want to hold onto their tokens, like they're not gonna just P&D it and move onto another coin. Then there's the fact it's still barley over a dollar after dropping from an ATH of 2.
Judge Doom is totally right when he says that the conversation in these threads is inorganic.
It is being aggressively shilled, no one even shares screenshots of their portfolios or rigs.
The arguments for it don't even exist, and what little is a copy paste job from the official publicity.
two thirds of the projects on their Github are at the "concept" stage. there has been very little activity since March.

I could go on, but I won't waste my time on this terrible scam and nor should anyone else.

>> No.10159907

Total brainlet calling 0xbtc a scam when there was no ico, no pre mine , no party controlling more than 1% of supply, and no possibility of being labeled a security. Have fun with your other shit tokens where pre sale ico holders will dump on your ass.

>> No.10159930

No it's a scam because it's a useless technology being aggressively shilled by pajeets like you:
show me your wallet anon or fuck off.

>> No.10159981

don't bother with these pajeets, the only thing he's holding are massive 0xbags that he's trying to unload on /biz/lets

>> No.10159989

I mean you wanna say it’s useless tech when it’s pretty much an improved version of bitcoin. People like to say it’s a waste of energy but if bitcoin continues it will collectively consume more energy in its lifetime than probably any other industry in our lifetime. 0xbtc will live forever on ethereum and will no longer consume energy when every token has been minted. It could very well die off any never catch on but to call it scam simply because it may not become adopted is illogical. Bitcoin was a scam I guess for the first 3 or 4 yrs then?

>> No.10159991
File: 645 KB, 1242x2208, BB45BB3E-F1D0-4FAA-A63A-67567FFF48FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a technology it is superior to btc, being that it can be integrated into smart contracts and scale with eth. How is that useless?

>> No.10160015

>it's like bitcoin, but better!
try a more original approach, Ranjesh

>> No.10160033

Enjoying the $50 transactions fees for bitcoin at peak usage, and can’t see the value of a more programmable currency?

>> No.10160082

I have refused to reply to these 0xBtc but this shit is getting out of hand. You guys who bought in to this are retarded and your shilling is going to make people loose money.

This token is not needed. It's a money making scam. There is zero use case. Not only is PoS coming, but interoperability between chains is coming. Why the fuck would I use a shitty BTC clone when I will eventually be able to use the real BTC or BCH on the Ethereum chain?

Even if none of the reasons above were true, there is no reason to use 0xBTC over ETH. You faggots are retarded.

>> No.10160123

>As a technology it is superior to btc, being that it can be integrated into smart contracts and scale with eth.
Why do you think that just stating the boiler plate shit is selling it - it is not "better than bitcoin" firstly because (comparatively) no one uses it, secondly because ALL ERC20 tokens are by virtue of the standard compatible for smart contracts, and thirdly actually there are beta implementations of Bitcoin smart contracts, and fourthly what is the 'Omni Layer.'

Good work for coming through on the wallet though.... amusing it's yours. Even has an American time zone and everything.

>> No.10160420

True, the difference between it and every other erc20 is its distribution which it shares with og btc. You can call it a scam if that is your opinion. Honestly as more time passes the more I feel the entire btc network could become compromised within the next year or two. There are people attempting to integrate btc with other platforms but gotta remember no platform is finished yet so these developments could continue taking years if they’re ever finished and working at all. Idk why I bother trying to have rational convos over this. Inb4 nice try pajeet.

>> No.10160491


>> No.10160520

ERC918 dyor

>> No.10160579
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we come in waves

>> No.10160955


said every pajeet ever

>> No.10160966

said also every pajeet ever

>> No.10160981

These idiots on biz can’t figure out how to use an exchange other than coinbase. So they will just fud.

>> No.10160990
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>everyone is allowed to dig dirt at the same time
>after some pajeets dig up some dirt they claim it has mgical powers and that it will make you rich
>totally not a scam

>> No.10160995
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> fomo
> who will fear of missing out in at $30

You're not even using the bitch acronym correctly. You stink of a terrible marketing firm. Garbage.

>> No.10160998

the hard sad truth. how far /biz/ has fallen.

>> No.10161021
File: 352 KB, 989x741, DD1B8C72-A1E2-4047-B636-1F6595F9955B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this reddit

>> No.10161039
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That's actually some interesting FUD I'd like to see refuted

>> No.10161056
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>> No.10161064


>> No.10161086


Again, you stink you a terrible marketing firm.

>> No.10161191

I used to think that, but now I dont think there is anyone legit believing the nonsense. Its just shills shilling to shills. If they want to play hot potato then go ahead lol