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File: 77 KB, 580x964, WYS_WOLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10158545 [Reply] [Original]

Wysker got today on Pchain. I think this is what caused the moon session. But maybe it is also the news coming tomorrow afternoon friday CET time. CEO announcing either airdrops or some news on the progress of the awakening AI. See also the medium article on this.

This is such nice news. Need to get more of those mooning WYSKER tokens on IDEX.

>> No.10158572

Haha, not it's not about Pchain, but the news that will come out tomorrow. The community grows every week and more and more people get aware of it.

Great article today though about how Wysker uses AI to automatically add new streams to the app. Neural Networks and AI in e-commerce will be huge in 2019.

>> No.10158582

We told you this token will moon like shit!!

>> No.10158596
File: 125 KB, 512x512, slot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nothing for faggots and pajeets. You need to FOMO in BIG here. Get some reals FIAT in. Buy some 50K of WYS tokens...

>> No.10158668

Get in or stay poor

>> No.10158681
File: 7 KB, 250x160, 1528138184026s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell me your tokens your bagholders I want to buy more more more
fill those 20K orders now

>> No.10159215

disgusting pajeets

>> No.10159244

Wait for tomorrows news :)

>> No.10159245

But rich pajeets!!

>> No.10159254
File: 71 KB, 566x800, WYS_Catty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10159307

They published on medium this article today:

>> No.10159495
File: 113 KB, 1038x539, Sphinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon listing on CMC. This will cause massive FOMO !!!

>> No.10159585
File: 47 KB, 799x603, sleepycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh wysker still sleeping. Let them fomo in later at 50c

>> No.10159605

thats a good pic. love it...

>> No.10159873

Tomorrow they‘ll announce another big update. Maybe some guys already know more.

>> No.10160077
File: 720 KB, 594x741, WYS_Boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I just saw in their telegram group that Tobi the CEO will announce development progress on the AI. Just join their telegram and stay up-to-date... MOON TOMORROW... soon CMC...

>> No.10160278

Update about the Awakening I think, not the AI?

>> No.10160291

They posted an article on how they employ machine learning already. General update coming tommorow

>> No.10160548

Update by CEO on Friday. Wysker awakening on 13 July. 2.0 very soon. E-commerce, machine learning, data privacy and targeted advertising all in a single app.

>> No.10160867

Marketing will start soon! Everything so far was only small shilling in comparison what will come

>> No.10161559

Where are you he fudders??

>> No.10161572

Where are the fudders?

>> No.10161578
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1526496838363s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't need fudding. Its obvious by the grammar of the people in this thread who's behind this.

>> No.10161622
File: 193 KB, 620x460, Wys9ine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volume is starting to look pretty healthy over the past 24... order book is starting to look like a normal order book... I'm glad I strapped in when I did. Tempted to dump the rest of my stack at 0.00015.

>> No.10161678


Your grandma is uglier than my grandma

>> No.10161806

Those who sell now will regret it in a few weeks and FOMO back in ;)

>> No.10162043
File: 141 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-06-05-58-26-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock, you peasant NEETs. If you just invest your tendies money from mommy for a couple days you'll be able to buy a years worth of your delicious neet treats in no time at all.

>> No.10162144

Telegram group is now flooding with new members. The time has come for huge gains

>> No.10162277
File: 184 KB, 1280x960, DC949C71-648F-4E67-891B-F0AF08FA6F2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some leaked footage from Apple AppStore promotion for Wysker.

>> No.10162306

200 new members today!! And not because of an airdrop

>> No.10162464

There´s only so much wys left until the sell side is basically gone.

>> No.10162482
File: 2.56 MB, 560x560, 3o7TKUn3XY4ZxuV2w0_0_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But this benevolent anon >>10162286 tells me to filter all wys posts. Who do i believe?

>> No.10162586


There is literally one guy trying to fud around on Wysker to shill his own shitty app coin. I would recommend to use your own brain by DYOR rather than believe either those shillers or that little fudder.

>> No.10162600
File: 336 KB, 350x420, 1528426424291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah obviously you should believe the guy who uses an image of a call center full of whites to make his case that wysker are a bunch of pajeets. Clearly they know what the fuck they're on aboit and have your best interest at heart.

>> No.10163068

none of the shit in here is "news"...nice attempt at a fake pump by the "Smug" group, you bag holders can now dump on your own buy orders. Oh btw, you still have snitches in your lil private group.
>CEO will give the same update with an extra detail tomorrow, explains sudden 75 ETH volume. Lmao pathetic

>> No.10163186
File: 51 KB, 290x381, 1526640589861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure, it's pumped by the people who bought in on the ico and not the 200 new telegram members that joined once cryptogemz tweeted about it.

>> No.10163192
File: 368 KB, 947x776, Tobi_Manipulating_Dumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all I need to know what's going on lol...
3 users have been adding other users like crazy, none of which talk and it's still the same "insider" goons making up 90% of the telegram convo lol

>> No.10163280

that's not the official group

>> No.10163307
File: 2.94 MB, 2166x1038, 1527118164421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's 600k wys on idex out of 60m circulating and no one except the retard trinity is selling. Where do you think the liquidity is gonna come from when everyone is holding til +$1¿

>> No.10163366

Holy fuck new levels of samefagging and pajeeting Patel

>> No.10163377

lol absolutely dumb are you? thats exactly the question you should be pondering

>> No.10163429

600k/100k downloads of the app. Yeah sure people are totally going to be content buying 6 wys for their moon mission. Shit someone asked the ceo if they wanna bring 0.05% of the coin supply to the market to increase liquidity as no OGs wanna sell and most of the weak hands and bounty fags have been shaken out.

>> No.10163480

There are barely 2k downloads of the app you lying scum. Oh and, don't take into account all the other hundreds of thousand of WYS that were dumped, because, obviously, the world revolves only around you goons. Keep it deluded wyskies

>> No.10163588
File: 81 KB, 470x313, 1525693353738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are barely 2k downloads of the app you lying scum.

What is 2.0 and being featured by the apple store? The hundreds of thousands that was dumped and accumulated by some of the top wallets? Totally devastating to my case. Fuck your fud is pathetic. It was probably your wallet that bought all the bags dropped by weak handed faggots.

>> No.10163724
File: 83 KB, 321x269, Boss_Joke_FUTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i shilled this shit a month ago like crazy and dumped on you faggots as i found about your group

enjoy my bags tho!

>> No.10163813

lol did you mean like wyskers wallet that's been sending out their tokens to exchanges?
No top wallet has been accumulating, I only see dumping from those

>> No.10163818
File: 150 KB, 503x292, 1527518276595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep lying. I bet those sizey buy orders under 0.0001 are all yours. Just be happy with your stack, you're gonna make it.
In a weeks time this train will be leaving the station and i feel sorry for any bizraeli that misses the ride. I tried my best lads.

>> No.10163823

how do i short this?

>> No.10163860

lol in a few weeks time i will be right here with popcorn to enjoy your next excuse and "TOBI PROMO" lel deluded fucks

>> No.10163894

>calls 5 eth "sizey"
>accuses other of lying
Intelligence hath not been distributed evenly

>> No.10163972

Guess we'll see who's bet pays off after 2.0.

>> No.10164036

Ouh yes. Look at these exchange wallets! If you are too retarded to read the blockchain, you probably are indeed not buying wys.

>> No.10164645

Whats the price atm?

>> No.10164667

15k vitaliks

>> No.10164699


>> No.10165002


About 7 cents, ya brainlet

>> No.10165085

holy fuck how is listing on cmc relevant for price prediction

>> No.10165144


>> No.10165267
File: 38 KB, 747x195, roflmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>healthy volume

>> No.10165397

Ouh yes, Idex is one of the top wallets, people are totally holding bruv
Fucking idiot can't be bothered to see 2-steps further in the transactions and see that the tokens end up on the exchange...
Hurr durr muh wyskaaa kys>>10164036

>> No.10165458

That was the bounty distribution, you fucking retard.
Your claim was wys team is dumping. Stop your bullshitting.

>> No.10166543

In the most normie way possible; how do I buy this?

>> No.10167006
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1529876301184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy eth on coinbase
>install metamask chrome extension
>transfer eth to metamask wallet
>Go to idex
>transfer eth to idex
>buy wys

>> No.10167884


Watch this you fucking retards!!

>> No.10167972

Moon round 2 when news released and wysker awakens

>> No.10168728
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, FEE211D7-EAC5-45D1-BB3C-D7980B61DA3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

81k volume on idex now with 42 Eth on bid side. This coin just takes off.

>> No.10168934

Over 100k trading volume! Applying CMC today!!

>> No.10169122

One of the most traded tokens on idex today

>> No.10169432
File: 272 KB, 512x416, Rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200K volume now on IDEX reached... CMC listing imminent... maybe still this week.

>> No.10169516
File: 205 KB, 1920x797, Agent-Smith-Wysker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agent Smith is everywhere...

>> No.10169609
File: 68 KB, 1202x683, whatthe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is the volume not pushed artificially high by selling into the own buy orders?

>> No.10170217

your English is no crappy I dont even understand what you are trying to say...

>> No.10170429

massive volume moving into IDEX some huge buy 100K WYS in one go...

>> No.10170430

second try:
Look at the order book: If you buy/sell 10ETH worth of wyskers immediately, then the price will increase/decrease significant.
Look at my image: it is impossible to buy/sell 100ETH worth of wyskers in a timespan of 30 minutes without influencing the price, unless someone bought/sold his own orders to artificially push the volume.
>200K volume now on IDEX reached
200k artificial volume is completely worthless

>> No.10170477

not sure what you mean, but also I dont know about trading economies...

>> No.10171209

It has been risen almost 70% since yesterday!! That’s a price boost!! Also place 10 on idex concerning the trading volume

>> No.10171278

Bought in make my rich berlin fags

>> No.10171287
File: 12 KB, 208x250, Shiva god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS MOON SESSION IS GOING ON TILL WE GET CMC LISTING... if you didnt buy the dip yesterday now you are too LATE !!!

>> No.10171344
File: 63 KB, 1084x550, 96595B0F-4994-486C-B337-B76EF09CFF59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at that candle. Provides me a hard one.

>> No.10171872

Where are all the Pajeets. They should FOMO in NOW!!! Faggots have bought already now its pajeets turn...

>> No.10172025

Already done

>> No.10172078

FUCK this pajeet scam.

>> No.10172476

LOL, just like how 4 hours ago WYS transferred another 100k???
This is surely still bounty right? Fucking pajeets, BUY THE FOMO BIZ

>> No.10172529

hahaha sure bounty is still going on then? Kys scammer

>> No.10172548

don't try to explain this to the delusional... They will surely come up with an excuse...

Oh wait, did they just admit that they have no fucking clue? >>10170477

No wonder these retards don't understand why CMC won't list them... They think 300 ETH volume is all natural... 300 ETH should have moved the price 3x-4x, especially in the short time that it was brought to exchanges and that it was 80%+ buy orders.

Oh well, 20 ETH dumps it right back to where it started lel

>> No.10172587

but muh 2.0 is supposed to change everything! every normie is supposed to shop on shytsker right?

>> No.10172658

Bla bla bla bla!! Did you say something?

>> No.10172678

pajeet is trolling the boards I see!
Such dedication for a shitcoin
You guys have graduated to actually doing market manipulation I see. True to the original purpose of your little faggot clique

>> No.10172694
File: 51 KB, 640x640, ReneFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't hear you either over the autistic munching of my brother Rene. He's such a lovely pain. He told me how you did it tho

>> No.10172706

No, not every normie, there are some retards like you who won’t be able to use it because of your fat fingers which look like sausages!!

>> No.10172719

how many other german ico's are there? Simply put the germans are going to buy this shit up, germany is one of the best economies in the world, and they treat crypto very favorably


in addition to that ben graham says that people invest in their local company far more than they invest in non local companies

only 5 million marketcap, this shit going interstellar

>> No.10172745

Looks 100 times better than your ugly face! Maybe you work in a tunnel of horror

>> No.10172748

lol faggot, now talking to yourself, how cute
if wysker cant handle fat sausage fingers than its truly the worst shitcoin app, thats 90% of your userbase
keep emotional tho you will make the best investments like your other bags BLT and CLT LOL you guys pick the worst shitcoins

>> No.10172776

>germany best economy in the world
yes yes don't mention all the provinces that are mass evacuated where you can buy a whole deserted hospital for 100k euros, better get the German normies on this shaiza

>> No.10172797

shit you need to learn how to insult bruv
youre clearly a 15 yr old who discovered crypto, welcome!

>> No.10172859

What’s up with you? A bit angry or disappointed ? Did you miss to invest in Wys? Or just a lack of oxygen at your brain?

>> No.10172915

>one of the best economies
remind me who bailed out Greece?
just because some sections are shit holes doesn't mean there isn't a fuck load of money to be made in germany

>> No.10172946

sure the same is true for every country tho, yours is not so special
and LOL! who bailed out Greece? It surely wasnt you, Greece just had an extension on its debt, sounds like you watch too much of your local news. Will be fun to see what Italy will do to you when they unpeg, good luck controlling your Deutsche Bank that will fucking implode

>> No.10172971

Yo is this actually worth buying, what's happening in the next few weeks. I'm looking for a quick pump

>> No.10172974

>oxygen at your brain
learn to English fucking mong
it's nice to see how you celebrate such a nice "pump" in your token, will be fun to see the flipside

>> No.10172985

join wysker chat and ask the user 'M' or MarJay for the special insider trading and manipulation/PnD group, you will surely get in on their moves
youre welcome

>> No.10172993

Please tell me from which country do you come?

>> No.10173008

not from your nazi shithole

>> No.10173020

germany has over a 3 trillion gdp
this is germany's first coin
germans don't have a local crypto to invest in
this coin is also only 5 million marketcap

if you seriously don't think that germany is a world economic power house, you are literally too much of a brainlet to hold a conversation.
Sure some parts may not be the best, but to laugh them off as completely irrelevant is a complete joke

>> No.10173027

You can also learn german!! Or better tell it my directly

>> No.10173044

never said they are completely irrelevant, just not the powerhouse you claim them to be either lol

you clearly have some kind of bipolar problem, the world isnt black or white

oh and most germans have no clue about crypto, sure they heard about it, every last person on earth has heard about cryptocurrencies you mong

and the fact you think wysker is the first german ico says everything about you.

hey, kepp the BS flowing off your tongue, sometimes that gets you somewhere in life

>> No.10173068

Oh nice, then please never come to germany. We don’t need such idiots

>> No.10173084

lol i know, you have plentu of idiots already, enjoy!

>> No.10173145

Why don't you believe Germany to be an economic powerhouse?

>> No.10173176

Must be some relatives of you!

>> No.10173200
File: 93 KB, 1222x704, WYS_VOL_Manipulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it continues in plain sight, for anyone who really can't be bothered, here are examples just a few minutes ago of artificial volume pumping by some low-life pajeets

>> No.10173278

Your success has classically been in high-quality engineering in all sorts of heavy industries, which is quickly being eroded by talent significantly improving in many parts of the world. You will still keep your household names, but if you look at them, almost all of them have indebted themselves to the neck just to keep up, including BMW, Audi, Bosch, BMW Aviation, Siemens, and many other classic names that everyone knows.
In the meantime, your overall debt in the country for all classes is extremely high, making it very difficult on your financial institutions and growth at the level of personal finances.
And your most important bank, DB, has the most massive derivative book which is ready to implode any day now and eventually will need to be bailed out by the government, because its failure will be worse than Lehman and AIG in 2008.
You guys have talent, but it is rapidly being challenged and your transition of engineering talent to new industries will take a while. Germans are known for excellence, not for rapid adaptability. If you go through a painful transition, then you will have a chance to lead again, but for the foreseeable future, the prospects are average at best.
I'm not trashing you, just bringing some realism.

>> No.10173370

thank you for your legit criticisms, you have well thought out points and criticisms not just "lol germany"
I see you poseted the above graph as well, do you think that this coin is going to grow or lose money in the short term? it seems manipulation is taking place, but the project does still seem pretty solid

>> No.10173447

This desperate fud is a strong buy signal

And your "analysis" of the German economy is very one dimensional and lazy

>> No.10173472

This. So. Much. This.

>> No.10173477

> hurr durr one-dimensional
lol sure, just because you say so, its clearly one-dimensional. Biz is not the place to argue this, but keep believing in strong prospects without facts, seems like you apply the same thing to wysker
>desperate fud
sure, call facts and actual analysis desperate fud while all you have is CMC SOON in the face of volume manipulation!

Keep it deluded bruv

>> No.10173515

Cool story Chad
Logos is faggot but samefagging with 5 different tags is worse its nice to see the band at work on this shit pump

>> No.10173546

The economics professor has spoken!! Amen !!

>> No.10174600

I don't even get why you're so angry in the first place. If you don't think that it's a good project then stay out of it.
I personally think that this thing is going to become huge. Normies understand the concept, it's going to be featured on the app store that will bring massive awareness and it's also good for crypto in general

>> No.10174882

yes, because everyone loves a project that overetly manipulates its volume and makes promises to lure in "normies" as well as providing endless low-quality shilling.

Keep "changing the world"

>> No.10174921


I am torn, I put about $800 into this because I thought it was an undervalued solid german product with real world adoption via an app;

good investment or no? supply is pretty small, thought it may be a solid long term hold with plenty of chance of upside

>> No.10175142

Welcome to biz

>> No.10175170

And now? How much profit do you have now?

>> No.10175210


Nothing solid comes out of Germany anymore, you need to wait for 2nd holocaust before that changes anytime soon.

>> No.10175223
File: 2.08 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180706-152646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This project is shit, 100% crap, it's also a shit app, I showed it to a few girls and they where like what the fuck is this shit. Deleted after a few days. It may work for the stupid rich folks but for normal girls, it's no fun shopping app.

>> No.10175235

i bought most around 140-145 range, bought about $200 worth this morning as well, but also I had to pay $12 in gas costs, I just got in last night/ this morning

>> No.10175350

If you have doubts, try to sell it for 16! But I hold my stack!

>> No.10175453

I'm a believer in this project, just couldn't figure out how to use IDEX until last night;
the anon that posted about manipulation is what has me worried, other than that, I'm a big fan of the project

>> No.10175478

It’s every time the same anon! Maybe he sold his stack too early and now he is a bit disappointed

>> No.10175520

Don't forget to tell him that it's the same people (you) samefagging and shilling this endlessly with your small manipulation clique (Wizzka_Trading_Club, what a joke)

>> No.10175527

thats some serious COPE

>> No.10175660

And what’s your problem? Don’t you get enough attention of your mother?

>> No.10175679

>same anon everytime

what? I bought in today and yesterday and havent sold yet.

But i am seeing a lot of people saying the price is manipulated, which if true maybe I'll dump and get into another coin I like more,

over all this coin passes the eye test for me

>> No.10175898

A lot of people?? It’s only one motherfucking retard. But you have to decide!

>> No.10175967

yes yes wysker clearly hasn't had a shady past with a lot of people complaining and bringing realism.

What's your excuse for the market manipulation this time? Thats right, you don't even bother anymore. Fuck off Pajeet

>> No.10176055

What kind of manipulation do yo see??

>> No.10176058
File: 80 KB, 1223x677, WYS_VOL_Manipulation_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this manipulation is lovely

i guess you are now cursed by these fags trying to manipulate it to either lure newfags in or to get that desperate CMC listing lol

Same pattern

>> No.10176090


it's called wash trading and if you don't know what it is you have no business investing or, rather, enjoy your puss-poor results lawl

>> No.10176118

correction, I thought you were saying I was multiple people. I guess you were right about that though.

what are your thoughts on the project? I think it'll get some steam come 2.0. i think it will be a solid project, but most importantly- very undervalued

>> No.10176240

lol fake doubter turned instant shill
you pajeets are barely getting more sophisticated with your shill tactics, trihard

>> No.10176247

Same option. I’m in since the beginning of the ICO. I’m convinced of this project and I will hold until 1-2$ each token and I will also continue to shill and spread the word. And I give a shit of people like trinity The Godfather of wysker FUD !!

>> No.10176273


>> No.10176315

Can you translate it for me ? I’m gernan and I don’t understand English so good

>> No.10176511

Haha, the same fudder appearing in every Wysker thread. He must be trying to keep the price down. That Trinity guy must be so mad he sold right before this price spike!

And the volume is up a lot because several big Twitter accounts recently recommended Wysker as a good gem. Don't let that fudder fool you guys.

>> No.10176618

Lol more COPE
Professional copers
Maybe you should go check what percent of the volume was natural and what percent was real demand
>Big Twitter accounts
Aka PnD accounts and 2k follower accounts
You guys suck at reality distortion

>> No.10176631

Yes, listen to the guy who tells you how it is and makes specific reference to some other fag
Oh, clearly don't do any research, it breaks the fun... fucking lel
At this point 10 ETH dumps it back to where it started from and these mongs think they have real ~400 ETH demand