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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.10156266 [Reply] [Original]

Forgive my newfagness but what’s so good about chain link I’ve seen barely any progress no different then any other currency?

>> No.10156291

not worthy.

>> No.10156292

>0.3 rupees have been deposited to your account

>> No.10156295


>> No.10156306

There is no difference. Check out Augur if you're interested in this niche.

>> No.10156308

I swear I’m not Indian I’m just slightly autistic

>> No.10156927
File: 976 KB, 2040x1888, 1522029549289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are seriously asking look at this.
this meme alone got me looking into what link is working to pull off.

>> No.10156972

> what’s so good about chain link
Please focus your question a bit more.

> I’ve seen barely any progress no different then any other currency
Nothing too spectacular so far. Other currencies try to do other things.

>> No.10157039
File: 35 KB, 465x493, 00-09-24-1527480476830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear I'm not Indian

>> No.10157099
File: 27 KB, 590x297, ChainLink definition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a psyop. The purpose of the Chainlink psyop is twofold:

> To trap people in it, so they don't make gains.
> Also, and much more importantly, to lessen/limit the popularity of coins like BCH and XMR.

TPTB don't want an organic XMR or BCH meme culture/movement (like with Trump) existing online. So they "created" Chainlink to draw people towards instead, where they can be contained and controlled. Of course, Chainlink isn't the only coin used for this purpose. A lot of the shitcoins shilled here are actually just shilled to draw attention from "dangerous" coins like BCH and XMR. And no, the shitcoins shilled here, they weren't created for that purpose; they're just normal shitcoins. HOWEVER; the shilling and the forced memes thrown around, like with Chainlink, do serve that exact purpose.

>> No.10157274


you make me laugh newfriend!

>> No.10157455

Fren, dyor. Plenty of info out there about this project and it's importance to the automation of future financial transactions.

>> No.10157490

I'll help him, he did get dubs after all


Start with these, and lmk if you have any more questions

>> No.10157535

Chainlink is largely a scam/meme. Reading the white paper you'll notice common errors in simple lines of code and impossible JSON tasks. Many many misnomers. It essentially tries to solve the "decentralized oracle" problem but oracles are inherently centralized, so all of it is just funny. /biz/ just adopted the project because when the whitepaper was first released it was posted here and we all had the biggest laugh, so now we still reference it as a meme.

A different oracle provider, mobius, just revealed great tech the other day at the new dheli technology conference. Overall very impressive, so I invested 100k into it.

>> No.10157718

Comparing Mobius to Link is like comparing a compact Chevy to an Escalade. Lame fud.

>> No.10157915

He may want to also read the Jimmy Song thread that is on the board right now. Some awesome discussion around what Chainlink does.

>> No.10158359
File: 579 KB, 1076x1084, HermeticLinklet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't seen progress because he doesn't know what a pivotal tracker is

Gtfo, retart

>> No.10158418

Spend more time here. You will find out if its good or not.

>> No.10158516

>I’ve seen barely any progress no different then any other currency?
Jesus christ lurk more faggot
