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10153458 No.10153458 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guy get the motivation to do biz things like invest and start your own business? I barely can get myself to get out bed and make something to eat, yet alone do any of that.

How do you guys do it?

>> No.10153476

Survival of the fittest nigger. Not everyone can make it. The ones who don't make it, shouldn't get to breed. You don't get resources needed to raise children. That's just how nature works you lazy cunt

>> No.10153495


That didn't really answer my question, but thanks.

>> No.10153501
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>maps of meaning series by jordan b peterson

start there anon, follow the rabbit hole out of nihilism and self abasement.

>> No.10153523

Sorry for being a cunt.
Jordan peterstein might help you yea. But start by lifting weights. Just fucking do it cunt. And cut all carbs out of your diet. Just do it right now. No carbs at all. Try it out at least. You need to prep your body for the challenges ahead. That's the first step. Jordan has a lot of good memes. Like clean your room sure. Keep a journal. Your goal in life should be to get your shit in order. You won't magically wake up one day ready to grab life by the bollocks

>> No.10153539

Unironically drink monster

>> No.10153559

Tbqh I want to have sex with at least half a dozen college girls at the same time, and that's not gonna happen if I'm poor

>> No.10153584

this. but set achievable incremental goals. make the large goals then break it down into smaller ones that can be achieved within the day. succeeding at these smaller ones will help fuel you for the bigger ones and fullfill the big one.

>i want to be able to do 100 push ups
>ill do 20 today
>ill do 21 tomorrow
>ill do 22 the next day etc.

you will fail. the trick is to not let yourself use failure as an excuse to continue to pussy out on doing those 21 pushups the next day if you missed a day.

habit and discipline are your friend. you will find yourself doing it even though your brain is bitching and whining before hand. and then once your doing it, you feel victory.

>> No.10153590

I’m the same dude. But what I realized is get out more that helps. I’m a virgin too wondering if having sex will unleash my potential but 27 now anyway may as well wait till marriage. Just have fun bro. Love your fellow man everyone has capability to be good and bad. Just look for the good and you will get the good. Peace.

>> No.10153598
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it's not gonna happen if you arnt fit either, or if you don't run game/socialize like a motherfucker to experiment with what works and what doesn't.

but again, set achievable goals. then escalate.

>> No.10153616

So you're going to 4chan now nerd? Haha whats up douche bag, it's Tanner from Highschool. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Jolene the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a mustang GT. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic..Virgin

>> No.10153628


really? I thought he was just a meme


what should I eat besides protein sources?

>> No.10153633

look at this normiecuck
u do enough reps today bro? how many men have you slapped on the ass today? yea cuz wommin arent gonna like u if u dun do xyz
It won't even be fun for me if I knew they were physically attracted to me. I want them to be repulsed but let me fuck them anyway. Fuck your achievable goals and go back to plebbit

>> No.10153654

Most fruits and vegetables are probably fine. If you're going to do anything, avoid wheat products. They are shit. I eat nothing but meat, eggs, cheese etc. I'm still experimenting though. I'm sure I'm missing some vitamins but I seem to be doing fine so far.

>> No.10153685
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an hero anon. its the only way for you to escape the pain of your being. and if you don't know what anhero means, then you're a newfag. lurk more summerchild.

he is a meme, but it works regardless. meme magic is real in the same way. its fucked up confirmation bias self fulfilling prophecy bullshit, but it works. the maps of meaning lectures have a lot of the meat that most people don't even discover because they get hung up on the clean your room faggotry.

his biblical lectures are golden too, especially the one on cain and able.

>> No.10153703

anger mostly

>> No.10153711

doing the same thing. gone wheat free, 2 eggs in the morning. supplementing for folic acid, I recommend you try b vitamines to see how you feel. taking wheat out of the diet opens up a vaccum for nutrient deficiencies.

>> No.10153728
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angers a great motivator. makes you do things and take risks to get out of your shitty situation. anger at my old job is why I made it in crypto. just don't let it control you to do stupid shit, channel it into productive activities. it's energy, use it.

>> No.10153730

It really puts things into perspective though, maybe we aren't fit for it and it's the best for mankind.
In any case, check your testerone levels. If they are low, aim to increase them. That should be a good start in the right direction. After that, work out and stablish a routine. Read books about business, finance, economics and bios about successful people for inspiration. Good luck.

>> No.10153736

never jerk your cock ever again
never watch porn ever again
do exercise regularly for the rest of your life - weights and cardio
stop watching tv
stop wasting your time online
stop consuming mindless media that just fills your time
get a job if you don't have one
meditate several times a day
read as much as possible
eat a low carb diet and fast on occasion

>> No.10153753

enjoy your cucked life goyim

>> No.10153754

when you enjoy doing it, it's easy to do. When the only reason you do it is to get something out of it such as cars or girls, it's going to be harder to do.

I love researching stocks and real estate deals, i made 10k last week in trading stocks.. when people ask what i do with that kind of money i just tell them simply this "i invest it" I don't have a nice care or anything like that, i just like investing.. if you don't like it then it's not for you.

>> No.10153762

>if you don't know what anhero means
lol did you just now learn what it meant? that's adorable. you're doing great for your first day.

>> No.10153765


>> No.10153770

Go to the doctor.. get some meds... get some exercise... feel better

>> No.10153771

>he bought into subversive low IQ juden peterson meme

>> No.10153775

you need to fundamentally change the way you think and likely need to change your routine/habits.

If you're business-focused then make that 100% of your focus, get after it. If you're wasting time fucking around with movies, video games, drugs, etc. you can't really complain about lack of motivation or success. If you want something bad enough you have to make it a priority.

This is one clip that gave me a change in perspective, I found it insightful despite being rather obvious in hindsight


>> No.10153781

That's another good thing. If your lifestyle allows for it, go to bed and wake up the same time every day. Have breakfast same time every day. Brush teeth same time. Etc. And get at least 7 hours of sleep. Get into a routine. Eventually you will be doing all those things without even realizing it. Helps if you're a neet with some government welfare or something. Use that system while you still can to get some stability going on.

>> No.10153843


>> No.10153847

>Submit to your circumstance and don't enter the path of self improvement through training your mind/body and acquiring virtue

In an ideal society, you would be immediately executed for deliberately lowering the status and life quality of your fellow man.

>> No.10153861

>he cucks himself into a woman's ideal image

>> No.10154169

>Be me 21 dropped from college already twice because shit was boring and I haven't been learning anything useful
>Parents tell me to get job, I agree since got borred of playing games all day and wanted to save money for nice sports car
>Have only one possibility in shithole where I live some logistic warehouse
>They pay shit, work tough as fuck, I spend like half of wage on very very barebone survival since expensive to live shithole lol
>The worst thing about working was that I would have to fucking save every cent for a YEAR to save for some nice exotic holidays
>Even worse would have fucking work my ass for almost over 2 YEARS saving all money for cheapest used car in my area (old ass 350z)
Well after few months I learned that it was pointless, I could not enjoy spending all that months hard work to just buy barebone sport-ish car or for few weeks of nice holidays
Have been NEET for few months until my savings from that job run out (I get no support from my family other than not having to pay for rent, food utility bills etc. but have to pay for my car maintenance and gas out of pocket)
Then I started to lurk here even more got into dropshipping (Wouldn't recommend it doing now unless print on demand or some niches with fanboys), Fiverr outsourcing,
buying and re-selling small overpriced electronics, designing websites (more like using pirated templates lol), SEO
Now I just plan to save bigger amount around 100k and start one of those crypto investment mentorship bullshit since I think loads of money to be made there

>> No.10154197
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>he fell for the MGTOW kike propaganda

come home white man. if you're not, then nevermind.

>> No.10154427

Sorry I don’t know a Tanner and only know Jolene the song. Are you ok son? I think you’re a little scared, have you hugged your wife recently?

>> No.10154513

you need to find a hobby you enjoy and that can be monetised. if you dont enjoy it you wont be able to monetise it easily.

learning a language can be monetised, as it will open up lots of other doors for you.

trading and investing is not only my hobby and passion but obviously has a huge capacity to be monetised.

thats the difference between winners and losers. losers consume bullshit all day and winners produce.

replace all your consumption time with productive time, but make sure its something you actually enjoy. ie painting, languages, woodwork, coding, etc

>> No.10154601
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Sounds like you need to practice hardship. Be stoic, no matter what the rest of these faggots have to say about Meditations by Aurelius being a meme, it's a great text to put your life into perspective.
Also, what this anon said >>10153523
Once you start seeing yourself transform into a better version you have more drive to achieve more in life. That will initiate the prime moving force inside you that will evolve into success in all walks in life. As cliche as that sounds, it's the truth.

>> No.10155142
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Thank you everyone.

I'm giving all of this a try.

>> No.10155150
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I get the motivation by checking these repeating digits.

>> No.10155207

Subscribe to Dan Lok's Youtube channel and buy his book "FUMoney", available now through Amazon.

>> No.10155984

This thread is relevant to my interests.
Year ago i had started a business in food industry, a niche that no one has done in my country. I rented a place, started design work when a week later owner decided he wants to cease the rental contract. My dream was crushed. I got a decent compensation out of it but that was it. Now a year has passed and i really want to try again but i just lack motovation and the fear of failing is holding me back. I have enough money saved and if i lose it all i should be fine to build that stack back up in a year or so.
Some days i get motivated as fuck to try again, i start looking at rental places, but the next day everything washes away and i lose all motivation. Im still currently working full time job and in the process of being hired in another place.
Anons what should i do should i just forget it or strive for my dream?

>> No.10155988

I would say diet is #1
First cut out all refined/processed sugar and almost all carbs. I recommend just brown rice if you are going to eat any at all starting. Stop drink alcohol and smoking cigs. Buy a fucking juicer, I recommend the Omega J8006. I drink 2 green juices a day(1 gala apple, half a cucumber, 3-4 stalks of celery, at least 2oz of spinach) Do this for 2-3 weeks and your sleep will be better, you will wake up without being groggy, and have energy you didn't think possible. By that point you should be able to start exercising. 1-2 to cups of fresh coffee a day with real butter blended in(I used Kerrygold) will extend its effectiveness and seems to help jitters as well, it digests better, a dash of honey is solid as well. Also don't fap so frequently, harness that sexual energy. Also drink a fuck ton of water, preferrably spring.

>> No.10156007

It's not "motivation", asshole, it's discipline. If you don't have a motivation then don't do it.

>> No.10156078


This one. Along with every negative emotion. Think of the 7 sins: any form of motivation that stems from one of those sins will be way more powerful than your typical "healthy positive" emotion. When you do things for sex, money, out of anger, to prove someone wrong, because you're envious of someone else that you know, all of those enraging emotions will fuel you. Concentrate on all the unhealthiest emotions you have, and let them consume you.

Also, diet, sleep, and exercise.

>> No.10156310

Start taking a 100mg or 200mg caffeine supplement if you can't get the energy to make coffee in the morning. Honestly if you are unable or unwilling to see a psychiatrist then caffeine, high-dose vitamin C, and l-theanine are good supplements to start with. Go for walks or do a bit of exercise. But seriously if you don't notice a change using caffeine 1-2 times a day then you should probably see a psychiatrist.