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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1015332 No.1015332 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/

When I was younger and more stupid I thought it'd be a good idea to study literature because it was "what I loved doing". Now I'm 25 and on a dead end job, but I have the opportunity to go back to school and study something worthwhile. My question is, considering I have already wasted 7 years of my life, what would be a good career to persue where my age would be less of a problem?

>> No.1015333

Computer Science

6 figures starting

>> No.1015344


>> No.1015346

Can confirm we have some older dudes running through my uni's CS undergrad program. Even though I'm still just an undergrad from what I can tell it seems to be a stable career where you can make a decent salary

>> No.1015399

try accounting

>> No.1015424

Accounting or CS

>> No.1015437


>studies literature
>can't even spell 'pursue'

>> No.1015440

I'm sorry, English is not my native language. I speak German, French, Spanish and English, how many languages do you speak?

I was thinking mechanical engineering, yay or ney?

>> No.1015462


Hello Jack of all trades, master of none.

International law. Linguistic interpretation since you have the necessary skills.

>> No.1015472

Hard as fuck to do with a full time job. I'd go with accounting, as the other anons said. Unless you're really passionate about math and science, you wont make it.

>> No.1015712

I have also been interested in this question. Coding bootcamp or studying for the ccna both seem like good options. Also law, studying business, or entrepreneurship could be interesting paths. Sad that liberal arts skills are not rewarded in this society.

>> No.1015743

>he thinks speaking multiple languages is a useful skill in 2015

ME here, confirmed for not making it

>> No.1015779
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I'm on the same boat as you buddy, but I'm 23.
I'll start accounting this year, it seems to be a good choice and not something impossible.
As far as I know, to do accounting the only requirement is not being retarded.

>> No.1015823


>As far as I know, to do accounting the only requirement is not being retarded.

You forgot about "selling your soul".

Source : I dropped out after 2 years.

>> No.1015923


Anyone can read a fucking book, and write how they feel about it. Why would a rational society reward worthless skills?

>> No.1017285

>German, French, Spanish and English

then work as a freelance translator dummy

>> No.1017323

Accounting or any engineering job. CS jobs are outsourced to India at the moment. You are competing against people who can do approximately the same job for $1 per hour.

>> No.1017450

bullshit, CS jobs are not being outsourced.

OP try CS, accounting or investment banking.

Try and have a working knowledge of finance/economics and programming.

You can switch from Wall Street to Silicone Valley quite painlessly implying you know how to program and can demonstrate your skills, but going from Silicone Valley to Wall Street is near enough impossible for some reason.

>> No.1018104

>I speak German, French, Spanish and English

Do you actually speak them well? Become a translator or an interpreter.

>> No.1018107

Do a double degree in Stats and CS; big data is all the rage right now.

Accounting is a decent major (4th year accounting and finance double major here) but pretty boring and most universities force you to take tax even if you don't ever want to practice.

If you only want to do a single major, I'd suggest some sort of applied math, CS, or accounting. Finance majors are useless as every single finance job is being taken over by math majors.

>> No.1018110

not him but I kinda speak 5 languages, though I've never considered doing something in the direction of translating/interpreting. How do you even get started on something like that?

>> No.1018112

According to my Brazilian friend who wants to be a Portuguese to English translator, you need at least a Masters in that relevant field.

>> No.1018166

They´re often paired together, but actually they´re radically different fields that need very different skills. Most people only do one of them, even the few lucky ones who have the skills to do both.

Translating is easy. You can work on your own (you need internet, a computer and to sign up as self employed, and that´s it) and get more money, but then half of your time will be going into marketing yourself and cold contacting potential clients. It´s very time consuming and boring to do, and most people don´t even bother replying. You can also go directly to a translation bureau and say you want to work with them. Often they don´t give a fuck about what you´ve studied or even if you´ve studied anything (unless they´re specialized in some field), but you muss pass a translation test. If they get you they´ll send work your way. All the time you spent marketing is now spent translating (can be a plus or a minus) and you get more stable income (or maybe a fixed payment per month regardless of how much they gave you to do), but you´ll be earning less than you would if you got your own clients freelancing.
Big note: speaking a language =/= being a good translator. I speak German, but I´m unable to translate it professionally because I still miss many connotations and shit. I can´t speak Latin or Ancient Greek, but I can translate them.

Interpretation is a different boat. I don´t know much about it, but I´d try doing some basic course to help you get started and polish the main skills, and then try to get employed in some bureau to start raking in some references.

If you want to do specialized texts (Medicine, Law...) you´ll need to be specialized yourself. Experience, good work and references are way more important than formation.

>> No.1018168

Also, you should only translate INTO your mother tongue. There´s a fuckload of people who "kinda" speak many languages. I kinda speak French, Italian and German, but I only work with English>Spanish because that´s the only pair where I can fully guarantee quality work.

It´s generally regarded as unprofessional to translate into languages that you don´t speak natively.

Also, the best way to begin is to check if you´re good at it or like it. Grab something and start translating it. Would somebody pay for what you´ve done? You probably noticed that you also need to be a good writer in order to be a good translator.
Watch a movie in one language and try to say all the dialogue in another language. As simultaneously as you can. I can translate a normal conversation with roughly 2 seconds of delay, following a normal/speed-ish rhythm, thanks to having a girlfriend who doesn´t have any common language with my parents. I can also follow a movie just fine as long as there´s only one person talking at a time.

It doesn´t really take that much practice. If after five or so movies you still can´t see yourself doing that as a job, you´re not cut for it. I´m definitely not, but because of another reason - I have a brutally strong accent and an extremely shitty pronunciation. Which are other things you need to take care about if you want to do this.

Long story short, go ask Google. There´s plenty of blogs and stuff talking about both professions.

>> No.1019686

Computer Engineering > Computer Science

>> No.1019688

Oh, and electrical engineering is where it's at bro.