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10153109 No.10153109 [Reply] [Original]

>30 y.o millenial
>130k in bank
>45k in crypto
>lives at home
>never had a gf
tell me the truth, will i make it?

>> No.10153135

can anyone hear me?

>> No.10153152

yeah dude you are good to go. install tinder and talk to humans

>> No.10153159

You need 130k in crypto and 45k in the bank.

>> No.10153170


Nope you will not make it, feel free to kill yourself.

>> No.10153177

Put all of your money in LINK if you want to make it. Also talk to women they get desperate at 30

>> No.10153186

>130k in the bank
no you won't

>> No.10153201

girls dont like my kind, trust me
im saving it for further crypto crashing and jaw surgery since im ugly
im not entirely sold on link...
have thought about it extensively

>> No.10153210

Unitonically 130k crypto. $600 in bank

>> No.10153231

move out NOW!!!!!

>> No.10153249

Yes you can make it. 130k in the bank, you can easily buy an affordable cool place of your own providing you work. Eat healthier excersize enough to feel good and be in a decent shape. You will then be a healthy30 year old with your own place. It should then be easier to meet woman because they won't think your a loser that lives at home, neither will you think that of yourself. 45k in crypto? Another bull run and your set bro. Stay up

>> No.10153263

He's right. Move the fuck out and stand on your own. What kind of chick wants to fuck a guy in his 30s at his parents house

>> No.10153348
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i cant do it, im fucked

>> No.10153367


same boat as op except not virgin. shit job and the only way i can save and invest is to live at home. 30 next month and i don't have anything going on socially or sexually as a result. i suppose it could be worse but maybe i'll be 40 one day and financially secure but with no human contact. am i retarded?

>> No.10153403

I'm older than you and I'm a desperate case too.
Still, I managed to go from associal wizard from sociable guy that fucked a few girls and made some fall in love in the past years.

Now liste to me. Set your portfolio for long hold and forget it.
What you need to do is to go out and socialize. You're blessed we live in this era where you can meet people in a more aesy way through Internet. Meetup or some shit if you can't into dating sites (but you should).

tl;dr : forget crypto, do new shit and meet people.

>> No.10153405

Ive paid for sex. Ive paid for unprotected sex with the same girl many times. Shit was cash but my testosterone levels are at dangerously low levels and dont have a desire to pay for sex anymore

>> No.10153408

Thanks anon but im butt ass ugly with horse teeth. People in general dont like horse teeth

>> No.10153414

you sure it's not a porn addiction and shame that you have to be the degenerate that pays for sex?
Every normie stacy is disgusted by you.

>> No.10153415

>has already achieved my longterm financial wildest dream goals
>still cant get laid

anyways you already made it you dumb fuck

>> No.10153430

you just need to find a really poor woman who can love you for your money

>> No.10153442

i mean, is it really any more shallow then having a woman love you just because you fit chad stereotypes? its not like any woman is going to love you for who you are, she will love you based on what status you have, thats how women work. if anything, financial status is more impressive then social status or confidence and probably less shallow when you think about it.

>> No.10153444

>1k in mutual funds because too stupid to understand crypto
>0 in savings
>flunked college live with parents
>financed a 12000 car even though annual income is only 16000

How do I turn this mess around

>> No.10153463

1) You're most certainly seeing yourself as worse than you are
2) I have a physical problem too, and I can't even hide it.
3) looks do matter in some way and more for some girls than others, but what matters more is the feeling you communicate.
When you think about charismatic people, is it their looks that do the trick? Again, it helps but it's mostly the feel they give (and there's not one way to do this, you can have different type of personnalities that will make people like you)

4)"B-but I..." Stop here. There's not middle way. Either you rot on your couch until you get old enough like me so you understand you should've done things earlier, and it was not that hard anyway, or you actually try.
And don't think that stuff will solve themselves, or that you got time. That it will eventually happen.
You initiate the actions to change your life. No one does it for you.

>> No.10153464

yes i carry great shame with me everywhere
trust me anon, once u reach whatever number you want, you continue to want more. its never enough

>> No.10153483

so are you saying i should just get jaw surgery? i understand that confidence is key but how can i be confident in a ugly smile? i was very close to just paying 40k for jaw surgery but pussied out. should i just do it?

>> No.10153485

>its not like any woman is going to love you for who you are, she will love you based on what status you have, thats how women work.
I really hope you guys are young enough to justify being so ignorant about women. Unless you're aiming for super high status women or something.

>> No.10153525

I don't know how you look like. I just know that way too many people exagerate on the fact that it's their under average appearance that hold them back in getting a girl.
If you can't have honest feedback on your appearance (oh and by the way, your posture, the way you speak, clothes, etc etc, can fix stuff, it sounds obvious but yeah) from someone around you, and you really believe you're so ugly it negates any chance of you being decent enough for someone, then yeah, just get the surgery.
I'm usually against this because people should grow a fucking pair and own their appearance, but in some cases, you might actually have an appearance distracting enough so that it could be justified, I suppose.

>> No.10153679

just get braces

>> No.10153750

ive already had braces anon. the problem is jaw deformity, in my case, excess vertical growth of the maxilla

>> No.10153776

i think maybe i'm just too autistic. i can't possibly justify to myself paying half or more of my income in rent. so i continue to live in the situation that basically assures my only growth will be financial. i'm already too old to have real friends anyway so it would just be a place that i'm paying half of my income to bring females. we all make choices in life i guess, and for better or worse my autism about money and future finances has made mine for me

>> No.10153787

cosmetic or does it limit functionality. Start complaining to the right doctor about made up pain and then your surgery would be covered by insurance.

>> No.10153821

>excess vertical growth of the maxilla
To be completely honest the jaw surgery seems a little excessive, especially if you already had braces at some stage in your life. Usually "most" dentists will fix most of the issue during ortho at a young age as it's easy to manipulate the soft tissues.

>> No.10153833
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>> No.10153836

why don't you just take a picture of the lower half of your face and we can tell you how retarded you are or if you have a legitimate concern

>> No.10153837

its cosmetic. my teeth are straight but my orthodontist, years ago, pulled slanted my bottom teeth inward to give me a slight overbite. however, i have overgrowth of maxilla and a slight underbite. ive already seen a doc and he agreed but i dont have insurance and even if i did they wouldnt cover it

>> No.10153839

Obviously money doesn't buy happiness and you have no more real goals. So when do you plan on offing yourself?

>> No.10153849

well i have 4-5 mm of gum showing when smiling, and i have lip incompetence so it cant be fixed with braces. braces just straightens your teeth, it does nothing to stop excess bone growth. Mouth breathing is the main culprit in jaw deformity

>> No.10153869

You need 150k in crypto and $500 in the bank.

>> No.10153874

Yeah, most insurance wouldn't cover it cause its only cosmetic. But with what your describing, it doesn't really seem like a bad case at all.

>> No.10153876

i had 261k ath and didnt cash out.

>> No.10153878

>you have no more real goals

how do you mean? maybe i could get some. my only one now is to become financially independent so i don't have to wagecuck tll death. but i'm starting to realize by the time i get there i won't have much to live for yeah. so what's the solution? i don't have any answers

>> No.10153891

We will get there again within 2 years or sooner.
You'll make it.

>> No.10153904
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before and after

>> No.10153944

sell the car

>> No.10153954

Trust me, If your teeth are like the left than you shouldn't worry about your teeth. Gummy or not. I've been in the dental field for a long time and I've seen 100x worst than that. I even haven a friend who has more than 5mm gingival tissue showing and he looks fine.

>> No.10153959
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>that 30 year old millennial who has """"""depression"""""""

>> No.10153967

thanks anon

>> No.10153990
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>how do I turn this mess around
Make sure my fries are piping hot next time I visit the drive thru anon. I'm sure you'll get that raise!

>> No.10154006

I know it may not seem like much coming from some random person on the internet but, don't think that your teeth are ugly in any way. Having braces is enough to be honest, and even when I'm dealing with patients people only really care about how white they are and if they're straight.

>> No.10154062
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doesnt everyone live at home

>> No.10154081

If appearance is still an issue though, try working out a little, change your style, start setting little goals for yourself or making daily routines. I know it may sound fucking retarded and a pain in the ass but even the smallest little things can improve your lifestyle and the way you look at yourself.

>> No.10154508

Some of us live in cars.

>> No.10155180

Surgery bro.

>> No.10155194

Buy skycoin, nano and xtrabytes. They will all moon when the next cycle comes. Then sell and grab at least 500k and move out and buy a cool pad. Chicks will come.

>> No.10155247

What would that do? It won't make women magically start looking at him.

>> No.10155266

How much time do you spend looking at a screen?

>> No.10155415


>Dude, just pay more than half of your income and lose 2 hours commuting (gas money not included)

>> No.10155522

>jaw surgery since im ugly

all the surgery in the world isnt going to help you with women. The ugly guy with self confidence and a sense of humor is going to get more girls than a socially awkward guy who looks like a model.

>> No.10155656
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Explain this.

>> No.10155665

Move out to what faggots? Living in a house with 2 other fags gonna fix OPs problem?

I moved back in with my parents. It sucks but just think of them as overbearing roomates. It's not so bad until we can all make it.

>> No.10155671

I'm basically you except I'm 24 and I live in my own apartment

No, you're not going to make it and neither am I