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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10151242 No.10151242 [Reply] [Original]

This is a time capsule.
I will screencap responses and lock them in the archives

>> No.10151253

you're mom's vagina you fraudster future teller. no answer is correct

>> No.10151271


I can't fucking take it anymore, I need to get two surgeries asap! I'm suffering too much right now, I need two surgeries before I can Ascend.

>> No.10151281

Get a job u stupid neet

>> No.10151288
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$7 162

>> No.10151307

It hit 50k, but is back at 15-20k. Everyone thinks bitcoin will die and is on the verge of selling all their positions. Everyone 'fell for the hodl meme' again.

>> No.10151306 [DELETED] 

Bought 14k on a rising trend.

>> No.10151308

I'm fucking on it. I need like $25k, that's all. How can I get that much from working and investing in the shortest amount of time, like 1 year?

>> No.10151314

>tfw no brapper on my face
m-maybe by EOY i suppose

>> No.10151317


>> No.10151337

Tron is now down to zero.

Stellar investors now own 2/3rds of Africa.

>> No.10151343

Probably crashing to $20k

>> No.10151344

14k on rising trend

>> No.10151353


>> No.10151628


>> No.10151678


>> No.10151689


ETH will be at least $6,000. The flippening will have already happened and no one will care about BTC anymore. All coins will have mooned in USD value expect for BTC. All the money in it will go elsewhere.

>> No.10151706


>> No.10151743

0xbtc will be 210$

>> No.10151764

$10 because everyone is gonna switch to 0xbitcoin cause its faster, cheaper, and works with smart contracts.

>> No.10152243

1 BTC will be exactly 2 BTC

>> No.10152263

Universa $0,89 on its way to $7,-

>> No.10152300

Bitcoin - 30k
Ethereum - 3k
NEO - 1k
XRP - 7
XLM - 4
TRX - 1
Zil - 3
Link - 20 cents
NKN - 10

>> No.10152315

Don't get nigger rich, invest in index funds.

>> No.10152402

>smart contracts.
Muh buzzwords.

>> No.10152540


>> No.10152560

Please god be true

>> No.10152594
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BTC 15k
ETH 1000

Shit will recover but not completely

>> No.10152674

BTC $8354

>> No.10152862


>> No.10152869

Fuck off you degenerate tranny.

>> No.10152964

It's becoming more and more adapted, but not increasing in value. It's hit 8k and now experiences swings of less than 2% each day

>> No.10152982


>> No.10153789



>> No.10153842
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By EOY BTC will be $50k-$60k. In 2019, it will dip and rise again at EOY $100k. In 2021, BTC will dip once again and at EOY rise to $1 million

>> No.10154052

Somewhere to 7.600 And 8350. We need to all noobs get out before another golden Bull run in 2-3 yesrs

>> No.10154088

That woman is nigger property. Kardashian filth; bland emptiness.

>> No.10154132

a bit below $2,000

>> No.10154163


>> No.10154165


>> No.10154171

what surgeries?

>> No.10154188


>> No.10154194

Tron will be $1 EOY

>> No.10154208

bitcoin cash ~50k. not memeing

>> No.10154211


>> No.10154226

@CokeCanDan on telegram

>> No.10154258


>> No.10154278
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mfw bitcoin 30k while link still 20 cents

>> No.10154309
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Jan 1 2019
False bull run
$14 356

>> No.10154333

52,375 eoy

>> No.10154406

50-100k OP. As soon as BTC ETFs announced we mooning hard as fuck. Limited supply a shit ton of money, and the dollar is hyper inflating.

>> No.10154473


>> No.10154597

ETC has flipped ETH.
LINK exit scammed.
HBT has revolutionized Mozilla and Ethereum but still not on a fucking exchange.
Hal Finney has been confirmed Satoshi Nakamoto, and laszlo (bicointalk) a CIA operative.
Donald Trump has made a tweet with the 30 years old boomer meme.

>> No.10154881

can you satisfy that woman with a 12cm dick?

>> No.10154899
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desu I would be surprised if LINK is worth 20 cents or more by next year

I think it's gonna be abandonware, LINK is nothing but Sergey's Big Mac slush fund

>> No.10154902

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10154937

With an ass like that, no. Girls with wide hips and large asses need 19 cm minimum. My Japanese gf has this problem. Her fat ass and juicy pussy need a real sausage. Tough luck dicklet

>> No.10154948

Please god let this be true

>> No.10154999

Sure thing bro.

>> No.10155479

If I get within $500 of this price I will get a gf

>> No.10155839

You cashies are so deluded you are even worse than linkies.

>> No.10156256

BTC 13000-15000
Zencash 200-300
XRP 7-8
NEXO 0.8-1
ETC 80-120

>> No.10156271

>NEO 1k
>XRP 7
Hey man I hope you're right, I'll probably be a billionaire if this happens

>> No.10156553
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Do you know what a billionaire is? You need to have at least 100M in crypto right now to be a billionaire if those cryptos even do a 15x to 20x.

>> No.10157231

january 2019? who the fuck cares, by 2021+ it will be over $1 million
Just be fucking patient and wait for the halvening.

>> No.10157277

BTC will be flipped by Eth. Eth goes proof of stake spiking price to over $3000. Eth miners move to 0xbtc and it's price too will go from $1 to $500-$1000.

Screen cap this.

>> No.10157292

Fuck off pajeet. No one is going to buy your ponzi bags. Everyone knows 0x is worthless.

>> No.10157296


>> No.10157311

And your BTC will be worthless. Open a short and hold until $0.Thank me later sir.

>> No.10157363
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>What will be the price of Bitcoin on January 1, 2019?

Bitcoin will be $5000

Bitcore will be $250

load up on BCH guys! its going to the moon!

>> No.10157396

KYS pajeet

>> No.10157447

mid 8000s to low 9,000s im conservatively bullish

dont think this market will make any significant moves until the wall street money really starts making its way in, which probably wont be too long after they put some formal regulations in place. then all around the same time the big money investors will gets some major custody solutions (something with a better track record than coinbase... like state street bank), a crypto ETF, some crytpo NASDAQ listings. and we'll go into a long bull cycle and /biz/ will be full of green wojaks spamming hosana for months and years

>> No.10157467


>> No.10157499

1 BTC will be worth $8,888

>> No.10157956

1 BTC = $7259 (January 1st 2019) starting to climb slowly

1 0xBTC = $120 (January 1st 2019)

>> No.10158262

Around 11000 followed by another fat crash down to 3000. Check em.

>> No.10158355

I expect it to reach the bottom at around that time. Probably 4-5k range. Bull market is not coming until early-mid 2019.

>> No.10158635


choke on a bag of dicks corecuck.

At least BCH is true to Satoshi's Vision.

>> No.10158715

will bobble around 4-6k until late 2019 where we will see a gradual increase back to 8-10k and then halving will cause another run, this time possibly to 30k+

meanwhile 99% of current alts will be purged

>> No.10158795


>> No.10158819


>> No.10158898
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Alien invasion happen in october and most of the nation has been taken and population dropped to 2/5 your crypto, stock market,..et is just a history and a bed time story for kid.

>> No.10159256

btc < $10,000 (thinking > $8,000)
bcc > btc right around jan 2019 methinks.
expecting big bcc pump following successful survival of the "hack"/attack thing going on right now. if bcc beats that it proves itself again, and hopefully pumps big.
wildcard: hack works and bcc network tanks, in which case bcc goes to around 0. in that case, predicting huge pump on btc, as investors and people and users try to scramble out of bcc and back into btc. no top for btc in that case, probably at least > ATH & > $16,000 holding out and cautious until i learn more about whats happening with it. haven't seen much posted about the attack here yet. I don't want to say muh shills, but maybe shills are why. outcome of the attack will impact price though, I can verify at least for myself that i will put in or take out money directly related to attack and response to attack, i'm sure other people will do the same. attack outcome should finish up sometime within 2018, so we'll see. right now i'm cautious though until i get more infos.

>> No.10159315

unironically this, will get front run before the halving this time next year as miners hold their coins to sell at a premium and whales load up , i think itll go higher then 30k though at least double that. Theyll time an ETF delivery around the same time for max impact, 12k eoy, 60k + 2020

>> No.10160040

the varied amounts predicted by each user tells me nobody knows what the fuck is going on

>> No.10160600
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50% drop from here, so around $3000.

Funds aren't safe

Nearly 14 billion raised in ICOs in 2018.

>b-but that's bullish

Most ICOs are scams. Is Telegram's billion dollar ICO going to release anything? So much for the "10 billion+ institutional money" meme.

>> No.10160616
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XMR will be >1k

>> No.10160749


>> No.10160839
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>Other investors include Canada’s CIBC, CME Ventures, FirstMark Capital, Novel TMT, Oak HC/FT, RRE Ventures, Solon Mack Capital and Transamerica Ventures. With the exception of CME, RRE and Solon Mack Capital, says Silbert, DCG was their investors’ first foray into Bitcoin.

OMG! :O Cant believe I won ! Thank you Walstreet team ! <3 keep doing the great work.

>> No.10161132


>> No.10161153

6k. kek

>> No.10161230


>> No.10161681


>> No.10161691
