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1014864 No.1014864 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be real, practically everyone on 4chan and reddit are getting CS degrees. Will it still be such a hot market in a decade?

>> No.1014868

Yeah bruh im getting one tooo bruh dw bruh the govt will feed us bruh we can code indie games bruh we can shill to isheeps bruh dw bruh be happy bruh just bruh bruh

>> No.1014888

No market will be. The amount of decent paying jobs compared to the amount of applicable degrees issued annually is absurdly out of proportion. College was never meant to be a job farm.

>> No.1014924

How about you speed up the process a bit and kill yourself?

Everything is fucked: the only viable career option over the next 20 years will be to inherit money and/ or a business from your parents.

>> No.1014929

Not nearly as many people are studying CS as you seem to think.

The project number of graduates is not near how many projected job positions there will be for CS majors. There is actually more of a demand than amount of people that can fill it.

>> No.1014955
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>> No.1014963

Merry Christmas bitches



>> No.1014964


He probably got that quote from his used car salesman I mean career counselor at his shitty University. Or read a Forbes blog. Software engineering is an experience driven job market. A CS degree realistically isn't going to make you more than $70K starting unless you're some gifted student that made a successful app, video game, etc. while in University.

>> No.1014976

no, get a history major now so you can be on top of the world in a decade

>> No.1014999

>A CS degree realistically isn't going to make you more than $70K starting unless you're some gifted student that made a successful app, video game, etc. while in University.

As if $70k starting is bad?

That is literally better than almost every major's median starting salary.

>> No.1015003
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This is the meme I fell for kiddos. Pic related is the number of people applying to CS at my uni before and after it became a meme.

>> No.1015011

UW... Being University of Waterloo?

It's not a fucking meme you dunce. Everyone gets co-op in compsci who wants it and nearly everyone got ~$30/hr placement, usually in the US.

Why do retarded 4chan NEETs use the "meme"-meme?

Whatever though, go major in Accounting so you can work hard you can work for a big 4 firm like a slave for $50k/yr all day. Obviously Accounting and some social science bullshit is less of a "meme", right?

>> No.1015017

Nah, University of Washington. At our school like 90% of freshmen want to do CS but then like 70% of that 90 get weeded out and don't make it into the major, and end up doing informatics or some shit. I got in somehow but I'm pretty shit at CS so my prospects for getting a nice internship are kind of dicey

>> No.1015019

Fuck the UW, man. That school is cancer. They take way more freshmen than they can possibly graduate.

>> No.1015020

Oh. Thought you meant University of Waterloo in Canada.

God-tier school for compsci and engineering. You basically graduate with +$50k and 2 years of experience from compsci... Which is really amazing compared to people in other schools/majors with 0 experience and - $50k debt.

>> No.1015025

yeah man that shit's fucked up

>> No.1015058

Currently studying electronic engineering, going to acquire qualifications for mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering in the first 5-10 years of my job then do a MSc in whatever I think seems good at the time, is this sustainable? I'm on some scheme to join the navy at the moment, I'm planning on leaving as soon as I've got all the decent benefits

>> No.1015061

Look at the slashdot link ITT

>> No.1015069

I'm studying electronics but I probably won't ever do a job in it though, I mean I get a free MSc (likely more than one) after a few years of experience

Hell one of my dad's friends was in the navy as an engineer for 15 years or so then he left and now earns 6 figures as a banker in London so it's not like I'm forced to stick in one field

>> No.1015074

The trick is to be good.

More people than ever are going into CS, and many jobs are being reduced, but more shitty people are going into the field than ever before. The other result of the field being memed is that alot of untalent people who aren't willing to work hard, network, or do anything other than want to "make video games lol". It takes very little effort to beat these people. My pretty easy, first year CS bullshit classes weeded out over 65% of the class. Alot of people who were left were still really shitty- they were just willing to put in the bare minimum.

Most people drop out or change majors. If they don't drop out or change majors, they do poorly in school, have no passion, do no projects/self-learning outside of class, do no networking, do not internships/co-ops, and learn very little from their classes.

If you are in the group that has a little amount of this you will surpass 80% and be guaranteed a decent to good job coming out of college.

If you are in the group that does all of this (not hard, just required effort and discipline, which almost no cs majors fucking have) you will fucking kill after college. I formed a group in our uni of me and six people who actually tried and gave a shit. We all had amazing jobs lined up after school, and almost everyone else didn't. People actually mocked us for internships while they sat inside their dorms all summer playing videogames, and now they all whine about not getting jobs. You barely understand what OOP after four years, why should anyone hire you?

Don't worry OP; if you give half a shit you'll do well in CS. I could see this being different in 20, 30 years

>> No.1015099

Yeah, but you fail to look at software devs, web devs, and IT jobs. They're all growing faster than normal, also most people get out of the programming "code monkey" jobs after just a few years.

>> No.1015549

CS was already a meme in the 90s. Because of that we now have tons of "project managers" that know little more than how to send emails and play office politics.

>> No.1015581
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>CS degrees

>> No.1015585

A refreshing post to read - do you have any further info on why so many people dropped out of your course? I've been told the same, that CS has a high dropout rate (especially in unis with low entry requirements) - do you have any idea what specifically is this down to? Are people just lazy or is there certain parts of the course that weed the less intelligent people out?

>> No.1015596

CS attracts a lot of losers with no self-discipline or drive b/c it doesn't require that much social interaction relative to other majors and because lots of no-life losers like video games and anime and other computer-based crap.

>> No.1015629

Get a MS or PhD or be happy with your help desk job.

>> No.1015673

Funny how you make fun of accounting, when AFM is literally the back up choice for kiddies applying to CS at Waterloo.

>> No.1015679


Its not a meme so much as it's one of the shittiest jobs imaginable.

If you're having fun and get satisfaction at work, you picked the right job. Fuck money, it doesn't even matter too much after 200k/yr, which can be made in any field.

>> No.1015922
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I'll relate my own experience as a double major in Mathematics & Comp Sci. I am above average intelligence and a very very hard worker but I am not in any way exceptionally bright or gifted.

Graduated in 2008. Had 2 internships in my senior year with local software companies.

Worked for the second company for ~4 years and in that time went from 40k/yr to 75k/yr. Did mostly web dev there, but also some dev ops and server side development. (Python and JS)

Got a job in another state in 2012 starting at 85k doing ETL programming (Ruby, Java)

Still with the same company now but I'm working in the R&D division making new software for users (C#). Currently at 135k/yr.

I do about an interview per week with candidates applying here and I'd say I've done about 50 or so interviews in my time there. Of those 50 I think 5 got hired. This is not counting applications and phone interviews and I am on maybe 1/10th of the panels for the group I'm in. Also I am one of the most positively inclined interviewers so there's a bias there in favor of hiring.

If you're at all competent and have a good work ethic a CS degree is incredibly safe and will be a great investment. It's also a genuinely fun job and I will easily be happy doing it until I retire and open a wine shop in a nice little town or something.

>> No.1015941
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it's shit who are you kidding

>> No.1015947

If you stay away from Web Development bullshit and actually do more complicated and thorough stuff like Machine Learning, Cryptography, Parallel Programming, and Operating Systems. You should be fine.