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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10146852 No.10146852 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a farmer?

>> No.10146862

hamsters can't farm. just kys

>> No.10146870

>plant some crops

>> No.10146883

Search "Joel Salatin" on youtube

>> No.10146906

This Hamster can speak, holy shit. How does it feel to be a hamster?

>> No.10146981

Buy land would be the first step. Make sure it is good fertile land. Not full of rocks, sand, and other undesirables. You'll go broke if you try to start right away. But buy the land. Buy a van to sleep in. And start building fences, raised garden beds, and whatever else you will need. Source: I did this. Am a full time farmer now

>> No.10147004

Im a full time farmer who work 6 to 8 months a year. I made 235k last year. Its kinda hard but with crop insurance and other state subsidies it works out. Oh snd btw I inherited my land so idk about that aspect

>> No.10147059

don't say this..

Based. Living the stardew valley harvest Moon life.

Based. This is the life in happy for you

>> No.10147223
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>> No.10147259


>> No.10147283

Thats a guinea pig not a hamster. I miss my piggy, he quite deathed.

>> No.10147286

Smelly hamster

>> No.10147306

Sounds suspiciously like Joseph Stalin and we all know his record on farming.

>> No.10147316

I'm volunteering on a farm and it's pretty bomb. Should I go back to school for a agriculture degree or is that just a meme?>>10146981

>> No.10147411
File: 243 KB, 900x729, 1743vJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far left
>The black one
Pick one

>> No.10147524

Imo no. Learn on your own. Unless you plan to spend the rest of your life making money for someone else. Anything you learn at school can be learned on your own. Depending on length of the degree, you will lose lost income, lost time building your own farm, etc. Plus I doubt the money is good. You'll likely have debt. Stupid idea. Just work now. Maximum pay you can find. For me I drove a truck. Get your body in shape. Buy your farm and unleash your own dreams anon. We will all make it. One way or another

>> No.10147776

Its a meme degree, i double majored and got my CPA, after 2.5 years of commuting 2 hrs a day i quit it all. My dad wasnt happy but he taught me the ins and outs. Im much happier now, the modern day office shit is so distasteful to me

>> No.10147824

>I'm volunteering on a farm

working for free? im pretty sure this is doing it wrong

>> No.10148654

Plant seeds

>> No.10148675

You have to kill things for their meat.

>> No.10148740

cum on the soil to spawn a labor force so powerful it engulfs the continent.