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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10146668 No.10146668 [Reply] [Original]

Been following this coin for a long time now when it was up to 20 cents as well as when it dropped to 6 cents.

Since the market has started to get to a better position, I think Lamden has a pretty good chance to go back to the point where they belong.

It has showed some good signs lately as it went up to 10 cents couple of days back and climbed up around 67 ranks in the CMC. I really think it's good time to HOLD this particular token as it has shown some good potential.

>> No.10146671

Team looks like a bunch of clowns that don't know what they are doing?

>> No.10146679

i got a decent amount of tau tokens and i'm still sitting here waiting for an opportunity to arrive hoping that it'll be there soon.

>> No.10146687
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don't really have anything better to do than this.

>> No.10146702

there are many platforms that offer similar perks as lamden but they are relatively expensive and it's the only reason why I prefer it over others.

>> No.10146719

How you can claim the following?
There are weekly developments taking place in which they try to make minor changes for the best possible experience of their users.
If you ever get some time, try looking into what Stu had to say while he was on Python's podcast.

>> No.10146738

i don't know why people are trying to make this a relevant token but I personally don't like as it doesn't really have anything good to offer, feels like another dead coin on its way.

>> No.10146760

tell me something that it offers other than it being cheap and i'll reconsider my decision

>> No.10146775

I'll lay out some major point and I hope they'll be enough for you to get started:

10k TPS

-Sidehchain capability

- Python powered

-Atomic swaps

- MN

-ZERO TX fee

>> No.10146811

just tell me one thing have they even acknowledged the real problem they are going through? they are focusing on minor details ignoring the the real threat which is not having a good exchange.

>> No.10146812

Lamden's ultimate goal is to facilitate the creation and use of blockchain technology for enterprises.

To achieve this, Lamden offers an open source developer's tool kit that allows businesses to launch their own fully-customizable private or public, blockchain in minutes.

The 4 main components of Lamden’s developer suite are Saffron, Flora, Clove and Cilantro.

Allows the creation of fully customizable blockchains in minutes. Similar to what ‘Squarespace’ does for web building, Saffron does for blockchain creation.

The smart contract package manager is a one-stop-shop for smart contracts, app creation and tuning.

Lamden's atomic swap engine allows the instantaneous and trustless trading of crypto assets and currencies (currently supporting 1,000 different tokens like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, ERC20, and soon Neo).

Clove also allows blockchains to exchange assets or data packages with other blockchains, even if they are based on different protocols. This will allow your shiny new blockchain to communicate with any other blockchain (think about the supply chain integration possibilities this offers).

Also, using Clove Lamden has developed different implementations to take advantage of this technology:

1. ClovePay
A Clove API that allows merchants to accept payments in any currency and receive it in any other of his choosing.

Furthermore Lamden is creating tokenized fiat pairings so that merchants can also receive payments in any fiat currency and instantly convert it to the cryptocurrency of their choice. Conversely, they can accept payments in any crypto and receive it in fiat. We like to call it the PayPal killer!

2. LamdeX
Also based on Clove comes our very own crypto/fiat exchange. By using atomic swaps, users can exchange between any of the 1,000 tokens supported on the network and/or our tokenized fiat pairings (i.e. crypto-crypto / crypto-fiat / fiat-crypto / fiat-fiat).

>> No.10146822


3. LamdeX Pro
A currency exchange engine that allows existing exchanges to increase the tokens offered to their clients to any and/or all of the 1,000 tokens already exchangeable. Additionally, it allows for exchanges to create trustless shared market pools to exponentially increase liquidity and thus create a better service and overall experience for their customers. (Note: I suggest an option for PRO users, to stake, say 1 million TAU, and get free Oracle verification)

4. LamdeX Wallet
Store, send and receive any crypto and store it as any other crypto. Fast, safe and easy to use. Metamask meets atomic swaps!

Lamden’s mission is set to increase the adoption of blockchain so that innovation can flourish.

To do so effectively, a blockchain with highly attractive features must exist, however, currently existing options like Ethereum or Bitcoin are very limited (i.e. they are very good for one thing and not so much for another). Thus they would carry their own limitations onto new blockchains based on them.

Therefore, a project with a non-limiting blockchain, free, lighting-fast transactions, future-proof governance, ever-evolving infrastructure and atomic swaps naturally embedded in its core was necessary.

So, the final piece of the puzzle was to create such a blockchain. We called it Cilantro and it will be deployed on Q4 2018.

Blockchains based on Cilantro will easily allow 10,000 tx/sec and will be fully customizable to meet the very different needs of companies.

Moreover, Cilantro hosts our Token, TAU, with which holders will be able to stake for profit and/or help its infrastructure by setting up a 100k TAU masternode (Obelisks) or 10k TAU Witnesses. Witnesses can also be voted into Delegates, to further assist the network functionality.

For further information:


>> No.10146831

you just gotta be patient i'm pretty sure they have it under consideration and soon we will be seeing it listed on one of the bigger exchanges:


you name it!

>> No.10146847
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I think we can all agree that as long as I am posting the truth in this thread you will never sell a single shitcoin.

Serious question: How far are you willing to go to get rid of me?

>> No.10146872

Pajeet posts like these are all the reason anyone needs to stay the fuck away.

>> No.10146946

only time can tell how things will turn out.

>> No.10147138

1)not a faggot
2)the world wouldn't be a better place if I killed myself
There's two reasons. Also:
3)not on normiebase, so who gives a shit

>> No.10147202 [DELETED] 
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At some point when the Pajeet is pressed hard enough he will admit to his cryptofraud or at least no longer deny the possibility of everything being a scam. In this case he will say things like:
>Just hold until the release of the mainnet on Date-A
>It will pump when it gets listed on B-exchange
>Wait until feature-C gets implemented
But once again herein lies just another deception. The lack of character, morals and personality have made the Pajeet also indolent and lazy. He has no intention of ever working hard and does not bother to create a mainnet, to get his shitcoin listed on other exchanges or to implement any new features. Instead he will just announce another announcement, make even bigger promises and make up another fake partnership. In these good but empty news he will drown every excuse for nothing having been achieved yet. Everything is vaporwave and once he got rid of a significant portion of his bags (he is hardly ever able to sell everything) he will just forget his old shitcoin altogether and create a new one.

But suppose now that the Pajeet eventually gets his coin listed somewhere or that he actually delivers on some obscure useless feature. This will however still not change the fact that his shitcoin is no use to anyone. At this point everyone involved knows that everything is based on greater-fool-theory and everyone is hoping to sell his bags to someone else. After the event everyone will try to sell his bags to everyone else who is trying to do the same. Thus the ideal moment to sell your bags is always before the event at peak hype when the Pajeet is selling his coins to you.

>How far are you willing to go to get rid of me?

>> No.10147214

>10k TPS
Too low to point out that
>Atomic Swaps
Nothing Special to breg about
Who the fuck cares
>Zero tx fee
Not the first one
>Python powered
this is you USP, good luck holding those bags

This whole shitcoin project is targeting nothing special, neither trying to be innovative nor having the first mover adventage

>> No.10147237 [DELETED] 
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It does not matter if you post constructive criticism or racist jokes. In almost every instance the Pajeet will attack you using tree different IDs in his vicious hope to make you feel like an outsider for doubting his lies. Just look at those places from which these Pajeets are coming from and realize that he can never become a productive member of any society and that he has to attack you. His existence is dependent on stealing the white mans riches and he simply has to deny that there is anything wrong with his coin.

>Pajeet: My shitcoin will be listed on some ABC-exchange
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has only 1$ market cap
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has feature-X
>real human: how does this change the fact that this is still a shitcoin?
At this point the Pajeet only understands that some criticism has been uttered but he does not understand the nature of the critique.
>Pajeet: Pajeet detected. Stay poor you shill. Feature-Z is the future.

>How far are you willing to go to get rid of me?

>> No.10147580

Since December here are the updates, an answer to those who claim Lamden is yet to make any progress.

- 10 active developers working on the project
- Lamden has 4 suites Clove, Cilantro, Saffron, Flora
-Atomic swaps activated
- Lamden Clove swap interface is created.
- Lamden is going to launch its mainnet in Q4 '18
-Lamden has announced to make it own DEX in 2019
- Tokenized fiat for switching easily bw fiat and Tau.

>> No.10147790

another shitcoin basically

>> No.10147813
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>Just hold until the release of the mainnet on Date-A
>It will pump when it gets listed on B-exchange
>Wait until feature-C gets implemented
But once again herein lies just another deception. The lack of character, morals and personality have made the Pajeet also indolent and lazy. He has no intention of ever working hard and does not bother to create a mainnet, to get his shitcoin listed on other exchanges or to implement any new features. Instead he will just announce another announcement, make even bigger promises and make up another fake partnership. In these good but empty news he will drown every excuse for nothing having been achieved yet. Everything is vaporwave and once he got rid of a significant portion of his bags (he is hardly ever able to sell everything) he will just forget his old shitcoin altogether and create a new one.

But suppose now that the Pajeet eventually gets his coin listed somewhere or that he actually delivers on some obscure useless feature. This will however still not change the fact that his shitcoin is no use to anyone. At this point everyone involved knows that everything is based on greater-fool-theory and everyone is hoping to sell his bags to someone else. After the event everyone will try to sell his bags to everyone else who is trying to do the same. Thus the ideal moment to sell your bags is always before the event at peak hype when the Pajeet is selling his coins to you.

The Pajeet fears nothing more than the truth and he tries hard to kill every last bit of it in his thread. Never forget that the Pajeet is a scammer and that he will never stop trying to scam you even when finally got him to admit to a half-truth.

Serious question: How far are you willing to go to get rid of me?

>> No.10147836
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In order to create fake hype the Pajeet will start with a new thread and reply to himself using different IDs so that it looks like a real conversation between real human beings. In fact he will often even spam several threads at once in order to make it look like there was a real vibrant discussion on this board. In truth it is never more than one single Pajeet and I have jet to encounter a case with two Pajeets shilling one coin.

These fake threads are however easy to spot. Whenever you read them you will notice that something does not seem to be right. You will have that feeling that something important is missing there. Because the Pajeet still is in many aspects nothing more than an upright walking ape he continues to be only capable of the most savage of all emotions. All his threads and replies are characterized by nothing but greet, the denial of all fear and an animalistic hate for everyone who disagrees with him.

>$1 EOY
>Holding since [all time low] and already made 999x.
>Its gonna moon.
>Feeling comfy holding this.
>/biz/ doesn't deserve this.
>He still does not have any of those coins. Stay poor.

>> No.10148455
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nuff said!

>> No.10148504
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It’s not only that the Pajeet lacks morals and higher aspirations but also the very intelligence to understand such concepts. In particular he is oblivious toward the concept of value. Whenever you ask him about the fundamentals of the coin he can only give you features.

>Pajeet: My shitcoin will be listed on some ABC-exchange
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has only 1$ market cap
>Pajeet: My shitcoin has feature-X
>real human: how does this change the fact that this is still a shitcoin?
At this point the Pajeet only understands that some criticism has been uttered but he does not understand the nature of the critique.
>Pajeet: Pajeet detected. Stay poor you shill. Feature-Z is the future.

The funny thing is that even if the Pajeet ends up being successful with his cryptofraud he will still end up being poor. Even if he were to win the lottery he will never escape his situation because he will never escape his own nature.

Once he ends up having any money he will waste everything on frivolities and meaningless shit just because it is flashy or shiny. If he has a million he will never buy any tangible investments or plan for retirement. Instead he will buy every extra you can get for a Lambo even if he does not understands what it actually does. Just think of all the shit those Gangster Rappers purchase. Within 6 months there will be no money left. Within another 3 months he will have to sell his Lambo to pay the bills. Within another 3 months he will be back on /biz/ shilling the new fork of Bazingacoin.

This is the nature of every Pajeet and his children and their children for all eternity. That lower creature is forever doomed to his misery and everything he touches will fall apart to ashes and dust. He will forever dream of being rich because he is too primitive to dream of becoming white.

>Serious question: How far are you willing to go to get rid of me?

>> No.10149244


>Serious question