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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10144273 No.10144273 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell hasn't someone released anything yet? I know 4chan has to have at least ONE qualified cryptographer across the entire website, right? The devs have already stated that those who get early access to the code will only get a part of the code, but these people are NOT being held under NDAs, which means that the part of the code they DO get access to can be freely distributed to anyone they want to.

In the past week, I haven't heard of ONE person from 4chan even TRYING to get access to the code. Is 4chan so intellectually deficit that nobody even knows anything about cryptographic structure or coding format, or does everyone want to just sit around and do nothing? At least PRETEND you tried to access the source code and was denied instead of spamming "m-muh closed source code" everywhere, holy crap.

>> No.10144282

The code has not been given to anyone nor will they give the code to anyone for the simple fact that there is no code.
Did you try to get the code?
If not, fuck off and leave us alone with your scamcoin.

>> No.10144287

Why would anyone waste his time over an obvious scam ?
Did you seriously fall for it that you seem butthurt ?

>> No.10144302

Why do we keep wasting time with this shitcoin? Sage.

>> No.10144353

Hey bro, you forgot to shill 0xBTC in your post.

>> No.10144365

Dero and 0xbtc are two dingleberries from the same turd. Sorry man.

>> No.10144384

Who the hell uses the word "dingleberries"

This FUD is reaching levels I never thought I'd see

>> No.10144388

so OP, did or did you not try to get the code?
Still waiting for an answer.

>> No.10144700 [DELETED] 

Have you?
Still waiting for an answer.

>> No.10144711

The code is only being released to those who have knowledge in cryptography. I do have any knowledge, so there's no point in even trying. However, I'm trying to get others who do have knowledge in cryptography to look at it, but like you've already seen in this thread, NOBODY knows cryptography on 4chan, so everyone just FUDs it.

>> No.10144730

as a brainlet who doesnt have the capabilities to look into the code

should i buy some orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.10144739

Dero is one of my biggest winners this year but it is almost certainly a shitcoin

>> No.10144776

I'm not going to shill it. You should DYOR and come to your own conclusion. You can't read source code, but you can READ, right? You should never just buy something because someone on /biz/ told you to.

>> No.10144880

Isn't the fact that there are no orphan blocks at least partially confirming that at least the DeroDAG protocol works as intended and they didn't lie about that one. The Phantom protocol or a derivative of it is not a simple matter. Why should they lie about the rest?

>> No.10144894

Pretty much.

>> No.10144909

with no source code available there could be a big SQL Server be running and nobody would know.
What do they need timeservers for?
Why gets everyone asking technical questions banned from the community?
Why are they afraid to release the code?
Why hasn't anyone yet commented on the code?
Why did they let ASICs in again?

If you buy this coin without real answers to this questions nobody can help you.

>> No.10145025


> weak fud

Use wireshark and sniff packets from multiple clients (multiple location) and you'll find if connections go to the same IP address.

>> No.10145035


Why Electronum go back to CryptoNight too ?

>> No.10145039

Why can you barely speak English?

Please leave, pajeet.

>> No.10145105

>he doesn't know load balancing.
Why are you such a faggot? Please leave, Gaylord.

>> No.10145139

Typical Dero fanboy.
>Too bad you cant ban people here

>> No.10145164

What other word is there to describe parts of a shit?

>> No.10145232

>being this offended by someone pointing out that English isn't your first language

Something wrong, pajeet?

You sound like you stubbed your toe on the Dero discord.

Do you want a bandage?

Literally anything other than "dingleberries"

>> No.10145269

why don't you speak fluent french?
could it be that it isn't your native tongue?

Is it you, Serena?

>> No.10145283


Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.10145294
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The only reason I sound like her is because I'm pissed off everyone on 4chan keeps FUDding Dero to hell and back and yet not one single person from 4chan who has cryptography knowledge has even TRIED to ask for the source code yet.

>> No.10145312

Who cares, they'll make it public in 4 weeks along with the Dero foundation announcement. The market will likely be in a better place by then so it's best for everybody.

>> No.10145318

how do you know that nobody has asked?

>> No.10145334

>I know 4chan has to have at least ONE qualified cryptographer across the entire website, right?
No. 4chan kids are mental retards.

>> No.10145349

Nobody has said anything. Even those spreading FUD haven't even tried to make fake FUD about it. You would think you'd hear something like "I tried but they rejected me" but people spreading FUD are so bad they can't even come up with that and instead spread garbage like "SCAM" or "MUH PREMINE" endlessly.

If Dero applies for a foundation, is there any way for us to see it online that they applied? Does anyone know how applying for foundations work?

>> No.10145371

if anybody would have gotten the code, don't you think there already would be some sort of review on the web?
Did 4chan become the only source for crypto news lately?

>> No.10145388

Maybe they would be incentivized to write a review if people actually got off their lazy butts and asked them? I already saw two people in the Dero chats say they have received parts of the code, yet NOBODY asks them about it, so they're probably not in any rush.

>> No.10145393

There is no code. All reviews are faked while devs dump premine

>> No.10145402

>parts of the code
so they delay it and then they only give out parts of the code?
It gets better every minute.
If you are in the discord, please ask them for us.

>> No.10145422
File: 38 KB, 688x80, preminewallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can view the premine at ANY TIME.

Any more garbage FUD you want to spew?

>> No.10145434

Yeah you retard. What's stopping someone from asking for the code, getting the full code, then creating a fork? Once Dero incorporates, it will be ILLEGAL to copy and paste their code into something else. Also, once Dero incorporates, all the members of the Dero team will be FORCED to go public.

What I want to know is if it's physically possible for us to see them apply for a Foundation or if we won't know until the process is completed. How does that stuff work?

>> No.10145449

Depends where they set up the foundation
They talked about either Switzerland or Malta

>> No.10145452

tfw I bought at $3. It's my fault, I didn't do enough research about the state of the project. Long term will still be a win.

>> No.10145457

no need to get angry my little Dero fanboy.
But tell me how one should tell if the code is good or bad without seeing the wohle picture?
Have you ever coded yourself?

>> No.10145461

>But tell me how one should tell if the code is good or bad without seeing the wohle picture?
There are indicators for code quality.

>> No.10145464

btw, i wanted you to ask the people who got the code about a review.

>> No.10145507

If I can see their wallet contents its not a private blockchain you brainlet. In Monero you can't see other peoples balances. So they just larped about private blockchain lol

>> No.10145540


>> No.10145543

the answer to this is "view keys"

>> No.10145571

jesus christ, why do I even come here

>> No.10145587

Holy crap no wonder the FUD for Dero is so bad

>> No.10145590
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>> No.10145890


No need latest full code to check if devs are good or bad, you could check through the old one publicly available on github where they rewrite parts of CryptoNote to GoLang, is far enough.

Ofc you need to be an experienced dev to see it, if not you aren't even qualified to ask the Atlantis code.

>> No.10145917

> there are people in this thread that unironically get offended by the DERO FUD
It's to keep the price down, you idiots. Everyone with a working brain knows this has the potential to be a great investment. Enjoy the daily threads filled with hilarious non-sense FUD and be grateful this is not just another random biz shitcoin that gets shilled to death

>> No.10145931

I'm in the same boat. Im probatly going to put in another $500-$1000 to do some dollar cost avg

>> No.10145938

t. mental retard

>> No.10145943
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>> No.10145980
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> Great investment

kek, is the only way to resolve the Bitcoin scalability issue without 2nd layer solution, deal with it.

>> No.10146005

>Everyone with a working brain
>4chan community
Something doesn't add up here, m8.

>> No.10146020
File: 68 KB, 606x617, 1517717588969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on poster for saying 4chan is filled with retards
Proceeds to say everyone on 4chan is a retard


>> No.10146381

Thx, sold 100k