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10143396 No.10143396 [Reply] [Original]

>that 30 year old boomer still playing video games

>> No.10143491

Video games were the only thing that made me happy in life and now I can't stand them, despise them so much.

I have no other hobby so I just jerk off and shitpost on here. I fap like 12 times a day because it makes the pain go away for 10 seconds. I need to start doing drugs.

>> No.10143502


pick one

Porn Masturbation Orgasm is what that stands for btw, and doing it has many negative effects, like depression, brain-fog, no energy, ETC ETC. So if you wan't to feel good you have to get on nofap

>> No.10143513

Can confirm. Nofap for two weeks cures it, but it's hard not to go straight back to porn overload.

>> No.10143521

This anon is right. It's going to be hard OP, but have faith that what awaits on the other side is better. What do you have to lose by trying? We all know its trash right now. Try you beautiful faggot and you'll finally understand what this shit is all abouy.

>> No.10143526

What does PMO have to do with Ethereum Classic? Shill?

>> No.10143534

its actually ejaculation not orgasm thats the issue

if you practice you can orgasm without ejaculating, i just go like 99% of the way there then clench my PC muscles as hard as i can to stop it and its like a mini orgasm without all the negative effects of ejaculating(like energy loss etc)

gave up porn too but thats more for practical reasons. its clearly toxic to society in general for porn to be the norm rather than the rare exception

>> No.10143545

also video games are dope regardless of age, gonna be sick in 50 years playin n64 with my nursing home buddies and stylin on them in mario party

its literally brainwashing that you associate video games as a juvenile activity

>> No.10143558


It is true. The longer you dont masturbate the more energy you get. Also pick some women to fantasize about aftee yiu did not jerk off a week. The experience is on a whole different level. Especially when you get her in the end or at least fap without porn. Just keep it a rare occasion.

>> No.10143598

there are 2 seperate issues. ejaculating causes physical nutrient depletion (minerals and protein), but orgasming and edging (even if you don't orgasm) still burns out your dopamine and serotonin system and causes depression and a different set of nutrient depletion

>> No.10143605
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>30 year old

>> No.10143627

Sounds like an epic way to give yourself pelvic floor dysfunction you moron

>> No.10143631

T. 36 y old boomer

>> No.10143663

Going 100% Nofap will just make you much more sensitive to porn.

>> No.10143708
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>strengthening your muscles is bad for you

>> No.10143764 [DELETED] 

different muscle group. been doing it about 8 years, some toaists much longer. no problems friend.

>but orgasming and edging (even if you don't orgasm) still burns out your dopamine and serotonin system and causes depression and a different set of nutrient depletion

if done excessively sure but if you quit porn there's pretty much 0% chance you're going to excessively masturbate - shit screws with your brain hard. wouldnt ejaculate even occasionally though as it simply isnt worth it.

>> No.10143812

You realize that when you clench so hard to not ejaculate that the cum just goes into your bladder, right? The only difference is that you're not shooting it out of your dick. Fucking retard