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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10140982 No.10140982 [Reply] [Original]

>0 Fee transactions
>Fast - transactions confirmed in seconds
>Skycoin is coded from scratch in Golang
>6 years of development, originally started as an effort to fix the security vulnerabilities of bitcoin
>Revolutionary new consensus algorithm to replace PoW and PoS
>Allows to have a truly decentralized network without miner or stakeholder influence
>Increasing business adoption, companies that don't want to maintain a blockchain of their own or use Ethereum (solarbankers, spaco, some more starting up)
>Security and privacy were the main objectives designing it
>Untraceable transactions because of Coinjoin
>Holding Skycoins generates extra income in the form of coinhours
>Massive ecosystem of applications running on Skywire. Including decentralized exchange, social media, file sharing and VPN apps.

>An actual decentralized internet, ISPs have no control over it
>Designed to be ran on Skycoin's own open source hardware infrastructure
>New networking protocols
>Facilitates faster, secured, private browsing
>Distributes content faster and more anonymously than alternatives
>Sustainable democratization of the Internet
>Earn coins for running hardware nodes, providing bandwidth and storage
>Spend coins to get a priority of network resources over others
>Nodes function as “miners” for Skycoins cryptocurrency
>Immune to all currently known network based attacks, exploitation and manipulation tactics of ISPs
>Encrypted by default
>No throttling, censorship or service outages
>Enhanced privacy and security for a new Internet
>Eliminates attacks on individual IP addresses

>> No.10141019

This is a scam coin...get over it and tell Synth to stop paying for your autistic ass to come over here and indirectly shill that garbage

>> No.10141061

Lol are you retarded or what? I am earning real money by just running a node which hardly consumes energy. If you're too stupid to spot an opportunity when it is presented to you nobody can save you from this board

>> No.10141564

>shilling a coin AFTER the exit scam

>> No.10141664


Yeah scams don’t pay out every month faggot

>> No.10141674

Ordered a Raspberry Pi yesterday. Will check this thing out later in the week and if I like it, I'll order a bunch more

>> No.10141708

Ive exit scammed your mother

>> No.10142484
File: 127 KB, 1526x1220, Screenshot 2018-07-03 at 10.35.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nodes being added by the day

>> No.10142499

You'd think they'd stop doing interviews and replying in Telegram all the time.

>> No.10142536
File: 1.40 MB, 1098x796, Screenshot 2018-06-27 at 1.39.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my modest setup. I'm going to wait for them to finalize supported hardware and probably get some odroids to go with my rpis.

>> No.10143150

So how do you mine this?

>> No.10143991

looking decent, no doubt. so you go with 4 nodes. are you aiming for 16? or...

>> No.10144404

Raspberry is the cheapest out there but you can play around also with Orange pi Prime, or odroid, or pine64, or lepotato. You can make it work, but if you are a perfectionist go with Orange

>> No.10144410
File: 425 KB, 630x847, nexustothemooon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay out of Sky, get Nexus

We're not sending Raspberry Pi's into space

>> No.10144430

why are skycucks setups always so tiny? what is wrong in the equation if is no bizraeli running 1000 rpis?

>> No.10144504

It's all about quality not quantity

>> No.10144549


If this is how you promote Nexus... nobody will ever opt for it. I am good with my current sky situation

>> No.10144619

I've noticed that too, no expense spared in the showmanship of the rig, fine timber, oversized server racks, whatever will stand out. I feel like skycoin is on to something with these arts and crafts setups.

>> No.10144632

If this shit ever actually launches the demand / supply ratio will be fucking outrageous.

>> No.10144655

>Spend coins to get a priority of network resources over others

>No throttling

How does one get priority of network resources without throttling others?

>> No.10144666

Why is he posting about (((Golang))) like it's a good thing?

(Google gave me 2 unsolvable captchas that tooks a minute to reload the pictures on for typing this post btw)

>> No.10144686
File: 34 KB, 640x511, 2cpeYtW_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aaaare. Beautiful designs for hardware, anntenas, router, and they encourage artistic set ups, look at this photo! Don't know who did it but it s just wow

>> No.10144689
File: 109 KB, 1080x1028, Screenshot_20180628-073631__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10144694
File: 145 KB, 1080x1284, Screenshot_20180626-123122__01__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fancy looking, space saver, environment friendly

>> No.10144774

yeah but you do realize it's all a trick don't you?

>> No.10144988

obviously they have to keep it going for awhile longer, they can pretend to be doing shit for as long as they need to.
no progress in 5 years hasn't stopped people from pretending to invest.
Yes i know you're all fake because there was only $50,000 volume before the fake chinese pumps.
if they were to just out right say it was a scam the SEC would be all over their asses.

>> No.10145413

There is still being worked on the project

>> No.10145500

there's a few reasons why few people are running tons of nodes yet; 1 bandwidth limitations. Unlike bitcoin mining for example, sky miners will get you paid for bandwidth; before antennas you're going to have all the nodes you need to saturate a 1 gigabit connection and adding more won't help.

2. It's not mainnet yet; payouts are for participation and to expand the geographic scope of the network, not node count, with a minimum standard of hardware

>> No.10145699


You can't help but just laugh at those retards claiming it's a scam. Watch them fomo in at 300 USD soon.

>> No.10145987

it was all a meme. no skyminer is talking to another one via fucking wifi antennae, the mainnet doesn't matter. this is a clever angle on a zoomer tier ponzi. i am not saying you can't make money from this, it is a better BCC.

>> No.10146257

Anyone have experience how long the whitelisting process takes currently?

>> No.10146412

this project doesn't even need the antennas or mesh network to be successful, but I think it will see some success. If there's a standard to follow it makes it easier for communities like these to setup something instead of rolling their own.
there are also a lot of use cases in southeast asia/Africa where ANY internet is in high demand to remove dependence on price gouging phone plans.

On the other end of the spectrum for places that already have reliable fast internet you have enthusiasts and corporate usecases. TCP/IP and UDP and the routing over the existing internet are the products of weak hardware when the protocols were being decided upon. Having source-defined routing where you can set as many or as few parallel routes to maximize bandwidth, increase confidence of the packet reaching the destination, or choosing the lowest latency path are all things that are required for different commercial applications but impossible to do on the current internet. Protocols to handle this have been around for 40 years, it doesn't even take any software innovation to set this stuff up, it's just cryptocurrency gives an incentive for people to keep it running. There are currently antennas too that are capable of handling this where you can do a line of sight connection over 25 kilometers.
I'll buy a few antennas just for the nerd factor and set them up with a few friends to do channel bonding to go beyond the highest bandwidth I can get as an individual for shits and giggles, but I'm more interested in the project for their dapp services than the mesh network.

>> No.10146670

yay, assembling fun times with a box full of Orange Pi :D hope this DIY will break even soon, then it will pay a few bills

>> No.10146758

very ellaborate. so what dApp s are we talking about? Skycoin is not the only one developing such apps, just wondering what the differences are.. ok, the dapp has a frontend and, instead of a centralized server, it s shared between users through.. smart contracts for example. is that right?

>> No.10146915

id say 300 is a long shot, given the value of coin when it hit Binance.. however it looks good on the long term, hopefully it will come back to the original peak and even go higher