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1013685 No.1013685 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do with a BA in English?

>> No.1013686


>> No.1013688

What is your life going to be

>> No.1013690

You can become a teacher.

>> No.1013691



Become a freelance writer.

Apply for a job that will accept any degree, then in 5-10 years go for a Masters.

>> No.1013701

Although History tends to get less abuse (albeit not much less), I often find the responses similar to here.

You'll hear people tell of how you'll be unemployed or work ina bar for the rest of your life or something. A few people will tell you teaching and other mundane jobs are your limit.

I got all the same thrown to me too, and even after being unemployed for 8 long months after university I thought it was true.

It simply isn't. It's all about marketing your skills that you gained from your degree and working to get experience that supports it.

I started working for local politicians (UK) for free, so I could not only say that my degree gave me great writing/persuasion/engagement skills, but that I have great skills demonstrated by responding to the public and writing for media and responding to their enquiries.

I wrote for shitty start up magazines and bigged it up, made it sound like them publishing my articles was the best.

Finally I learnt an obscure language (only do this if you have an interest in it otherwise it will be hell), and just had that extra something that made me stand out from everybody.

All my friends who didn't do all this are stuck unemployed or fitting the STEM autist wet dream of being a loser with no prospects (although it really is never too late to turn it around).

However, those of us that dragged ourselves out of bed to work for free and everything have all got graet jobs in politics/government/journalism etc.

I speak from experience when saying I spent 8 months getting rejected for free internships and having people not even let me come in to work for them for free.

Every few months I'd go back and find somewhere else to work for free and keep applying.

I now earn about 30k GBP and I'm 22. I work in Public relations (what some people call lobbying, others call communications and is a very broad term). I write press releases, help formulate strategy and policy routes, meet with government and (1/2)

>> No.1013704
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Do all the stuff you'd wanna do in a huge multi billion dollar per year profit company. Eat the company funded lunches, have my expenses covered, have a chilled office life and a great rewarding career

The best part is, this is the bottom of the ladder. I've already had offers to work for politicians in London and am now in a position to apply for jobs in international organisations and banks etc because of my experience. I tested the waters the other day and had a genuinely positive experience in attaining interviews (that were realistic, so perhaps not amazing pay to start or whatever). I never took them because atm I can live at home, save my money and not worry about rent and bills.

It's great being 22, having the money, having the responsibility, and even having company cars/cards/laptops and the works.

My point is this. Some autistically insecure people with a STEM degree will say you'll never get a job, you easily can. Just don't give up and swallow your pride doing the shit jobs for a while.

I found a niche market, focussed my skills on that and applied for a job way out of my league, got to interview, the least experienced candidate there, and the rest is history.

Don't buy the meme, if your skills don't automatically help, get some free experience / internships and big them up. If you get rejected don't worry, it's not the end of the world and just because some people won't see your potential, doesn't mean that nobody will. I look back and am so thankful that even shitty offices rejected me because I would never have got what I'm doing today.

Good luck to anybody with one of these degrees. Keep dedicated, focussed and the rewards will come.

>> No.1013705

I come from a sales background (pharm) and have heard that some of the best sales people have a degree in English or Literature or similar. It stems from their ability to communicate effectively. Oddly, I find business majors are poor sales people.

>> No.1013916

Hello OP

I'd like a #3 with cheese and a diet coke.

>> No.1013952
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please stop lying

>> No.1013957
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This is the best bait I have ever read. Huge posts about the tricks of the trade and branching out, working for free to gain experience, but pulling yourself up and finally landing that "good English degree job".

And then it turns out the pay is only 44k USD.

Build them up and crush them back down, fucking beautiful anon. You are the STEMperor, destroyer of english degree dreamers.

>> No.1013963

>What do you do with a BA in English?
Become a multi-millionaire.

>> No.1013967

The CEO of Goldman has a history degree.

I'm a college dropout earning around $150,000 a year. Degrees are secondary to drive and business acumen.

>> No.1013972

How'd you do it?

>> No.1013992
File: 507 KB, 1500x1800, Henry_Paulson_official_Treasury_photo,_2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has a BA in English Lit from Dartmouth. He was co-chair of Goldman Sachs and Secretary of the Treasury.

No so bad for a BA in English lit.

>> No.1014016

I'm the timeshare salesman that frequents this board

>> No.1014020

Flip burgers.

>> No.1014022


write books

>> No.1014024

Leverage it into a Masters in something useful. English and History are generally the most successful BA's when individuals go for law degrees.

Like everything else, it's all about drive. Liberal arts degrees tend to attract those who want the paper, but don't want to work. Those folks who get a degree and are still driven hard-chargers will use that degree to success. Those who aren't, won't.

>> No.1014028

The Goldman CEO graduated from Harvard, meaning his degree is inherently more valuable than a run of the mill History degree.

>> No.1014056
File: 105 KB, 532x540, thisbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do? Serve them fries up.

>> No.1014304

Rent out your asshole

>> No.1014311

>implying it matters what you majored in, and not what school you went to and what was your GPA

try to keep up, goy. So ...What school did you go to? what was your GPA?

>> No.1014317

and has a JD from Harvard law..
Plus his story will shit on anything even close to OP's

>> No.1014457

You do realise that the average starting pay for a graduate in the UK is 20k GBP right? And that even doctors in the first years here only get paid about 27k GBP, same with anybody who is an analyst at a large bank.

I'm not sure if you're retarded or just edgy

>> No.1014462

Same here in the Netherlands. I don't why he thinks it's low. It's above median.

>> No.1014465

Go for a masters, probably MBA/JD. An English masters/MFA may pigeonhole you into teaching but an MBA/JD with an English background could be very useful (contract law/drafting, legal/business writing, trading contracts, etc). Hell, Mitt Romney had an English degree before getting can MBA.

>> No.1014469

What exactly do you think I'm lying about?

>> No.1015921

why do people even livei n the netherlands lol move to best country america.

>> No.1015932

Well damn, I guess student loans and health care costs aren't so bad after all. Shit man I'd kill myself if I went through 4 years of college just to get to under 30k USD.

>> No.1016437

You get talked down to by bookstore workers who have more knowledge of current literature than you

>> No.1016462

a street walker

>> No.1017119

30k is less than you make on welfare. good job bro.

>> No.1017128

Move to china , teach English. You'll make about 18 -25 $/hr, which is a lot considering the costs of living over there. Come back after a couple of years, have some $$$ piled up and expat experience on your CV.

>> No.1017134

I made $50k in the last 6 months and I'm 25 with an associates degree
Degrees don't mean shit, what you do is everything

>> No.1017161
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Four years of college, and plenty of knowledge,
have earned me this useless degree--

>> No.1017289


>> No.1017316

>What do you do with a BA in English?

Get into handycraft.

Or try to go the journalism route - if you are a huge type of cunt who is willing to spread misinformation and become the blight of our modern world.

Or write some literature and try to find a publisher.

>> No.1017340

Write a stellar suicide note.

>> No.1017354

Work copywriting.

>> No.1017369

Op is a fag

>> No.1017537


>> No.1017548

Hi cunt
I did a Bachelors of Arts (Journalism)
And now I'm a freelancer writer for an advertising agency. Pay is great, and I can sit on my ass at home shit posting on 4Chan, whilst occasionally typing shit out in word for work.

Did I mention I don't even need to leave the house or get dressed or speak to anybody?

>> No.1017788

Hi, I'm an IR major graduating from a top 10 school in the UK. Was thinking of doing something similar to what you've done. Could we swap emails or something? I'd like to pick your brain for advice.
Ill check to see if you've responded over the next few days.


>> No.1017798


Manual labor.

It's not bad. worked for me.

>> No.1018148

op, you killyouself for having bad planning
you can't teach without a masters.
>Goldman CEO graduated from Harvard,
this. English is actually a good prelaw degree from the reports, prepares you for the fuckton of reading.