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1013293 No.1013293 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most demanded freelance web dev/programming skill?

>> No.1013305

Hang on I have an infographic

>> No.1013306
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>> No.1013422
File: 9 KB, 220x200, forty-keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This graphic is fucking shit
>C++ is harder than C
>Thinks C# = enterprise software
>Shilling for his (probably python) classes
>No mention of Assembler, Fortran, or COBOL, the language most legacy enterprise business software is actually written in
>No mention of Perl or other more modern languages that people actually use
>Probably just excluding all the languages he doesn't know how to teach and pretending those don't exist
>Those starting salaries

Learning to program is like riding a bicycle. Once you know how to do it the language you code in (the bike you are riding) doesn't really matter and you can pick up new languages in weeks.

>> No.1013429

>>Those starting salaries
They aren't starting salaries bruh

>Fortran, or COBOL
Would you really advise anyone learn these if they had to learn just language?

>> No.1013433

App development

>> No.1013438

>muh python

>> No.1013451

>Would you really advise anyone learn these if they had to learn just language?
Do they want a job? People will throw money at you if you know those languages.

>> No.1013466

Architect. Company I work ($2bn value), cannot hire these fast, or for long enough. We throw huge $$ at them. We are among many, many other corporates fighting for the same limited talent

>> No.1013470

they are dinosaur languages from 50s its obvious the systems still using it will be replaced anytime soon

>> No.1013474

>replaced anytime soon
That's what they said in the 70s... and the 80s and the 90s and the 00s. Yet here we are and 50% of all code running at major finance and engineering companies is in COBOL.

>> No.1013478

So I just read some stackexchange on COBOL jobs

More or less, if you want a job maintaining legacy code for a large institution, COBOL is fine and the salaries are decent. If you want to learn something useful for new enterprises or new projects, don't bother.

>> No.1013489

That's not how it works, man. They don't tear down and rebuild roads just because there are better ways of mixing concrete, they wait for a major failure instead.

>> No.1013514


Why is that? Is there a lack of creative, analytical people? I knew one guy that was doing it and it seemed like he was doing art classes along with calculus or some shit.

>> No.1013530


op is a fag but he specifically said "freelance"
Working for a company to maintain or improve long term code base != freelance

I would agree with app development, a lot of fools need code monkeys to make what they think will be the next angry birds.
In addition, a new trend is resumes on a webpage, or a personal .me domain to show off to employers etc. You could make these pretty easily and scam off people who don't want to do it themselves.
As always, wordpress and other bogging platforms are in demand. "Search engine optimization" is a big buzzword so make sure to throw that in somewhere.

>> No.1013585

Developer here stfu

>> No.1013633

>>C++ is harder than C
It is... C has a handful of keywords and is very easy to learn and use.

C++ is a lifelong learning experience.

>>Thinks C# = enterprise software
It is.

>>Shilling for his (probably python) classes
I guess

>>No mention of Assembler, Fortran, or COBOL, the language most legacy enterprise business software is actually written in
>People writing in assembly
Are you autistic lmao

>>No mention of Perl or other more modern languages that people actually use
Do you even program? Perl is an outdated language, replaced by Python and Ruby. Not "modern" in any way.

>>Probably just excluding all the languages he doesn't know how to teach and pretending those don't exist
More like includes languages people actually hire for, particularly major companies and startups.

>>Those starting salaries
Says average salary, probably includes Google and Silicon Valley though.