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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 588x769, 9yearoldnigletboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10129011 No.10129011 [Reply] [Original]

This 9 year old boomer nigger out here mowing yards. Neighbor calls the cops because he accidentally mowed part of the neighbors yard. Video went viral, now this niglet has a gofundme earning $44k for his lawn service business. What the fuck are you doing with your life biz?
https://www gofundme com/reggie-boyz-lawn-service

>> No.10129015

His mom will spend it all on weaves, nails, drugs, and a shitty car with rims

>> No.10129020


>> No.10129028

them's some nice j's

>> No.10129032

we wuz landscapers

>> No.10129033

kek the latest scam pulling the heartstrings of libcucks. This little niglet is going places if he is the one who concocted this mowing lawn and then getting called the cops by racist sexist evil grand dragon neighbor scheme.

>> No.10129039

Good for him i just donated $100

>> No.10129049

Nigger mowed my lawn! Sheryl call the cops!

>> No.10129061

Stop being racist. Go back to /pol/, you alt-right nazi. Kill yourself. It really is the only way to "save Western Civilization."

>> No.10129067

pulling gofundme scams isn't a sustainable business. he wouldn't get a tenth of that if he was white

>> No.10129070


>mowing lawns with jordans

my man doing it with style

>> No.10129074

how does something like this end up such a huge story? my neighbor use to call the cops on me when a tennis ball went on her lawn

>> No.10129076

He broke the sacred code of property rights, he committed aggression against his neighbor by invading his property and destroying his inviolable personal possessions (grass) against his will. By the anarcho-capitalist understanding he ought to have been shot where he stood for his insolence.

>> No.10129088

Lol yea he came up with a plan to accidentally mow part of some old racist cracker's lawn - all to get her to call the cops on HIM! Genius!!!!

>> No.10129102

Sometimes I wish I was black so I could manufacture a controversy like this shit, but then I realise I’d be black.

>> No.10129112

I was that kid once and had the same thing happen, but I'm white...
What a time to be alive...

>> No.10129117

Nigger stole my lawn!

>> No.10129125
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Well then maybe you'd understand how they feel when white people call the cops on them for stupid shit.


>> No.10129151

Did go fund me exist? No. So shut the fuck up. Don't be jealous.

>> No.10129172

>get $100s for mowing lawns
>don't invest in bitcoin or gofund me scams

>> No.10129185

>t. mad antifa

>> No.10129336

Everybody hates racists is a liberal antifa....

>> No.10129388

Shut up you apologetic piece of shit. I guarantee this happens all the time to people of all races. There are crazy and unhinged people everywhere. It's just we live in a time when every dipshit has a smart phone and "minorities" are looking for someone to blame their problems on. I used to get harassed by old man Jenson when I was a kid, but I didn't call the cops on him. I dealt with it like any responsible person would, lying and ignoring him.

>> No.10129389

Because the jew media only cares about street niggers these days

>> No.10129434
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I think these sound more and more like setups to me.

>> No.10129449

The old racist cracker was in on it. Niggers always have some scam going on. I was listening to this nigress today talking about using section 8 to rent her mother's house.

>> No.10129460

your white fragility denial is showing mate

>> No.10129462

There’s a whole grievance industry based around nigs antagonizing someone and then pulling out their phone and recording the ensuing anger pretending like they don’t know what caused it. Anyone that’s ever been outside knows people don’t just randomly go up and try to mess with blacks, they often go out of their way to avoid them.

This little niglet found a leaf blower to have fun with and probably ended up fucking something up, and he’s rewarded with 50 grand.

>> No.10129466

kill yourself for thinking this

>> No.10129474

Are you black?

>> No.10129477

as a 100% white dude.... you guys are seriously fucking embarrassing

>> No.10129484

Everyone avoids black people. Nobody purposely antagonizes blacks for no reason, the reverse is true 99.999999% of the time. What do you think happened here?

>> No.10129489

Lol what a pussy ass loser. White people complain when blacks are being lazy and they complain when blacks are actually trying to teach their kids to work. There's no pleasing you people.

>> No.10129494

dont type back to me defending your retard racist thoughts.... just kill yourself dude. I genuinely hope you are not young or you have no excuse

>> No.10129506

Fml I just worked 12 hrs and made $150.

Why cant i fucking scam the libs why god damnit I wish I were a jew

>> No.10129511

This is how the world works. This is a low trust society now where everyone is trying to scam everyone else. I'm just angry I can't run scams like this.

>> No.10129521

That’s adorable as fuck
Glad these young ones are learning he power of hard work and luck

>> No.10129525
File: 10 KB, 211x239, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some nigger kid with a leafblower made more money in a day than i have the past 2 years.
I want off this ride.

>> No.10129527

>Gofundme started on June 29
>Story came out on June 30

Lol, they started the Godfundme campaign before the story even came out.

>> No.10129531

>I genuinely hope you are not young
The young don't have resources to defend themselves yet, so they are less likely to share these opinions and try to be friendlier.

>> No.10129539

Please explain to me how an 8 year old perpetrated this "scam"? Did his parents capitalize off the whole thing? Sure. But it's definitely not a scam. It's called capitalism in the land of the free. Don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.10129557

God you're a fucking retard desperately trying to justify your caveman racism

>> No.10129563

Anon its clearly a scam and a damn good one. You make $50k this week?

>> No.10129570

The incident happened before the news came out????? Issa SCAM!

>> No.10129571

Nice. Great sentence too dumbfuck. I’m sure you haven’t picked up on the totally not orchestrated series of articles about random white people calling the police on random black people for no reason at all, since that happens so much. Eat a bullet you dumb motherfucker, you have no clue what actually goes on in the real world.

>> No.10129576

>Don't be a hypocrite.
Dufuq you talking about. Do you know what board you're on?

>> No.10129584

We aren't saying it should be illegal we are just saying its trashy and opportunistic

>> No.10129589

Yes, it's biz. Those blacks are running a business. We're all here trying to make money and survive. Same shit.

>> No.10129593

Idiot, how was that post racist? I hate assholes who pull the race card on EVERYTHING.

>> No.10129596
File: 459 KB, 798x820, 1512051758604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

womp womp

>> No.10129604

modern day slavery. literally.

>> No.10129620

kys. the world has outgrown you

>> No.10129621

Yup. Because making fun of a mentally challenged Mexican girl who got taken away from her mother isn't racist at all. Suck my dick, Trumptard.

Ps: you don't own the board. So blow me.

>> No.10129636

nice just donated 100k

>> No.10129638

Go burn in hell, asshole. Not everyone is a fool who would bend over backwards for self-victimizers.

>> No.10129641

Your group of limpwristed faggot friends is not "the world".

>> No.10129672
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Well pull it out anon

>> No.10129675
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Again. It's capitalism. Same as this shit.

>> No.10129692
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>> No.10129708

Good for him.

>> No.10129799
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>> No.10129903

>gofundme scams isn't a sustainable business

That is literally all of crypto.

>> No.10129922

Keked hard thanks anon

>> No.10129923

The kid had no idea what was going on. His mom simply told him what to do and then she set up the gofundme afterwards

>> No.10129940

>as a (((100% white dude))).... you guys are seriously fucking embarrassing
the jews aren't even trying anymore lmao

>> No.10129944

The woman called the police to complain about noise. The kids were yelling in a loud obnoxious voice about water. Their soundwaves were entering her property lines and infringing on her property rights, just as surely as would a bullet fired into her house. Therefore according to anarcho-capitalist theory she would have been fully justified in shooting them like dogs. However she instead contacted the agents of state, showing unmerited mercy on her attackers.

>> No.10129945
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 1529206600249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10129954


>> No.10129985

lol black people, jews, and libs make a convenient scapegoat for pathetic your life is. how about you get a better job? why didn’t your dumbass study? don’t worry my tax dollars will pay for your welfare, or at the very least help pay for your messy suicide clean up.

>> No.10130003

>black people trying to better themselves per white's requests

>still get the cops called on him

>> No.10130027

>whites not allowed to confront niggers on nigger behavior

>calling cops is the best option

>> No.10130103

just wondering, is curly hair like that strictly a jewish thing or can natural blonde white people have curly hair without being jewish

>> No.10130133
File: 595 KB, 1080x1368, 20180703_003156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were serious at first lol i was about to go ham.

LOL he fucking mowed a small part of whitey's grass. Don't get your panties in a bunch, sissy-boy. You seem like one of those white guys who talks shit about non-whites online but would never say shit to their faces.

>> No.10130134

Yes blonde people can have curly hair without being jooish.

>> No.10130142

when i was a kid my older brother mowed the wrong neighbor's lawn. the guy laughed about it, gave my brother $15 and that was that.
god damn i miss living in an all white neighborhood.

>> No.10130172

We're heading towards a civil war. I don't know how no one else can see it.

>> No.10130175

>You seem like one of those white guys who talks shit about non-whites online but would never say shit to their faces
Because shitskins are completely unstable and the cops won't let me shoot them in self defense without taking all my cash in a civil suit.

>> No.10130185

You sound like a straight up bitch lol

>> No.10130208

Well that story made a dramatic 180 lol. You're an absolute retard.

>> No.10130226
File: 52 KB, 700x415, istandwam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool leaf blower Ahmed, would you like to bring it to the White House?

>> No.10130229
File: 111 KB, 700x701, 69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon here. You have to go back

>> No.10130241

Hell yeah good for that little kid, I wish I had his savvy at 9

>> No.10130254

Here ya go, pussy: https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/membership/

Now you have nothing to complain about. Buy that insurance and you can talk shit to as many niggers as your little white heart desires.

>> No.10130262

Stop projecting

>> No.10130334

Seriously, your cops have nothing to do, they sit in their cars and eat donuts all day, just like in the movies.
If I get assaulted and get away relatively fine, I will not call the police, because it would be a waste of time: they don't do anything about these menial issues.

>> No.10130501

Back where, anon? Your mom's basement to fuck her some more?

>> No.10130516

Black race is the superior one in every aspect of life

>> No.10130528 [DELETED] 

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10130560

white people, when left to live amongst themselves, live in a high trust society. you wouldn't understand

>> No.10130638

I'm white, dumb fuck. I'm just not a racist. And no, I'm not a liberal but i do lean left.

>> No.10130639

You know what, this kid deserves that money, you fucking burgerfaggots are so fucking backward and racist it's beyond a joke. Calling the cops on some ten year old nigga kid because he mowed part of your lawn?? Do you cunts have nothing better to do with your life??

>> No.10130886

Probably some old cranky white dinosaurs that live for shit like that, maybe race had something to do with it. But the gofundme is wrong, throwing money at the kids doesn't teach them anything nor does put right a misdeed

>> No.10130963

ffs move your ass to Sweden

>> No.10130981

as with all things involving children and money, it's the parents wanting to buy shit for themselves

>> No.10131001

>Neighbour calls the cops because he stole part of the neighbours yard
I fixed it for you

>> No.10131002

unironically thhis

>> No.10131021

haters gonna hate. wtf were u doing at 9? crying at mommy that the big bois stole your fucking pokemon cards. faggot.

>> No.10131039

This but unironically.

>> No.10131096

god i hate niggers. you can just tell from looking at the picture this little turd was causing a ruckus. probably yelling at the top off his lungs like these apes usually do. i would call the cops too of this piece of shit was fucking with my lawn. of course we live in clown world and if a nigger picks up a lawnblower thats enough to throw 50 grand ar him. fuck this planet back in the day niggers were kept in their containment zones and this kind of shit didnt happen.

>> No.10131112

What's with whites and purposely calling cops to ruin other people's lives? You can't even fight your own battles now. That's just sad bro.

>> No.10131148

>I guarantee this happens all the time to people of all races.
Nope, I can guarantee you it does not. I live in the Philippines and people settle their differences by duking it out and selling our own personal problems. Calling authorities is reserved for heinous crimes like murder and homicides. Calling the cops for something petty as this is a pussy move. No wonder people see you whites as weak and wimps. You can't even fight your own battles anymore.

>> No.10131156

*settling our own personal problems.

God damn autocorrect.

>> No.10131179
File: 74 KB, 375x718, AD328450-EC75-4852-BA27-4582364CAFDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tennis ball

>> No.10131182

>clown world
Oh, you mean Trump's America?

>> No.10131200

Thank you!!! Can I meet PewDiePie?

>> No.10131214

niggers like you always feel like they're discriminated against because of their race when white people are actually blissfully blind to race and react to thuggish behavior. it opened my mind when trayvon died and obama (as the fucking PRESIDENT) started whining about black experiences of being told out of the store because of being a black teen wearing a hood. nigger, as a white teen wearing a hood i've been told out of stores, and no, i wasn't doing anything. store owners don't like loitering teenage males, for good reason, and race doesn't come into it. but even the highest level black always have a need to insert a victim complex void of any perspective for the experiences of others, claiming to be singled out when everyone else has their own shit to deal with. blacks are fucking psychopaths, unable to fully consider the reality of other people and the validity of their experiences. that's why they rape and murder at a greater rate regardless of socioeconomic status, and that's why we shouldn't call the cops on them but shoot them in cold blood and eradicate the whole continent of Africa
>inb4 muh edge
fuck. off. the collective toll humanity has already paid is higher than a full black genocide, and the way demographics go blacks may very well be what ultimately destroys civilization

>> No.10131231

But they are niggers and 90% of the time you argue with a nigger 90% of the time they'll pop a cap in yo add, especially niglets they are more likely to be packing heat than packing a lollipop. I'm not even messing about here guy

>> No.10131242

coke v pepsi
same product, just tastes slightly different

>> No.10131294

Yeah and turning western civilisation in to third world Muslim shitholes will save it. You won't have to kys asshole as that horde of invaders you let in will do it for you eventually faggot

>> No.10131310

No not all..some just haven't been around niggers enough to become racist.

>> No.10131346

>store owners don't like loitering teenage males, for good reason, and race doesn't come into it. but even the highest level black always have a need to insert a victim complex void of any perspective for the experiences of others, claiming to be singled out when everyone else has their own shit to deal with.

I never understood why Blacks think they're the only ones who went through that. Store owners who get shoplifted frequently are very paranoid. They care about more their profits than people's skin color.

>> No.10131358

Wow what a huge faggot. You only came to this thread because you saw the niggers and knew this was your opportunity to pontificate at those who use words that offend you you poor dear. Fuck off with yourself and go wipe your fanny

>> No.10131380

I leave biz to get comfy with the meganerds from my own generation and this faggot is posting this shit here too wtf

die rajeesh

>> No.10131384

And you are a complete fanny

>> No.10131410

Anon just hasn't been around niggers much, he's probably Scandinavian, probably shouldnt be on 4chan as offends easily but he's definitely a huge faggot and needs to wipe his fanny.

>> No.10131501
File: 84 KB, 960x925, 4MnFdS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you a communist incel who no deserve be on /biz/ if you have problem with this

>> No.10131574

Kys nigger loving faggot