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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10125715 No.10125715 [Reply] [Original]

how do you make money if you dont have a degree or job experience at 25?

>> No.10125726

You dont.

>> No.10125743

but i want to so what do i do?

>> No.10125746

Yeah, there is no hope for you, just go ahead and make it easy for your parents. Get a rope and end it.

>> No.10125753

Facebook Ads + Shopify

>> No.10125755

Sell your kidneys

>> No.10125790

If you're in America, selling plasma is pretty common. Here's some other ideas too

>> No.10125800

suck dick or sell drugs

or you know just get your CDL

>> No.10125817

You could become self-employed. This is /biz/, after all. Maybe look into certifications, IT, software development, etc.

>> No.10125837

Minimum wage retail job. And freelancing. And trading shitcoins.

>> No.10125863

work the oilrigs. dont spend the money on hookers and blow.

t. alberta rig worker

>> No.10125929

take the pain until u save up $50, then invest in kneepads

>> No.10125964

You got a nice set of cheeks? You know what to do.

>> No.10126009
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You go back to school for a degree or trade or find a low skill job. Or you could start a business or trade shitcoins. Though if you had to make a thread asking about something with an obvious answer, buying a pair of kneepads and sucking dick might be for you OP.

>> No.10126049

start a business in a field you like, go to school on the side, get your degree in the field of your business, if your business is failing, you apply to jobs and put your experience as a business owner on your resume

>> No.10126126


>> No.10126934

Join the army.

>> No.10126987

You take whatever shit resume you have and you wake up at 06 am and go to anybody and anything and beg for a job. I said beg. And you do this each and every day until somebody feels sorry for you and gives you the job. After that you do anything in your power to excell at the job and do the job the very best of your ability. And while you are doing that, you also in your spare time look for a better job. Because better jobs hire people who allready have jobs as that shows working motivation.

>> No.10127018

Id rather hire somebody without an education who works in mcdonalds but works 6-7 days a week, for few years, then somebody with decent education but 3 years of "finding my self" eg. doing nothing, on resume

>> No.10127027

either buy knee pads or learn a trade

>> No.10127662

Quit feeling sorry for yourself and you make it

>> No.10127714
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get into manual labor like plumbing or tiling, army is also an option

>> No.10127726

Teach yourself to code and take contract work until you get a job offer.

>> No.10127753

best advice so far

or you could just enter college OP, it's easy, takes only 5 years in a respectable degree, internship midway through, it's a fair and good trade for a six figure salary in the long run