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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1012530 No.1012530 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize that working in tech is a shit strategy that guarantees mediocre income in exchange for limited upside
>tfw you realize that you shouldn't have majored in CS

>> No.1012533

Forever wagecuck.

>> No.1012536
File: 24 KB, 624x525, 1445079368543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really depends on what you're doing

If you're just another web dev/code monkey, you really don't deserve much to begin with

>> No.1012546

Spergs just want a comfy job and the ability to come home and play vidya and fuck with Linux for 8 hours a day.

Why do you think all the normies go for business?

>> No.1012563


are you fucking joking? Tech is the boom industry? What the hell are all those startups in SF doing then? Are they charities?

>> No.1012566

>mediocre income
If you get your CS degree at 22, you'll break six figures well before you're 30.

If you're unsatisfied with that then you're an idiot.

>> No.1012570


Dunno, I'm doing pretty good. $110k+ plus a year, nice house, enjoy the work I do (just not the BS that surrounds the job).

>> No.1012571
File: 27 KB, 460x368, 1446668380510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah dude, you're just not very talented nor do you have the right connections.

>guy wants to be a professional soccer player so he plays a lot of soccer
>he sucks at it and doesn't get anywhere
>tells everyone "hurr soccer is shit"
>meanwhile thousands are earning millions if not billions

>> No.1012591

>not making YouTube videos for normies and make trillions

>> No.1012594
File: 864 KB, 160x270, 1435443375962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends where you live. not gonna make it in europe, prolly never.

in usa maybe (less than 5% of cs do), but that's before you pay your healtcare lol

>> No.1012665

This is a really intelligent post

>> No.1013178

I'm making 120k as a Software Developer first year out of school. After one year I'll have opportunities to move up the ranks of development or move into team/product management.

Work in tech, senpai.

>> No.1013179

I majored in communications. You can always do worse m8

>> No.1013184

Master's or Bachelors?

>> No.1013190

Wtf is communications?

What do you even study? Like communication systems or something, cell towers and shit?

>> No.1013194


I feel the same way. 90k in Boston. I have had the opportunity to find myself in a highly skilled team where I am learning a lot, but I'm unsure if there's any future as a career.

I have been thinking of going back to South America and starting an IT consultancy in a few years when I have around 5 years experience.

I don't really see what else to do with my career besides save for financial independence.

I should have studied Architecture or gone into the military like the rest of my family. Why didn't I listen?

>> No.1013242
File: 1.30 MB, 245x280, topkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many gifs of this babe laughing

>> No.1013245

Man 4chan sure has a lot of laughing_whore reaction images

>> No.1013246
File: 187 KB, 1024x672, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I should have studied architecture
5 years of intensive study, followed by years of hard work just to get into a soul-crushing field where you have a 1/50 chance of ever building anything good.

Also, modern architecture is shit. Architects are effectively desperate prostitutes. No integrity, no virtue.

>> No.1013248
File: 1014 KB, 1996x3000, je628AL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't call my waifu a whore

>> No.1013251

That pic is what millions of architects wish they could build but can't because they're cucks to the system.

I couldn't think of a class of people whose dreams and aspirations are more dashed than architects. Pathetic fucks.

>> No.1013444

Bachelor's. Any entry Software Dev job at Google/Amazon/Microsoft will net you this much or more.

>> No.1013457

Man, that is the most childish "stop liking what I don't like" I've ever seen.

>> No.1014435
File: 1.19 MB, 320x240, 1405247703962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf m8. I feel like I fell for a meme. Did a computer science internship last summer at a random ass company and it was boring as fuck. I tried getting a cool internship this year but after getting rejected by most of the companies I applied to the only reputable internship I still have a shot at is Amazon, which is infamous for how shitty it can be to work there. I'm too much of a sperg to make connections or make people like me so the entrepreneurial route of CS seems closed off, and my CS skills or lack thereof definitely don't make up for it. I feel like I'm just going to end up sucking the dick of some large tech company for the rest of my life without moving up and its too late to jump ship. I don't really know how I feel about sitting at a computer for 8+ hours a day and writing shippable code can really get boring. Is every industry this shitty?

>> No.1014452

With CS you have guaranteed middle - upper class life.
and many possibilities to go beyond that

>> No.1014476

I got a mechanical engineering degree and a job in the field and this is how I feel. Not much of a chance to make shit loads of money, but I should be able to make $100,000+ by the time I'm 25. From there I see many possibilities outside of the field.