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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1012105 No.1012105 [Reply] [Original]

>hey brah wanna signup for my direct sales company

>we do direct marketing and are a management training program based on a positive attitude and leadership potential

>> No.1012115

>positive attitude
god, I hate this BS. What is a job where I can be a huge asshole and make tons of money?

>> No.1012241

ready to do it!

where can i find info?

>> No.1012253
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>He isn't paid to shitpost

>> No.1012353

>Direct Sales
What a great way to say door to door sales.
Direct marketing(door to door sales), management training(you are responsible for yourself and will get let go if you dont produce)

What a huge pile of absolute dog shit on top of horse and bull shit.

>> No.1012373


I like how they pretend like they're not a pressure sales system, but you basically beggar people to give you recommendations and then bugger them too.

Made my first $200 off of Cutco, though, and got two free knives.

It was a good way to waste a few days.

>> No.1012564

some nearly 50 year old man laying the moves on a girl who musts be no older than 25.


>> No.1014174

Sell to your friends and family! Basically begging family for money and thats the only sale you will have.

>> No.1014201

no uncle Charlie, mom told me all about your MLM scheme. Sorry that you are 5k in the hole for that.

damn, I actually thought you called me 'cause you liked me.

>> No.1014221
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What I dont get is how people like this seem to stay in business and is able to live the lifestyle they have.

Its either its all a facade or they legit are able to fool that many people.

>> No.1014256

There's plenty of idiots, but do you really want to be a predator? In a business and sexual sense?

>> No.1014266

I know right. If you're going to try and date women in their 20s in your 40s you could at least lose some weight and get a decent haircut.

>> No.1014269

its just a facade and they live on credit and shit with a rotation of suit jackets and dress shoes. leasing a newer sedan and haircuts 2x a month. they probably dont own a home and if so theyre a million miles away from ever owning it in full. if you looked at their actual finances you would die laughing.

they want to look their way like other people with other interests do. everyone on here thats actually 'doing it' doesn't flaunt it nearly to that extent.

tldr: just ignore and do your thing.

>> No.1014271

I do D2D sales for a living. Not many people can do it because they can't handle rejection and have no confidence in themselves. Everyone should do it once to see what real work is. I don't get paid unless I generate revenue for the company, and I get paid very well for doing it.

>> No.1014296

Selling what? I can't think of any reason I would let some door to door salesman in my house in the first place

>> No.1014303
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Now that I think about it, there is one dude in my facebook who is always posting dumb quotes and picture of himself in a jet and talks about some MLM shit

>> No.1014308

1/50 houses he probably meets someone awful with money, fucked up, old and confused, etc

98% of people fucking hate him

>> No.1014310

Solar now, alarms before. I'm sure all of my customers have said they would never buy anything from a door to door salesman, until I get to their door. i don't "sell," I have conversations.

Getting in people's homes is easy. I don't ask them to come in I tell them I'm coming in. I control the situation whether it's at their door or in their house. That's why people buy from me, they know I'm a pro that will get them what they want.

>> No.1014312

Nah I knock maybe 10 doors at most a day. im cool with everyone and they're cool with me. Even if they say no the first time I always come back. You're not selling until you get a no. I wouldn't get paid as much as I do if everyone said yes.

>> No.1014318


>Getting in people's homes is easy. I don't ask them to come in I tell them I'm coming in. I control the situation whether it's at their door or in their house. That's why people buy from me, they know I'm a pro that will get them what they want.
>Even if they say no the first time I always come back. You're not selling until you get a no. I wouldn't get paid as much as I do if everyone said yes.

im wrong, 100% of people fucking hate you. 2% are just giving you money to go away.

>> No.1014324

If I had your attitude I'm sure they would, but I don't. Having a positive mindset is key to door to door sales.

>> No.1014327
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added to the collage

>> No.1014332

>peoples thoughts and opinions drastically change because i'm enthusiastic

you make money off idiots
and everyone else hates you

>> No.1014334


Successful door-to-door alpha male salesman?

What a brilliant oxymoron to start my day with.

Let me repeat, you to D2D sales, you're actually below a wagecuck, you don't even get a wage, just cucked.

When I was younger I got scammed into doing a daily round with these fuckers to see what they do, one of the worst days of my life, 97% of people look like they want to drive a spike through your face when they open the door. You have to be a dickhead to do it, only absolute moronic dickheads are immune from the scorn of the person opening the door.

Get a real job fag.

>> No.1014337

I appreciate the encouragement!
Good luck in life homie!

>> No.1014338

Why do they always go with the "good attitude" thing?

>> No.1014340
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>> No.1014350

Good for you. You still aren't getting into my house as much as you seem to have convinced yourself you have Jedi mind powers. And that other guy is right, 100% of people hate you. You're just a pushy shit stain who eventually badgers some of them into buying from you.

>> No.1014353

lol what

>> No.1014360

Not sure exactly what the psychology is. Partly they want them to think they're their friends, to associate them with positive emotions and not to feel bad about throwing their money away.

>> No.1014366


It's just more bullshit spewed. First, they want to keep encouraging the idea that as long as you have a smile on your face you'll keep making money. If at any point you decide to stop they'll just claim you weren't successful because you weren't positive enough.

>> No.1014460

>those quotes

>> No.1014516

>these kinds of people exist

>> No.1014540

any anons have any experience with people selling ACN products/services? i think it's only canadafags who fall into that, not sure.

Are they actually making money shilling this shit?

>> No.1014582


>> No.1014686

Its always the former club/gym rats too lmfao

>> No.1014701
File: 82 KB, 518x510, do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy I know sells Forex lessons and posts screenshots from his demo account (not real money) all the time.

>> No.1014704
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thinks pips means money

>> No.1014705
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"living a fantasy life while working the same hours as every other adult"

>> No.1014710

Yeah that's a fantastic way to get shot in Alaska.

>> No.1014714


We need to continue this. I'm surprised to see one of my contributions on that collage. Please make me a thread

>> No.1014718
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Hey u guys. Join my group. We promise to make you money with forex trading :-)

>> No.1014744

so funny how these guys pretend to be on their phones all the time. why do you need your phone to trade forex??

>> No.1014757


>> No.1014775
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>Sweaty-palmed anon feebly rings the door bell, the door clicks and opens half-way and a frustrated looking woman eyes you warily.
>"Hello ma'am! I'm here to present you with an exciting opportunity to save money and help the environment! At SolarShit LLC, we are now offering FREE s-solar installation with no money down, when you sign up for our i-incredible f-financing p-package, with no int-!"
>"I'm not interested, thank you."
>"I'm c-coming i-in."
>Anon weakly puts his right foot forward, and the door thuds shut on the tip of his shoe
>he stares down for a couple of seconds, a gust of cold wind fluttering through his poorly fitted trousers, before he shuffles off the porch.

>> No.1014789

I often get nervous about being able to be successful in a world full of established older businessmen.

Then I waltz into threads like these and remember that 80% of the workforce are complete retards and it doesn't require much effort to climb up near the top

>> No.1014832
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WG has an app to forex trade. I'm pretty most of them end up losing money

>> No.1014874


thx anon

>> No.1014984

Who is that girl?. I wanna say her name is Sarah.but not sure. I definitely went to school with her or a twin. NB Canada.

>> No.1015004

^ I'm remembering..he's her age and a Lebanese dude I'd imagine. Small world. Do I have to hide my /pol/ nazi power-level now?

>> No.1015027
File: 61 KB, 1242x743, MLM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems the constant spamming works

>> No.1015172

if i knew abuot network marketing i woudlnt have to funded wars

t. rothschild family

>> No.1015210


>> No.1015239


>> No.1015243


>>"I'm c-coming i-in."
>>Anon weakly puts his right foot forward, and the door thuds shut on the tip of his shoe
>>he stares down for a couple of seconds, a gust of cold wind fluttering through his poorly fitted trousers, before he shuffles off the porch.

Son of a kek this made me laugh.

>> No.1015272

I don't get it, why are you making fun of this enterpreneurs?

>> No.1015298


>> No.1015481

I've only personally known one guy who became successful from it.

The whole thing runs like a cult of desperate 20-somethings and you end up having to pay more than you make.

>> No.1015496

you're retarded if you think you're entitled to be an asshole. There's a shitload of stuff you don't know and you will need the help of your coworkers to understand a company's process / products etc.

Positive attitude isn't about closing your eyes on defects or people doing something wrong at your workplace. It's about stating facts without getting emotional, which is one of the worst things you can get yourself into.

For instance, you wouldn't say "what you did is stupid, you don't know anything, you're lazy etc" but better "what you did is not what is required, I think you could improve your work by doing that and that" (stating facts without insulting).

I am still pretty young but I have the feeling a lot of people my age are just arrogant assholes who think they're gonna conquer the world by shouting "fuck you" everywhere.

>> No.1015504


>> No.1015565

My paychecks done lie. I used to be sound just like that when hi first started but I changed and got better. I've had several $3k+ checks but not consistently every week. That's the new goal for 2016. I'll show you plebs when I do!

>> No.1015575


You sound like you have the stuff m8.

Thing is,if you have the stuff, selling knives door to door is a waste of your abilities as a salesman and you should be able to figure out some better stuff to do with your time

>> No.1015578
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First sell me this pen

>> No.1015594

>Entry level
>BA required
>2 years recent experience required

>> No.1015610

I don't sell knives I sell solar. I'm at 90/100k a year but there are guys clearing a million a year. I still have more to learn.

>> No.1015612

Called me on my vacation, said a friend recommended me and were willing to give me an interview within the hour. Worst $50 I ever made

>> No.1015621
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cheap drinks
cheap phone.
woman has cheap haircut clothing and looks like a highschool teenager.
looks like a cheap restaurant


>> No.1015648

Make a TV program as a chef/design/whatever critic.