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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10117431 No.10117431 [Reply] [Original]

I browse /biz/ everyday for any new hint of Chainlink breadcrumbs. The thought of being in before enterprises is too tempting to pass up. I spend hours upon hours upon hours on it. From my work alone, I think we are truly seeing something that could dwarf the rise of Ethereum or Ripple. Given that odds are greater than 5% of this occurring, I am pouring almost every reasonable dollar in accumulating stinky link. Maybe I will run a node or just use LINKPOOL since its idiot-proof.

I often wonder if my passion for Chainlink is some deluded scizoid break or I'm having a flash of brilliance of finding something that's actually great for once.

I unironically hold the belief that one day I will make it and selling only fucks up that one chance. No balls, no babies, my brethren. I wish you all well. Don't try to time the market because you will fuck up and miss your chance.

Imagine the LINK exploding in value and you sell trying to play a few other alts and you have no insurance stack. The internet would go in full mania mode over the price of LINK. Articles will be posted everywhere saying "Chainlink Undergoes 5000% Rise in Less than a Year and Half." And you think to yourself, "I actually had that chance to buy at the ground floor and I missed it.What the fuck was I thinking?"

Your confidence will drop. You'd become more secluded. The more and more you think about this, the more you will want to avoid a catastrophe such as killing yourself from missing out on your one chance by buying and hodling LINK.

New paradigms are always FUD'd 1st.

Network effects will materialize in due time. Pay attention to the signs. It's so obvious with the clues, the breadcrumbs from Anons, and the stealth way Chainlink operates that this baby is something special.

In some unironic way it appears we do the marketing for Chainlink on a scale no one company could ever do much less have the support of the internet's most influential community.

>> No.10117446

Are you stable OP?

>> No.10117460

>> Internet’s most influential community
Oh Anon, have a sit here . . . The Dr. will see you shortly.

>> No.10117551

Call me crazy now.

I will be viewed as a genius later.

>> No.10117660

>Falling for a biz meme

>> No.10117697

you need professional help

>> No.10117763
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky stinky linki

Bad boy

>> No.10118267

>Are you stable OP?
I do the exact same thing as OP does...In my opinion OP is one of the most stable persons i have heard of.

>> No.10118297


> I think we are truly seeing something that could dwarf the rise of Ethereum or Ripple.

Nah, you just don't want to miss out on the next eth or xrp and you think LINK is it. Also called FOMO.

>> No.10118425

Anon I....
You must be new here
We stinkiest linkies all passed this phase months ago and now don't browse biz that much these days.

>> No.10118710

This is my first time on /biz/ in months. I'm waiting for launch now.

>> No.10118788
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Definitely comfy anon, I do pretty much the same and spend a lot of time on this board talking with other anons about the project, following breadcrumbs, tyring to solve riddles from riddle anon, etc.

Chainlink is the last great moon mission and will catalyze real world smart contract use. We have already made it, iron hands brother

>> No.10119039
File: 279 KB, 653x600, boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine people trying to guess the future of Bitcoin 10 years ago. You would've called them crazy if they thought some imaginary digits would be worth thousands. It's really hard to predict the future, we constantly underestimate the effect of new technology. The same thing happened with the Internet. Who knows what the market will be like in a another 10 years.

I honestly feel deluded, staking my hopes of a future on a Russian couch surfing, silent philosopher. It doesn't help with all the larps, the pajeet shilling and the constant shitting up of the board. But someone has to solve this problem, and this looks like the best bet. Stay strong brother.

>> No.10119077
File: 99 KB, 351x398, Anime-Laugh-5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP thinks he is going to make it

>> No.10119142

I’m running into the same thing. Does anything else in life give you the same joy that finding breadcrumbs for LINK does?

>> No.10119664


>> No.10119710


I'll buy that shitcoin when it gets to a relevant exchange. Until then you fags can lick sergays ass.

>> No.10119730


Are you high or something?

Bitcoin was a working product, all that Gaylink has is some promises by a russian faggot.