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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 505x261, tau2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10109560 No.10109560 [Reply] [Original]

Progress is what Lamden is all about and I can say that they are doing a pretty good job at it.


We aren't too far from seeing Lamden taking over the market with their great platform that sits the need of every developer.

If one wishes to invest, I think TAU is your perfect choice as i can safely say it'll hit the 1$ mark by the end of this year.

>> No.10109578

update looks good, cloves getting some buffs is really what I was looking up to.

>> No.10109615

i can't argue on it hitting the 1$ mark, saw a post the other day that said it'll go 3.51$ once it reaches a certain amount of market cap.

>> No.10109648

got some amount to hold and not sure till when I'll hold it, it things go the way say then i'll probably let them go by the year end cause i think it'll be at its max potential

>> No.10109695

not this shit again, you aren't getting rid of your bags anytime soon so just stfu

>> No.10109699

ah the classic tau pajeets. certainly rarer than the 0x pajeets but no less.... pajeety

just look at this comment >>10109615

it perfectly captures the absolute essence of a true street shitting pajeet. its glorious, a work of art

keep it up guys you're truly brilliant

>> No.10109710

>Lamden taking over the market
Sure i'll wait another 100 years.

>> No.10109724

I won't say that, once the mainnet comes out then the coin will start growing as of now it's just surviving so I suggest you to hold it for a little longer than that.

>> No.10109748

I don't wanna get rid of them anyway they don't hurt and probably they'll worth more than most of the overhyped coins soon.

>> No.10109751

T. Pajeet

>> No.10109767


>buying worthless shitcoins

I'm sure most people have learned not to buy based on /biz/ shilling by now.

>> No.10109787

Atleast we have something to do unlike you who just sits on his computer and rants about things he don't like.
Get a life you miserable cunt.

>> No.10109808

You just have to wait till the end of this year and not 100 years, mainnet will be out by Q4 and once TAU finds itself a better exchanges, things will rapidly change

>> No.10109859
File: 89 KB, 977x565, TAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worthless shit coin? it sits at a better price than most of its competition and is able to make progress.
Most of the coins in line of Lamden don't even come close to what it offers.

-100k TPS

- sidechains

- Masternodes

- based on switzerland

guess it's enough to get you started.

>> No.10109867 [DELETED] 

hey man im just having some fun. since you seem apt on responding how about telling me in your own words why tau will be a successful project.

hardmode - dont talk about mainnet, price increases in the coin, or post an infographic

>> No.10110232 [DELETED] 

I have a feeling that you are here to bash it for no reason but I'll walk you through and see if I can change your opinion about it. There are several things that make Lamden what Lamden is and i'll add some of it:

- 10 active developers working on the project
- Lamden has 4 suites Clove, Cilantro, Saffron, Flora
-Atomic swaps activated
- Lamden Clove swap interface is created.
-Lamden has announced to make it own DEX in 2019
- Tokenized fiat for switching easily bw fiat and Tau.
- zero Transaction cost
- Powered by solid lang like Python

>> No.10110317

None of those features or even the combination of features is unique. Useless shitcoin

>> No.10110329

Stu is a literal genius. Can't wait for people to realize how much better Lamden is once Atomic Swaps are live

>> No.10110381

find me another coin that offers the same at 7 cents, i'll wait.