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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10108853 No.10108853 [Reply] [Original]

>we work hard and we play hard

>> No.10108871

>were looking for someone with great interpersonal skills

>> No.10108879

>why not, anon? What do you have to do on the weekend?

>> No.10108892

are these spam threads bannable yet?

>> No.10108919
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>you should be more proactive anon

>> No.10108932

Wage cuck threads trigger you but boomer threads don't? Fuck off wagie

>> No.10108976

> Please watch your language. We are trying to make a more inclusive atmosphere. >>10108892
Please concentrate on a more positive spirit here.

>> No.10109024

This is the corpo speak for "you toil like a motherfucker with overtime and after work instead of going home and resting from your slavery you also need to suck up to your boss in bar". Also you won't refuse because you need to be "team player". You get shitfaced schmoozing to your boss you hate all night and you wake up the next day tired even more so you sleep the whole day away and then the next day the grind continues...

>> No.10109042

those are easy to filter though

>> No.10109090

>we're looking for innovation

>> No.10109099

>we eat lots of curry and shit in a hurry but no need to worry we do this all from the street.

>> No.10109123

god damnit this is true. after a couple years of this shit, i had to get out. it doesn't take all day to do 99% of jobs in corporate america, a couple hours at most; but everyone has to stay there all day because team reasons.

>> No.10109130

>we're looking for team players

>> No.10109136


>your cortisol levels will skyrocket as your entire existence becomes dominated by your workload. You will fill the coffers of the company and boss with value you add from your gut wrenching labor. Twice a year we will take you bowling or for a pizza as a token gesture that we give a fuck about your pathetic life aside from how much you turnover we can squeeze out of it.

>> No.10109180

>bowling or for a pizza
the meme is real life

>> No.10109203
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>What to expect on the job:
>Lunch time xbox tournaments
>free beer and pizza
>all the coffee you can drink
What the fuck /biz/? Since when did workplaces turn into daycares? I don't wanna work at a soi factory, but that's in the description of every developer job

>> No.10109229

>we work hard and we shitpost on a Laotian cartoon forum on the weekends

>> No.10109236

that's my worst fear anon. I just want to do my job and program in in peace. now I have to fit in with le reddit crowd and their cringy minecraft session

>> No.10109249

The alternative could be a lot worse, you ungrateful zoomer.

>> No.10109294

>we're both workoholics and alcoholics

>> No.10109314

You programmer tards laugh at I.T. people all the time, who's laughing now? I get to stay in my data center for 5 hours a day doing light manual labor and fixing networking problems (ez and fun if you're a certain kind of autist) while bullshitting with actual cool people about good hunting spots and shit.

You fuckers have to work with an army of arrested development bugmen who think JavaScript is more important than building a family.

>> No.10109338

>when did workplaces become daycares?
When having a certain percentage of your company be non white and female became mandatory it happened.

>> No.10109341

Sounds pretty good to me. I've had spic-tier, back breaking, heat-stroke inducing jobs before and I would prefer soiboy sessions to that any day.

>> No.10109825

Sysadmin/network admin is a dying job. I make almost twice what you do and I've only been doing devops for half a decade.

>> No.10109853

>doing devops
>not killing yourself
How can you even live with that?

>> No.10110000


It's to rope you into working 60-80 hours a week while only being paid for 40.

>> No.10110008


Wow i fucking wasted these digits $3000 LINK EOY

>> No.10110011
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>> No.10110021 [DELETED] 


>> No.10110040


>> No.10110048

A happy worker is a productive worker :)

>> No.10110407

>more important than building a family
lmao fuck off cletus and take your shitty financial obligations with you

>> No.10111234

its bullshit though
i worked at a startup in lisbon
>>xbox plus flatscreens in living room/lunch area
>>fuckin beanie bags on the floor
>>pizza wednesday
>>friday drinks with company
>>surfing once a week

it was sweet and all BUT we ended up working 10 hours a day, and sometimes on the weekends, to balance out all the bullshit time spent doing american team building fuckshit

>> No.10111450
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>checked and kek'd

This is why I'm self employed. Fuck working for the corporates.

>> No.10111491

What kind of faggot actually does it though? Jesus christ. If I got that line I would probably laugh in their face and go home, you people are pussies.

>> No.10111579


>> No.10111649
