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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10108831 No.10108831 [Reply] [Original]

>work at a hotel
>wake up at 3AM, press snooze 5 times, got to be fresh and prepared to set up the breakfast buffet that starts at 6:30AM
>too early for any public transport in my area
>dont own a car
>walk 20 minutes to the town center to take the bus
>always within 5 minutes of being late
>put on a work uniform, blazer and tie, its hot and you're sweaty but people enjoy people in suits serving them
>work for 10 hours a day (gotta rack up the wage hours)
>see fat assholes stuff their faces all day with luxury food items
>see all the wasted food get thrown in the trash day in day out
>manage to finish work
>get home and too tired to do anything else
>fall asleep and then repeat the process

>> No.10108931
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>Work at a construction job
>Wake up at 4AM, not a morning person so I need the extra time to look like a human being before work.
>Drive an hour and a half down hicksville to get to the construction site
>Always within 5 minutes of being late
>put on a work uniform, and PPE. It's hot as balls outside.
>Doing manual labor for the skilled wagies.
>Work 10 to 12 hours a day (you're working yourself out of a job wagie)
>See hot nurses who think you are subhuman trash.
>All the wagies at fast food restaurants think you are subhuman trash as well.
>Manage to finish work
>Get home and too tired to do anything else
>Fall asleep and then repeat the process.

>> No.10108987

Bikes salesman

>Wake up at 10am everyday
>20 minutes shower singing Georges Benson - Give me the night
>Go to starbucks to get a good french breakfast
>11:20am - Head to the subway which is almost empty
>12:05pm I open the shop, boss is at home
>Texting tinder thots until first customer arrives
>chatting with him and smiling because Im going to rip his wallet with a triumph / harley he doesnt need
>7pm - I close the shop, send a text to my boss to tell him how much bikes I sold (or I havent sold), while flirting with some of the female customers
>8pm - Im home, refresh my delta blockfolio +800$ during the day only with crypto
>9pm Time to workout and to meet a girl
>1am I pay her uber and she gets out

>> No.10109018

>good french breakfast

Pick one

>> No.10109063


>work at an accounting firm
>two bosses own the company
>daily grind consists of colleagues dishing out passive aggressive one upmanship in order to demonstrate fealty to the two bosses for a promotion where they can get a measly pay rise
>sold a picture of an awesome company with focus on tech startups during interview process
>nobody in the company knows anything about blockchain tech and how it will make all their jobs obsolete within 5 years
>contracted to work 9 to 5 but expected to "put in the hours" since everyone is salaried which means you can find yourself working 50-60 hours a week while getting paid for 40
>rather than give employees pay rises they just hire new faggots on minimal salaries

>> No.10109066
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they have croissants and marmelade

>> No.10109131 [DELETED] 
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>Work at a construction job
>Wake up at 4AM, don't even need an alarm
>put on a work uniform, a nice dress shirt and comfy pants
>take a short 5 min walk to work, drive a car when it's bad weather
>work all day driving around depressed wagecucks to their slavers and back home
>enjoy long breaks, mooch of fancy dinners for free, watch movies while resting, shitposts, trade shitcoins
>sometimes even go home during a break
>be done with work for the day
>walk home, fuck my wife
>fall asleep and then repeat the process

It's not that bad.

>> No.10109148
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>Wake up at 4AM, don't even need an alarm
>put on a work uniform, a nice dress shirt and comfy pants
>take a short 5 min walk to work, drive a car when it's bad weather
>work all day driving around depressed wagecucks to their slavers and back home
>enjoy long breaks, mooch of fancy dinners for free, watch movies while resting, shitposts, trade shitcoins
>sometimes even go home during a break
>be done with work for the day
>walk home, fuck my wife
>fall asleep and then repeat the process

It's not that bad.

>> No.10109184

Are you a bus driver? Sounds comfy, actually...

>> No.10109204

It is, but the work hours are murder.

>> No.10109300

>commercial waterman
>wake up at 4am drive to my boat
>work alone so no annoying coworkers or boss
>load up boat for the day
>200 lbs of bait
>toss in a dip and put out of the dock
>fish my first pot and the motor cuts off
>not this again
>prime the motor and try again
>start seeing smoke coming out
>oh fuck me
>take off cover and the motor is on FIRE
>find out fire extinguisher is broken the hard way
>dump bucket after bucket of water on it to get it to go out
>drift around for a while until someone I know can give me a low in
>need a new motor
>unwanted week long vacation during the peak season
>bait all spoils
why even try

>> No.10109413

jesus christ, that sounds absolutely miserable
sometimes i envy wagecucks for having stable income, but then i remember if you're not a literal sociopath the lifestyle is hell
not gonna lie, i could scam people for millions... but for selling bikes? what the fuck man. this is the white version of niggers killing each other for a couple hundred bucks

>> No.10109450

>good french breakfast

The absolute state of Americans

>> No.10109486

I have +250k$ due to crypto currencies
Im 25
Just waiting the golden bullrun to finally quit this life and live in Pattaya
All the guys who buy me bikes are onions boy leftists with +100k$ average year income, so i dont really care to sell them 30k$ useless (and ugly) bikes

btw, u seem mad

>> No.10109512

>be neet who sells on eBay and Amazon
>wake up, turn on anime
>check sales
>feed and play with my chihuahua
>list stuff on eBay and Amazon I buy at thrift stores
>check crypto stack, always nervous before I check price
>go on tinder to see if matched with anyone
>nobody ever matches me
>play vidya
>package so,d items and go to post office
>mom gets home and tells me she loves me and makes me dinner
Nobody will ever love you like your moms faggots so be nice to them.

>> No.10109534

they don't let you stay at the hotel for free? wtf

>> No.10109577

>but then i remember if you're not a literal sociopath the lifestyle is hell
it's why the meek (NEETS and those like us) will inherit the earth and i'm not even a biblefag

>> No.10109587
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>wake up whenever I like, usually 8-9am.
>spend the day reading books and writing articles on topics I'm actually interested in. Can read pretty much whatever I want.
>no boss, no one telling me what to do. All my co-workers are chilled and we all get on.
>spend a month writing grant requests
>receive $15,000 just this year tax free from the successful requests
>earn around $1200 tax free a month from scholarship
>make extra money teaching undergrads and marking their papers for around $25 an hour
>fly all over the world doing fieldwork and going to all expenses paid conferences to give talks
>when I tell people what I do they're actually impressed.
>have access to subsidised world class sports facilities and go to gym 3 times a week.
>only downside is it's not permanent and eventually I will have to get a real job.

Doing a PhD is comfy desu lads. If you can blag your away in to a decent university and get funding then I highly recommend it. It's a happy compromise between NEET and wagecuck.

>> No.10109603

>Nobody will ever love you like your moms faggots so be nice to them.
more truth

>> No.10109610

>neets green texting their life
>they live in their parents house
>they will be homeless in 25 years


>> No.10109716

Projecting this hard.

>> No.10109737

found the salty LARPer

>> No.10109753

> off to clock in with the other wage slaves at 7pm
> struggle to keep up for 8-10hours on the manufacturing environment "fresh department"
> leave
> try to sleep at 7am
> wake up at 4pm
> repeat it over again
> such is life

>> No.10109793

>i could scam people for millions
>still in his parents' basement wanking to hentai desperately holding 11,000 TRX

>> No.10109826
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having been there myself I can tell you when it ends (and it will) I hope your degree gets you a job within one month of finishing or else suicide comes to the fore of your mind every day

>> No.10109870


>> No.10109988

Hmmm, concerning desu

>> No.10110091

>see fat assholes stuff their faces all day with luxury food items

I'm one of them, Anon. My company pays for all of it.

>> No.10110192
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i hope you can recover, dude

>> No.10110287

>work as clerk at grocery store
>No gaurantee of hours or schedule
>Always show up within 5 mins of being late
>Push rows of heavy carts inside while it's 105 F out
>Finally go inside to clean shitstains off toilet
>Repeat for 8 hours
>Go home too tired to do anything else but shitpost

>> No.10110918

hopefully you have an actual phd and not a gibs-tier humanities phd

>> No.10111201

>Wake up 12-1pm sometimes earlier
>do as I please until 4-5pm then work
> Package handler at FedEx $12.50 an hour throwing boxes
>Work till around 9pm maybe later
> Jobs cool
>Co-workers are cool
>Bosses are cool
>Lost 30lbs so far and worst it gets is we get a lot of boxes and heat
>Go to work high sometimes and get complements on well filled trailers lol
Honestly it's pretty great only 20 here a week and soon I'll get a car to go to trade school while the help with tuition.

>> No.10111394

> tfw just finished post-grad and have no choice but to wagecuck for the next 40 years to pay off $150k of student loans

>> No.10111473

Recently finished PhD. I fucking hated teaching and going to conferences. The actual research was pretty cool, at least in the beginning. I procrastinated a lot though, especially towards the end when I got really depressed. Now I don't give a shit about research anymore.

>> No.10111562

>btw, u seem mad
again... literal nigger tier behavior. same reply they have when called on their shit
you're a sociopath dude. of course i'm a little mad society rewards you rather than people who want to build a better world. it'd be a sign of mental illness to find this state of affairs acceptable
basic economics dictate if sociopathy is rewarded, we get more sociopaths. precisely why so many of your customers earn 100k+ while being terrible people

>> No.10111627

reading comprehension, my brainlet friend
i'm saying if i were in a position where acting like a sociopath would get me millions, i'd probably do it. as in, "i'm no paragon of ethics myself, but...", an introduction to the next part
i know you wagies don't have a lot of free time so you skim through posts, but try to give it a little more effort, i believe in you anon

>> No.10111749

computer security nerd

> wake up at 9:50
> shit, overslept again...
> get up, casually get ready for work, walk my dog... 10:45, 45 minutes late...
> get in nice car and drive 10 minutes to work, 11am, 1 hour late
> badge through security, crack jokes with secretary
> walk in and Dept. director and team manager both standing near my desk
> oh shit...
> hey, anon
> hey guys, how's it going?
> good good, everything cool with you?
> talk for a few minutes about projects I'm working on... I get to pick what the fuck I do all day and what I think we need
> go to kitchen, free coffee and food, co-workers playing vidja games and watching world cup on 80" TVs
> go back to desk, check email, check reddit
> literally play with computers doing fun shit like studying malware and sneaking into botnets all fucking day
> 4 o'clock, it's time to go home, gotta beat that rush hour traffic for my 10 minute drive
> wait anon, before you go we need to talk...
> oh shit
> we decided to give you a raise and a promotion, here is $35k in stocks as a bonus too...keep up the good work

you niggers should have learned computers.

>> No.10111771

Reason why I'm going all the way with crypto. Anon, that situation you're in, it scares the shit out of me.

>> No.10111856

>work mechanical engineering job in the nuclear industry
>slow bueraucratic government work
>9 hour days consisting of 1 hour of actual work
>get paid 38 an hour to listen to podcasts all day
Could be worse

>> No.10112004

ayyyy i just started working at a hotel, in maintenance. Been pretty chill so far. gona sink so many fat pay cheques into crypto once i pay off some dues.

>> No.10112093

>wake up stroll to the kitchen and start coffee
>turn on computer coffee and internet news until 9
>check email and make notes
>more internet start making calls at 10
>lunch 1130 start working on computer about 1
>try to get to gym around 330 or 4
>dinner at 530 scotch at 630

>> No.10112822

>19 years old machinist/welder/fitter apprentice
>Wake up 4am
>Recently got hit by pajeet while i was riding my motorcycle
>Catch 5am train to make it to work by 6am
>Co workers all 30+ but still Decent
>No girlfriend only family is my dad
>I think I'm austistic but not sure
>Get home at 5pm go to gym eat sleep repeat

>> No.10113192

you're right

>> No.10113817
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Part 1 of 2

> Work in an office been there less than a year
> Start at 8 am
> Walk in and DO NOT say hi to the sjw liberal guy in the cubicle across mine
> He never intiates why should I?
> Actually a lot of coworkers expect a greeting but they refuse to intiate even when they look first
> Turn on work pc and look through the stacks of pointless paperwork
> Female roastie tatted degenerate normie married supervisor comes by for the usual talk
> Asks me how my weekend was
> Almost always avoid giving her details but make it obvious my weekends are fun
> Has shortened chit chat with me luckily
> Do boring paperwork on pc
> Clearly falling behind as my mind is set on the verge of quitting that hellhole
> Sexy older reserved Latina with an accent who is in a different deparment visits my cubicle (one of a few attractive woman in the building)
> Well that's new its not like we've ever had a full blown conversation
> Talk a bit and congratulates me on my new cubicle
> Phone rings, oh the first "favor" of the day from my supervisor
> Oh an order to bring her something she can easily grab herself
> Back to my heavy workload
> Annoying females talking in nearby cubicles
> Supervisor arrives at my cubicle, asks me for another "favor"
> Act hesitant
> Still have to do it
> Back to work
> Time for lunch

>> No.10113862
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Part 2 of 2

> Back from lunch
> 2 or 3 missed calls from my supervisor
> Call her
> Wanted to know how to do something she's done for years
> Alright back to work
> Annoying black woman has me do something for her as she is a superior, talks too much just like my supervisor but at least she gives me benefits
> Supervisor walks by asks me how things are going
> Back to work again
> Supervisor shows up asking for office supplies that I have stored in my cubicle all the while doing her pathetic unsincere apology
> Geez how unprepared is she that doesnt have this stuff over there or checks the supply room first (guess she knows I'm prepared)
> Leaves
> Back to work
> She calls me asking for her third "favor"
> Back to work
> Supervisor walks by asks me how things are going...again
> Nearing the end of the day up at the front desk of the office instead of cubicle
> Supervisor calls me to update me on what she has been doing so far and got done for the day (why?), don't answer if it's only like 2 minutes left since she talks too much
> About to leave, passive aggresive 40ish year old degenerate guy rings the front bell as a passive aggresive move
> Leaving time arrives, gtfo or wait a bit and leave with a few people I talk too
> Hourly wage is a little over minimum wage and I have a bachelor's degree

>> No.10113954
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>Kind of make it in crypto but was tired of NEET life
>old manager in Alaska emails me asking if I still have CDL
>Still have license
>Job pays $20hr, 60 hours a week, free room and board right next to national park
>Start time 4am
>Super excited, pack my truck up and drive up in 6 days from the southeast
>Worked here in 2016 at another hotel, met cute girls and climbed mountains but pay was shit and the food sucked
>Arrive at the job and start working
>Drive this bus on a 40 minute loop 10 hours a day
>Each stop is a ten minute increment of new people
>Literally boomer hell, we're talking all these old fucks that came to see Alaska and DEENALLEY before the eternal dirt nap
>Every single fucking boomer that gets on the bus asks me my life story every 10 minutes for 10 hours a day
>I make up different answers as time goes on
>My favorite is when I tell them that I bought the top of bitcoin and lost my house, .80 of every dollar i make goes to the IRS
>Also sometimes tell them I have 9 kids with 3 women
>Boomers tip sometimes
>Eternally pinkwojak.jpg inside when they get on the bus
>Net $2k for two weeks of work after taxes
>No cute girls at this hotel, only imported labor sheboons
>currently shitposting on biz outside the most beautiful place in America
>14 more weeks

>> No.10113968

>go to workplace at between 9 to 10am via public transportation
>stare at and type on computer almost the whole day
>daily standup meetings on progress
>leave at between 5 to 6pm

>> No.10114007

>all of these wagies that get to sit down all day

Im eternally jealous

>> No.10114042

>to finally quit this life and live in Pattaya
BASED and redpilled

>> No.10114050
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I did learn computers but no one will give me an entry level position because no connections and not a pajeet.

>> No.10114071

the dude who arrives is the dude who initiates the greeting baka

>> No.10114109

Sometimes they are the one's arriving.

>> No.10114122

>work in a government cushie job all day doing nothing
>since it's all political here, you can't get out, people literally monitor each other's moves and waiting for an opportunity to strike if you make a mistake
>do nothing but talk gossip or stay quiet all day
>do nothing but just watch the clock until your end shifts
>get home frustrated and annoyed at how you have accimplished nothing in your life

So this is what I graduated and went to school for.

>> No.10114131

>"The French, they don't really do breakfast. They call breakfast 'English breakfast.' They do 'petit dejeuner,' which means *NO FOOD 'TILL NOON!*

>> No.10114136
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>> No.10114163

>Get up at 5am and drive to my office by 6am.
>Manage deliveries for Renovations.
>Leave the office around 9am and drive an hour to the job site.
>Confirm deliveries and that items are correct.
>Leave by 1pm to beat traffic, home around 3pm.

>> No.10114183

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10114200
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>wake up at 4:30am
>pack up gym bag and clothes
>get to gym at 5:00am
>lift, cardio, swim
>relax in sauna, steam room and hot tub
>hit the road at 7:00am
>listen to comfy podcasts while sitting in stop and go traffic
>get to office at 8:30am, before boss and everyone else
>respond to some emails, update some spreadsheets while listening to music/podcasts
>no one bothers me all day pretty much
>browse 4chan, r****t, discord, log on to trade shitcoins
>respond to more emails, spreadsheets
>5pm, leave
>get home at 6:30pm

worst part is the commute but im freeloading fuck living at home with the parents and aggressively saving so I can deal with it for now - will probably move out in a year or two

>> No.10114205
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>STEM degree, learned coding skills, had internships, etc
>Applied to 700 coding jobs. Couldn't even get a fucking entry level position.
>Get desperate for money. Decide to take retail job.
>Get new job in high-end wine store
>12/hour starting. Will probably make 15 or 18 an hour by the end of the year.
>Have to wear nice pants/collared shirt every day. Not the end of the world.
>Heat in the Winter. A/C in the summer.
>Job consists of just building and taking apart simple wine displays, helping rich assholes by pretending I know the difference between the 20 dollar and the 80 dollar wines.
>Only need 40 hours a week to pay my bills and have a little left over to invest.
>tfw semi-comfy but not quite

Even if my alts moon and I make it, I would probably still keep this job.

>> No.10114207

basically this

t. sysadmin

>> No.10114211

Yeah, it's not to shabby. I'm 4th year PhD with plans on graduating this coming Spring. The pay sucks but I get to set my own hours and I have pretty minimal supervision. Also, once in a while I'll get to work on an actually interesting project.

>> No.10114227

>wake up at 8:30 and walk the dog
>shower and get to the studio around 10 but no one notices if I’m late
>take lunch and walk the dog whenever for an hour or so
>home by 6:30
>no one says anything as long as I get my edits finished (tv production)
>job ends and go on unemployment until next gig falls in my lap and hope it’s quick
>travel between jobs if I save up enough
>realize at age 30 this is unsustainable but continue to do freelance production work

>> No.10114250


>> No.10114359 [DELETED] 

It sounds retarded to me to live the rest of your life in a foreign country just so you can have cheap sex and food all day without having to work.

That's extremely hedonistic and it might seem fun at first, but it gets old, and you'll feel like you have no life purpose because you have done nothing with your life.

So you got "redpilled" which basically some other loser told you how to have sex and eat food for cheap, and now you're going to follow his "redpill" advice cause you're a retard

>> No.10114492


I left Alaska last week. I miss it. My parents had a cabin up in Talkeetna. My sister liked being friends with the hooligan teenagers she met up there. But they've all grown up and now they're all pregnant or on drugs.

>> No.10114502


>> No.10114550

>Hourly wage is a little over minimum wage and I have a bachelor's degree

this but I work in a fucking restaurant

>> No.10115678 [DELETED] 

How long since graduation?

>> No.10115936
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>part time seasonal
>circuit city right before went out
>notice 6 year old niglet by shake his right leg
>out comes a turd from the bottom of his pants right on the carpet
>pick up turd with like 19 paper towels
>its rock hard
>walk it to the trash can
>at this point i had a feeling took over out of nowhere
>tear off one paper towel with the turn concealed
>place in pocket
>crumble up rest of the towels and toss them.in the can
>quickly walk back to the warehouse section to a private area and jam the turd in my mouth
>eat the turd
>chewing wasnt bad but gagged a little after swallowing
>next day
>come to work
>two coworkers giggling
>already nervous
>littke fat pajeet kid works in tvs walks up
>welcone to circuit shitty
>they all bust out laughing
>Manager calls me in
>hes sweating bad
>look man, loss prevention caught you eating that poop on camera, i have to let you go
>never worked retail or ate shit again

>> No.10116074

what degree?

>> No.10116089

Depends on what Im doing, usually I just roll out of bed at 7am get ready in 10 minutes then go where ever
At the moment tho
>out of bed at 5:50am
>out the door at 6:00am
>on site at 6:20am
>sit in van and check charts for 20 minutes
>go to smoko shed and make cuppa tea
>pre-start meeting 6:45am

>> No.10116106

>See hot nurses who think you are subhuman trash.
>All the wagies at fast food restaurants think you are subhuman trash as well.
This is truly demoralizing. Especially so when theres a cafe/takeaway near site that is seeing 20x the business it usually sees, but the staff still view all the construction workers as filth.

>> No.10116110


>> No.10116121

>i dont say hi to anyone because they dont say hi first
You arent losing by initiating you are winning. Its like bitch you only speak when spoken to lmao.

>> No.10116128


>> No.10116131

i peed laughing

>> No.10116142

What the fuck did I just read

>> No.10116156

>wake up at 6 a.m for my kindergarten classes
>kiss my gf goodbye and maybe have a quicky
>get to condo van at 6:50 and head to bts train
>teach two morning classes for 1 hour each and an afternoon class for 40 minutes.
>kids leave by 2 pm
>2-5 pm I browse /biz/ and listen to doom metal
>go home and smoke ganja, lift 4x a week

Comfiest job ever. I won’t even have to quit. I can dump 1k every month into crypto. The only downside is parents and coworkers initially presume I’m a pedophile for being a guy, but when their periods clear up they realize I’m better around children then most women. Women should be removed from leading children after 4 years old.

>> No.10116494

>work in film industry in la
>every job is freelance because that's how the entire industry is
>never know what your next job is unless you frequently work for 3-4 different production companies

Ffwd to the show I'm currently working on:

>roll up at 930, 2.5 hours after first shot
>go inside the production trailer
>trailer is because we always work on site so gotta make the best of it in a mod
>set up my shit at my desk and immediately start getting calls to go on supply runs for the crew
>get the production assistants to do it for me because fuck that, I work in the office
>spend all day coordinating supply/meal runs and arranging paperwork in a nice, chilly trailer while it's a sweltering 90 something degrees outside

Part 1 of 2

>> No.10116502

Part 2 of 2

>feel bad because my buddies are out there dying in the heat so I make sure to send the people I like on the runs so they can relax in some ac
>spend the rest of the day browsing /biz/ until wrap rolls around at 7
>get all the other wagies to fill out their time cards because today was the last day of the shoot
>leave around 9 to do it all again the next day

The hours on film sets are ass (12 hour days on average) but it's very much a "hurry up and wait" environment so you get plenty of down time during the today to shoot the shit and eat free food. Also it's a creative outlet that actually pays well and the work is constantly changing from job to job which is perfect if you're an ADHD motherfucker like me.