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10108342 No.10108342 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a basement dwelling, scared of people ultra autist, how to prepare?

>> No.10108437

wut jerb

>> No.10108449

Nofap, no porn, no internet, no junk food, no vidya, and lift

>> No.10108479

some clerk shit, I don't even know, says some "organisational work, documents" in listing

>> No.10109124

no pillow & cold shower

>> No.10109253
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you will survive i was just like this 1 month ago then i went and got a wageslave job because i was running out of money at a coffee show for 3 weeks 3 days hated it woke up late this thursday after going to a brothel with friends the night before reach to walk 1 hr late just walked into the office and told the boss to fuck off if i stay here i will end up killing him

now im selling drugs i bought online life always finds a way of the autistic kek has a plan for us

>> No.10109309

>kek has a plan for us
fuck i hope so

>> No.10109310

Create a fake personality. Look in the mirror and just think of yourself as a normie. Do this every night until you can become a normie at the snap of a finger.

>> No.10109323
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print out a full 8.5" x 11" color of chelsea clinton, put it next to a pocket pusy and fuck it whilst thinking about her. nut until you have no cum left. then sleep early and wake up on time so that you arrive at the interview 30mins-1hr ahead of time. spend that time sitting there like a robot, rehearsing in your head all the possible questions and your answers.

employers don't want free thinking, confident, and self-employed people. they want empty-headed cogs to perform functions so that they can profit off your work. they want yes men. they want you to show up on time, clean, and ready to perform your specific tasks. are you up for that.

pic related is what the average office worker looks like. you are expected to be subservient to the company.

t. 30 yr old boomer who quit his decent paying job right before they claim they were gonna gibs me dat raise & promotion but i quit anyway because i didn't feel alive.

>> No.10110185

Sounds like a woman's job

Some chick with big tits is probably gonna get that job, anon. You need to learn some skills since you're an antisocial autist

>> No.10110398

Key to job interview is showing the interviewer that you can help him solve his problems rather than create more problems.

Easy mode: research the FUCK out of the company. What products do they make? Have they been growing or shrinking? Are you they trying to get into new markets. Activate your autist powers and get to know the compay backwards and forwards.

Medium tier mode: think of all your experiences, and think about stories from your past about how you can help. Example: they want you to organize their filing system, so you tell story about how you organized all the files and membership records for your magic the gathering or whatever club [not making fun of this btw, just trying to show how hobby can be relevant]

Hard mode: reach out to your network, family, whatever — does anybody you know know anybody who works at the company. Take them to coffee and ask for tips about what its like to work at company.

>> No.10110497


>research common generic job interview questions

Write your answers to theses questions. You will have an easy time answering if the interviewer actually uses the same questions, but you also develop your interview persona which will help you answer any unexpected questions as well. You should also find questions to ask the interviewer, since this shows that you are curious and that you want to do well. The URL below is what I used for research.


>research the company

Just go to their website and read everything they have. Then research what its like working at that company, which can be done at Glassdoor. Learn about what they do but also their company culture. Usually the website is plastered with keywords taken from their mission statement and core values. If they keep using "honesty" then you should market yourself as an honest person during the interview.

>research the job role

Google it, find the page about it on Glassdoor. You should be able to find lists of interview questions used for this specific job role, so write answers to those questions.

Most people don't even bother preparing for an interview. Which means you absolutely should, because it will give you a leg up. All you need to do is come across as genuine while still fudging the details a little bit to make it look like you want this specific job at this specific company.

>> No.10110543

For normal people, theres tons of ways to prepare.
For you, none. You just got to go and experience the pain. After a few more interviews maybe you will get used to it and get an offer.

>> No.10110640


> think of all your experiences, and think about stories from your past about how you can help

This is also really important. List all the major events in your life which could have relevance to showing how you solved some sort of problem. I made a list of group projects I did in college as well as some incidents at work where some drama happened.

Whenever I was asked a question like "Explain a situation in which there was a conflict in a group and how you resolved it" I would mentally go through the list of stories and find the most relevant one, and then tell the story in a way that makes the most relevant details stand out. For example, a minor incident in which I argued with a toxic cunt of a group member was told like this:

"I was part of a group project in which one member was unhappy with the project design, but the rest of the group had democratically decided what final product would be. Since she felt her insights were ignored, she began protesting by sending inappropriate text messages to the rest of the group. Since I was personally offended, I felt I could not argue with her from a rational state of mind. Instead, I told her I understood how she was feeling but that the only way we could resolve the situation was if she took her complaints directly to the professor, who was better situated to mediate and resolve the dispute. After hearing all of our complaints, the professor sided with the rest of the group and the conflict was more or less resolved."

>> No.10110642

Real talk you should get your hands on some Xanax or klonopin I would never do an interview without it. Also, have a long list of questions you can ask about the company and position even if you already know the answer. It shows interest and also shifts some of the pressure off you and onto the interviewer