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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 540x540, monsterultraboomeredition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10108039 No.10108039 [Reply] [Original]

when did you realize the boomer/monster meme was propagated by the Monster Energy Company itself, to help with their declining sales numbers?

Ask yourself why the "meme" is isolated completely on the business section of 4chan?

I mean, at first I thought you guys would notice this at first, since Monster energy has literally nothing to do with "boomers", we just realized that organic memes come about from random inputs, so we figured Monster was a perfect fit.

>> No.10108073


>> No.10108078

t. 30 year old boomer who never heard of sips

>> No.10108082

All my troubles seemed so far away....

>> No.10108089
File: 234 KB, 545x530, 1495245439993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i have diabetes
can't drink your delicious soda

>> No.10108094

It's not isolated to /biz/. I've seen it on many boards now. That said it's still an advertising campaign and I said this days ago.

>> No.10108115

Its not biz only though. Its all over the place on biz, pol, and starting to turn up on g and k as well.

Sips has been around for a bit too. You massive fag.

>> No.10108118

ok then, what proof do you have?
it might as well be so-called "earned media"
monster is everywhere

>> No.10108121


its sugar free

>> No.10108131

Monster is such a scam drink I’m getting so sick of these paid monster shills everyday. RedBull is the only real energy drink all others will not matter. Oh and Rockstarcucks btfo no body cares about your bigger cans. Making bigger cans will not solve the energy scalability problem.

>> No.10108145

>Ask yourself why the "meme" is isolated completely on the business section of 4chan?

it started on /ck/ faggot

>> No.10108151
File: 154 KB, 610x481, IMG_0451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isolated on /biz/
it's on /fit/ too nice larp

>> No.10108158

And on /v/ as well.

>> No.10108161


>> No.10108171
File: 1.38 MB, 896x1280, 30 year old boomer BBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't just buy five hour energy shots when he pulls off the rare double shift and downs tap water when he's thirsty
I thought /biz/ was supposed to be frugal?

>> No.10108808

Monster advertising won't work on people who already tried that shit. If people want an energy drink then just get Red Bull which is at least decent. The only reason why other energy drinks exist is to stop Red Bull from monopolising the energy drink industry.

>> No.10108928

Sipping is from ck actually

>> No.10108952

>tfw you realize a secret business of corporate memes exist

>> No.10109362

>Ask yourself why the "meme" is isolated completely on the business section of 4chan?

It started years ago on /fit/ you braindead newfag

>> No.10109556

>Ask yourself why the "meme" is isolated completely on the business section of 4chan?
I've seen it on /pol/ and /fit/.

>> No.10109580

>advertising campaign for near pennyless neets with all their remaning tendies tied up in magical internet beans

No wonder your sales are declining

>> No.10109597

Nutella does viral marketing too on... other sites. Whenever I see a meme with a branded product facing the camera it's viral marketing.

>> No.10109646
File: 106 KB, 1222x587, 6954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10109954

Sip threads STARTED on /fit/. I was there