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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10106051 No.10106051 [Reply] [Original]

Had $1300 or so in bitcoins that I didn't give a shit about. Decided it'd be funny to throw it all into a crash game, so I did. All inned it at a payout of 100x and I fucking succeeded. Now I have $110k+ in bitcoins and have no fucking idea what to do with it.

Any ideas /biz/?

>> No.10106059

Sell it.

>> No.10106065 [DELETED] 

anon today i come to you with a very special offering: you can change my life
i am poor and wages in my country are too low to ever escape being poor. but some of you anons made it from crypto where as i unforgettably heard about it too late.. well, today you can change someones life.
im trying to gather 2k usd to buy a plane ticket out of my country (ukraine) because life is not good here. (inb4 pajeet, i am white)
i know it is against the rules but there is no other way i can make it, all of my family is poor too and you guys on biz are my only friends. hopefully one day i will be able to pass on the favor to other people who need it anons i swear it

eth: 0x3881AF7E67133B7a94ed297AE1B343c33e167A4d
btc: 14CJ8XwGwnp3Wcc4FVTXmQcxjY9iNyr2jx

>> No.10106084

2k? Plane ticket out of Ukraine? Why not go to Poland or some EU country to work? Lazy fug

>> No.10106088

It's a copypasta.

>> No.10106094 [DELETED] 

it isnt copy pasta and the rest i will spend on staying above ground until i get a job if anything left

>> No.10106108

I legitimately met Ukrainians in Poland who came to work there. They were happy to be able to earn much more than in Ukraine. Why can't you do that too? No need to be a lazy beggar fug, I mean if you at least had some good reason to ask for money...

>> No.10106111

Where do you want to go and how do you plan to pay back OP?

>> No.10106120 [DELETED] 

uk or usa and i will have his address if i ever make it to send back

>> No.10106136

slavs are not white

>> No.10106154

>fund my plane ticket to be an illegal immigrant in the US, i'll pay you back pinky swear
foolproof investment

>> No.10106160 [DELETED] 

not illegal and i never said i will pay back but if anon uses same address and they sent i would in future
it is not investment and i never said it was anywy

>> No.10106174

>I suffer living in Ukraine with 5/10 women who are a 9/10 in the west

>> No.10106175

Cash out enough to have a really nice night out on the town with a high class escort then make a better choice with the rest.

>> No.10106411

i dont understand, what keeps someone from getting consistent 10% gains in every bet? seems easy enough

>> No.10106427

They have blue eyes

>> No.10106442

dump it in iota, wait for eth ratio to climb to .34 then sell for eth - Wait for eth price to be 1500 and enjoy retirement.

>> No.10106879

This sounds fun, I think I'll do this.

>> No.10107323
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