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10103373 No.10103373 [Reply] [Original]

>tried asking a girl out today and she called me a creeper

I really need to make it /biz/ tell me how it's me only hope

>> No.10103416

>tell a customer I really like her
>she offers her number
>I decline and say I have a girlfriend, sorry.

nothing personal, kid.

>> No.10103423


>> No.10103429
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>> No.10103445

Don't invest your emotions on shitcoins faggot.

>> No.10103562

Here's a weird piece of practical advice.

The more you care about what she thinks the creepier you will come across.

I don't make the rules ... just showed up on planet earth and here we are with all this shit that doesn't make sense.

If it makes you feel better 95% of women are terrible at picking husband material. I'm awful w women but have had them pick me after I told them on a 2nd date I would never marry or have kids.

Over guys who would give their left nut, walk thru fields of glass and wagecuck to an ungrateful family for a lifetime

>> No.10103647

Who the hell asks a girl out? No you suggest a fun activity organically in conversation, set a time and day, then continue with the conversation. Also a good excuse to get her number so you can meet up at the same time.

The only time I've ever asked a girl out and it worked was because we were writing essays of random thoughts to one-another by message.

This anon is totally right. Putting pussy on a pedestal not only makes you intimidated by beautiful women, or any woman, but it puts you in the subordinate position in a dyad. It means you're begging for her to sleep with you...
As Patrice O'Neal said

>Over guys who would give their left nut, walk thru fields of glass and wagecuck to an ungrateful family for a lifetime
That gives me feels for some reason.

>> No.10103683

Biz is full of bitch made betas, no amount of money will stop me from arranging jerome to ravish every hole of your significant other

>> No.10103709

Most of you faggots best bet is to create profile, leave faceless pic alongwith crypto/biz interest, also stating you are not thirsty for sex but more so wanting female companions who to that future with

>> No.10103710

> gives me feels

Because when you realize you are with a girl. And another man would cherish her dearly but you almost can't because you know it would turn her off.

You feel pitty for him. You feel sad you can never feel connected like you thought you could. And you die a little inside.

>> No.10103715

Also, to make this /biz/ again - what i can be said also works in negotiation.
Which basically means, never buy anything without a discount, that margin of safety is what gives you leverage. Buy something below market price.
Always have liquidity too, you want either cashflow or cash on hand so that even during protracted negotiations you know you can keep spending long after the other side have depleted their resources.
Oh, and never negotiate with someone who can't make the final decision.

>> No.10103734
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>And another man would cherish her dearly but you almost can't because you know it would turn her off.
yep, aloofness is sexiness. What a horrible law of nature.

> You feel sad you can never feel connected like you thought you could.
No comment. mfw.

>> No.10103867

Maybe this will make you feel better anon 101% true story.

Was going thru Russian w my brothers. Met a German girl on the train. At first didn't like and ignored her but realized she was smart and a reporter on middle Easter affairs. Asked her out on a date tw days later (I refuse to bear around the bush)

That might she got drunk and came outside the bar to tell me how interesting and great I was.

Next night we went out as a group. Another guy came and she was making out with him in front of me by the end of the night for no apparent reason.

I wound up with her way hotter Russian friend who was also smart, 19 and fucking hot as hell.

Get better. Turn yourself into someone every girl who's rejected you would regret passing up if she saw you again.

You win in the end. Trust me

>> No.10103903
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>you are not thirsty for sex but more so wanting female companions who to that future with
Did you have a stroke half way through writing that post?

>> No.10103911
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Just give her the old lickaroo

>> No.10103912
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>he fell for the women meme

>> No.10103964

You don't ask a girl out right out the bat you autistic creep

>> No.10104021
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It is what it is...

>> No.10104078

>aloofness is sexiness

But then why can't spergs get laid?

>> No.10104096

fuck off androginous kid, the based boomers are having a talk.

>> No.10104360

Whoa, loaded question here - firstly spergs can and do get laid because of their aloofness. If I had to hazard a guess what you're talking about is the really hopeless causes who think of courtship and all socializing as being like a program
>but I did gestures A, B, C, and D - now she must engage in sexual congress... she is not calling slut_mode function!? I'll just run the program again...
and the ones who have like massive social anxiety, because they're stuck between having enough social awareness to know their odd, but not enough to understand how to manage or deal with that: so they are constantly on edge and anxious.
>protip: unless you're really tall, dress like a weirdo, move about like a flea, or smell - no one is looking at you, you don't even exist to normies until you're in their immediate eye-line for long enough. No one is looking at you.
So they exude this kind of Allenesque nervous energy which is only endearing in women.