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10101599 No.10101599 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 9.30 am
>browse internet on my phone and read a book
>extremely hot day in Toronto
>go out to buy coffee and see multiple 9/10 Staceys which was demoralising as fuck
>feel worried because I saw a girl yesterday who I thought was a 9/10 but I worry that I would've seen her as a 7/10 maybe only 2 years ago- immediately thought of myself as "that 27 year old boomer who thinks all 18-21 year old women are hot"
>drink coffee in apartment while browsing the internet and watching tennis
>decide it's too late to go to the gym
>bin the coffee I bought because I should give up coffee
>go downtown to walk around, feel sad about life, and maybe have my last coffee ever
>walk past Yonge-Dundas Square and see normies and Staceys galore
>now drinking coffee and feeling sad about life

Going outside and seeing happy normies everywhere who see me as an ugly loser feels insulting.

My main hobby is walking around, feeling sad about life, drinking coffee, and browsing the internet on my phone.

I can't bear to sit in my flat all day and learning or doing productive stuff when it makes me feel like a loser. I go outside and hope my 20s spontaneously stop feeling wasted. Of course that's stupid but it's the truth.

I've never worked hard on anything under my own initiative. I simply float through life. I look back at myself and wonder whether I had free will. I am due to start a more prestigious job later this year but I know I can't stand 9-5 living. My current full time job requires me to do no work and spend no time at the office. I'm living in a miracle situation but I'm still not happy.

I feel guilty about everything I do, don't do, and how I do things. I'm also blackpilled and know I have life on hard mode due to my ugliness and my youth is wasted (I'm 27).

I feel like binging on junk food tonight For The Last Time and hoping that I'll wake up tomorrow with purpose and willpower.

>> No.10101608


>> No.10101621

wait didn't you live in London? wtf

>> No.10101631
File: 12 KB, 587x773, That feel when I'm like a plastic bag, floating through the wind, wishing to start again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a whole lot of feels

>> No.10101681

Wasted digits. Go out and make yourself uncomfortable, do shit you’ve always wanted to try but have been too anxious too. You need to realize that 99% of the people don’t I’ve a shit about you and that’s good because you’re busy thinking everyone is staring at you. Have some fuckkn fun, force yourself to workout if you don’t have shit going on. And for fucks sake anon, but some god damn chainlink

>> No.10101682

You go outside to buy coffe and return to drink it in your appartment.

What's wrong with you? Why don't you just make coffee at home? Do you need someone else to shit and piss for you too?

>> No.10101721

He just uses it to get out of his apartment. If he didn’t go to buy coffee he’d never leave

>> No.10101756

Stop isolating yourself you cunt. You're turning into a fucking depressed weirdo. Too much time spent introspectively. You'll be ok though, once you get a job you hate. Say hello to Stacey for me.

>> No.10101811

Why don't you pick up a book about dating, improve your social skills, and try to score some? I mean come on dude. Nobody is going to feel bad for you when you are doing nothing to help yourself. I understand things get difficult at times but you are wasting the life you have left which will only lead to more pain.

>> No.10102348


1.) First realize that you are a man, which almost automatically makes you better than a woman.
2.) Get a haircut, a tan, and start lifting.
3.) Buy nice clothes, you sound like you have a nice job faggot. I wish i had a nice job, i'd buy a Ferragamo belt and some nice-fitting non-negrish tops and bottoms.
4.) Get a physical hobby. Try indoor rock climbing if you're out of shape.
5.) Get a mental hobby. Pro-Tip: this is the purpose Crypto serves.
6.) Grow a nutsack. You're going to need to get drunk every once in awhile, don't be a boozehound but there's no way around it. Meet people through work if you can, if you can't you may even need to get a new job. Maybe start serving on the weekends once you aren't ugly.

If all of this fails, get the FUCK off my board and kill yourself.

>> No.10102616

stop jacking it for 2 months, go to a comedy club for an open mic night and peddle some bullshit for 5 minutes. thats what Im planning. Shitpost IRL

go out there and tell them all that you touched your peepee so much that you lost all your schools, jobs and money. tell them that you respect women so much that from all the women respecterers, the japanese cannibal who killed a student and ate her milky white thighs is a 10 on the respect-o-meter, and you're like a 9

>> No.10102643

how well known is that japanese guy? i just cant imagine normies know about it unless theres a netflix special

>> No.10102650
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Literally me but it's even worse because I live in Edmonton and never leave my room

>> No.10102660

doesnt matter, you dont have to say "japanese cannibal" you can swap it to "cannibal serial killers" or something else similar. Just whatever absurd bullshit works

>> No.10102668

if you want to attract women just be honest man tell them you love them. everything you post anonymously on 4chan you should say to women.

tell them you want to eat their asshole for hours, or be at their feet. tell them you have never seen anything more beautiful then her, or that you have been looking for her all your life

>> No.10102670
File: 45 KB, 720x540, spaghetti mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was a postdoc at UT for 2 years, complete waste of time that did nothing for my career

>> No.10102686

Are you from /lit/ too anon-kun? Judging by what you say you have the background to be a writer. As >>10102348 said, you should get a "mental hobby" which can be writing. I don't know about physical hobby since you do lifting but you don't seem to really like lifting. If you don't like lifting then I suggest you stop and do a sport instead but you must know that you must never miss a workout/sport because you might start going less and less.