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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1009706 No.1009706 [Reply] [Original]

why /biz/ hates /pol/.
I never understood the irrational hatred of /pol/ here. Until now.
Pic related. It's /biz/.

>> No.1009709

selling, buying, trading but not producing anything yourself. the eternal jew.

>> No.1009714

No one but neets and berniefags hate /pol/

Oh wait, that's 90%of /biz/

>> No.1009725

I used to like /pol/ until it became like Reddit,

So now I have gone to f.u.l.l.c.h.a.n /pol/ where there is the real red pill

>> No.1009837


>> No.1010595
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Because you're perpetual complainers and just the other side of the SJW coin.

You are all either NEETs or unsuccessful losers who don't care about "National Socialism" or whatever. You just want to be edgy and blame some other group for your problems.

Pic related, do you not see the irony of /pol/?

>No one but neets and berniefags hate /pol/

Every single other board hates /pol/ because you come with your "redpill" and completely derail threads and destroy boards.

>> No.1010602
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>> No.1010603
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>> No.1010604
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>> No.1010607
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>> No.1010610
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>> No.1010623
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>/biz/ is one person
>/pol/ is one person

Gas yourself

>> No.1010628

/pol/ is a satirical board.

>> No.1010631


Studies on how adopted children's IQ correlates with their biological parent over the adoptive disagrees with that assertion. I believe socio economics just allow one to express their intellect better.

>> No.1010679


nice one scholmo

>> No.1010688
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It really is a satirical board though.

90% of the posts are trolling and the other 10% are people who fell for the troll and actually believe it.

We poke fun at racists like you by making mocking threads, stormfags are just too dumb to realize that no one is being genuine so they think they're in good company.

>> No.1010712
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i think it's even more pathetic you would waste time complaing about them.

Like those anit-bronies which i would argue are even more pathetic than bronys they demonize.

>> No.1010716

Because you faggots keep coming to every other board and ruining it.

It's a satirical board, almost no one there except for other underaged children or outcasts share your views.

>> No.1010727
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> ad homienem the post

nice argument merchant, you sure showed me ;)

>> No.1010729

But that's not ad-hominem. I told you why people complain about stormfags.

Can you really not understand why no one likes /pol/ users and you have you circlejerk eachother in a far away corner of an anime website? No one in the real world shares your opinions, and rightfully so.

>> No.1010730
File: 299 KB, 500x475, 1394538828735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes from ad hominem: the board
>accuses others of ad hominem

>> No.1010733
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but why do you care scholmo? it's ok were not going to gas you again. If your good that is ;)


dosen't chage the fact all he could do was name call, like back when he was a todler.
I thought jews were ment to be smart.

>> No.1010734

>but why do you care scholmo?

I just told you why. Are you this retarded?

Stay in your containment board, no one here shares your opinions.

>> No.1010738
File: 742 KB, 677x1168, 1450495130050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ow i'm sure you personally know every user of /biz/

Maybe you should enlighten yourself friend.

>> No.1010742
File: 249 KB, 1454x993, 1434047876549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He actually fell for the troll

/pol/ is satire. You must be some sort of newfag to fall for the racist posts meme, it's just tongue in cheek humor to mock stormfront. Jeez how gullible do you get?

>> No.1010743

>posting the dailymeme

into the trash it goes

>> No.1010752

b-b-b-but he got it from /pol/! It has got to be true

>> No.1010758
File: 189 KB, 632x724, 1417623503422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> /pol/ is sature

i love this meme

But where are the poofs?

> racist

Please don't practise jewadism here anon. You know jews are the most racist group on the planet.


look it up yourself

>> No.1010762
File: 1.32 MB, 620x566, 1387691322574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If u don't agree with stormfront u must be Jewish!

Nice ad-hominem meme.

How does it feel to know that your views are not upheld by anyone in real life and you need to hide on a containment board of a somewhat obscure website in order to post about it?

I bet you also unironically support Trump. I can't believe newfags still fall for /pol/ memes lmao

>> No.1010765
File: 334 KB, 1093x499, adl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 0.02BTC added to account

Most people are idiots, we both know this. Not to mention /pol/ has some of the highest traffic of any boards.

> ad hominem
> proceeds to ad hominem

the hypocrisy