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File: 146 KB, 1537x1001, Rothschild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1009263 No.1009263 [Reply] [Original]

True or false: To join the top .01% you must be a psychopath.

>> No.1009266

False. Even sociopaths won't hack it. What maintains the 0.01% if first and foremost connections they made throughout life, starting in private schools. To do business you need empathy for other people's needs and how you can help them, and in turn get paid.

>> No.1009275

Maybe. There are a hell of a lot more poor psychopaths than rich ones though. Lack of impulse control can be a bitch.

>> No.1009276

False. Psychopaths, if we're speaking clinically, aren't capable of long term goal formation, they operate on short term everything. Now people who are high in Machiavellianism on the other hand have a real shot.

>> No.1009301
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Psychopathy and Machiavellianism are two personality traits that usually go hand in hand, if you can't connect emotionally with people you sure as hell won't mind fucking them over.

>> No.1009307


No, they're part of the dark trinity, and in some cases people express both, but not always.

>> No.1009334

These little faggots throwing pop-psychology terms. No one in the medical/psychiatric profession uses these terms. They have been bunked for over five decades. The closest you're talking about is anti-social behavior.

>> No.1009336


>Everyone knows what we're talking about
>This autist faggot wants to quibble about psych definitions
>Comes to posture in a thread to feel superior

>> No.1009338

>Everyone knows what we're talking about
Nope. Everyone is pulling things out of their ass.
>posture in a thread to feel superior
You guys are already doing that by pulling things out of your asses and talking about things you don't have a clue.

>> No.1009341



>> No.1009344


>> No.1009386

Psychopathy is still used professionally, but it has a lot of "requirements" before someone can get diagnosed with it. Anti social behaviour is much easier to diagnose.

>> No.1009633

You need to be a reptilian anunaki or some shit like that.

>> No.1010127


>thread about how to get to richest .01 percent
>argument over psyche definitions

you're all retarded.

>> No.1010261

no you

>> No.1010277

1. There are two kinds of sociopaths. A real sociopaths and a wannabe sociopaths (edgelords).

2. There is no real proof that Nathan Rothschild ever said that quote.

>> No.1010297



To have the mindset and self belief to become one of the superrich, you need be a little mad.

Consider this: with just $10 million you could live a lavish life all over the world, and never want for anything. A man who seeks to be super rich is not satisfied with this. Thus, he is a little bonkers.

>> No.1010298

How much money do you have to amass to be considered part of the 0.01%? Is it personal wealth, tied to your name, or wealth of your family? Extended family, or just you, your wife, and your kids?

>> No.1010627

No, in fact that's a big handicap. You need to be able to read people, really feel what they desire and think, in order to use them to your advantage.

>> No.1010763
File: 48 KB, 600x600, CAQKE7UW4AEuMzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty damn selfish view of the world. Take what you want, just so you have enough for you only? It's "mad" to aspire to be "super rich" so you can in turn help contribute to the world that helped you live a wonderful life?

$10million in assets is slightly upper middle class in most areas of the US (especially if you don't live alone)

>> No.1010782

>$10million in assets is slightly upper middle class in most areas of the US

Even in prime Manhattan that's false.

>> No.1010794

nah cuz.. that's upper class.

>> No.1010815

psychopathy and assburgers are not the same

>> No.1010820

psychopathy and assburgers are not the same

>> No.1010824
File: 1.14 MB, 1366x2653, shemitah-real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1011167


False. Look at Alfred Krupp. During the industrial revolution when there was the social question and shitheads like Marx got popular, Krupp's response to that was to beat poverty with economy. He owned the biggest company in all Europe at that time and offered a lot of social services to his workers, like pensions and corporation flats which were revolutionary at a time. He didn't become the richest man in Europe because of greed. He became the richest man of Europe while improving society. He and his employees went with the motto "company is family" and a lot of Krupp's social policies are still used in germany today which is why german workers are among the most motivated workers in tje world.

Krupp was a pretty amazing man. I'm kinda mad that shools teach about Marx and Nietzsche instead of Krupp

>> No.1011193


> spending money is selfish
> making money is not selfish

sure thing bro. whatever you say.

Keep in mind, man is not even slightly happier than he was 1000 years ago and a shitload of innovation later.

>> No.1011195

False. They usually can't put their minds to do the immense amount of work required.

>> No.1011196

No. you become one by the time you reach the top. All the fuckery and heartache causes you to become numb.

>> No.1011258
