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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10090350 No.10090350 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10090944


>> No.10090992

Haha that's funny. Something will need to break before an actual bullrun

>> No.10091390

(((they))) print tether out of thin air to buy cryptos
while you all give (((them))) real currency for crypto

>> No.10091556

Exactly that

>> No.10091615

yeah, it's a ponzi scheme, and you know what? in ponzi schemes, the ones that benefit the most are the ones that join first.

>> No.10092621
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You need to know is that if you are a US citizen you are FORBIDDEN from owning Tether. Here follows their own words (don't be fooled by the word "certain"):

>Furthermore, residents of certain U.S. states are not permitted to be customers of Tether; are not permitted to cause Tethers to be issued or redeemed; and, are not permitted to hold Tether Tokens.
>Beginning on January 1, 2018, Tether Tokens will no longer be issued to U.S. Persons.

This + the fact that they have never actually proved that they have the money they say they do makes me think that tether will drop from 1 to 0 overnight at some point.

They also state quite clearly that they will try to weasel out of redeeming tokens as long as they can find a legal reason to blame it on. Bankruptcy? Or perhaps they will suspect you of funding terrorists? You also need to be a "fully verified customer" in order to even try, whatever that means. Makes me wonder how many Tether tokens that has ever been actually redeemed.

>Absent a reasonable legal justification not to redeem Tether Tokens, and provided that you are a fully verified customer of Tether, your Tether Tokens are freely redeemable.

>> No.10092634

Decentralized inflation

>> No.10092655


>real currency

The one they can make out of thin air to begin with? Why would that be their plan? Maybe its something else

>> No.10092670

Can I short Tether to the point where I have a liquidation point at around 1.10$ to make up for the fluctuations and when it goes to 0$ I'm fucking rich?

>> No.10092677

Satoshis true vision

>> No.10092778


>> No.10092871
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>> No.10092943

Do you even know what a short sell is? Of course you can do that, but good luck finding an exchange. Basically you've got to borrow a shitload of Tether, sell it for USD, then buy it back once Tether crashes and return the now-worthless USDT to the lender. Seriously, good luck finding someone to take the other side of that bet.

>> No.10093692


>> No.10093715

problem is you can't keep a short option open indefinitely without incurring fees