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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10086033 No.10086033 [Reply] [Original]


Nasdaq just tweeted about ripio / RCN - sebastian serrano featured on their #tradetalks segment

RCN is at all time low currently, in USD, in satoshis, and in ETH. why the fuck aren't you buying as much as you can of this sub-$20M marketcap gem??

this WILL be the first coin to 10x when the bull market returns.

>> No.10086533

Half the price of ICO price right now. Best time to buy.

>> No.10086574

Serrano's stick together
Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.10086576

Because I bought at 1750.

My only consolation is that somewhere out there, some asshole bought at 3800.

>> No.10086594

just bought guess we'll see

>> No.10086612

I'm just glad that over the last couple days that it seems like it's not a vaporware exit scam anymore. The community silence was worrying for a while.

The January credit card pilot was welcome news, but on the other hand that involves holding until at least January. (or December for the hype?)

>> No.10087059

i'm glad i stumbled upon this project later rather than earlier... i probably would have gotten suckered into holding it long term and missing out on all the gains of the last bull run. looks like RCN performed decently well while everything was mooning left and right, but it tanked harder than almost everything else over the last six months.

luckily i bought REQ, LINK, ZRX, and KNC instead and still have some profits to work with, despite this murderous bear run. RCN finally looks set to be a top performer in the Q3 and Q4

bump so that others can be made aware!

>> No.10087187

Is 660 sat a good price to buy?

>> No.10087191
File: 125 KB, 733x464, 1530199280635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving your money to spics

>> No.10087225
File: 388 KB, 1009x1278, rcn_u4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these lesbians (male) finally pulled through
this is guaranteed to be the starting point for a continuous, several year-long rise of rcn

>> No.10087268

i'd say so. it's never been this low before (except once in december, but that was a flash crash so i don't think it should count)

the more autistic among us might have noticed that RCN has dropped over 150 CMC rankings since the start of the year. meaning it has SIGNIFICANTLY underperformed the market as a whole, despite their fundamentals only improving.