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10085849 No.10085849 [Reply] [Original]

I’m tired of being a loser

>> No.10085867

Buy Link and wait 2 years

>> No.10085885

i cant wait for post singularity and you had your chance threads

>> No.10085897

Brobip: Get into motivation

>> No.10085904

have you heard of dan lok?

>> No.10085925

How much LINK do I need to make it?

>> No.10085950

Then stop doing loser things brah. Start with identifying your loser looping thoughts and turn then positive, then fix your default body language and work outwards. Address the root causes first

>> No.10085968


>> No.10085970

10k is generally agreed to be enough long term.

>> No.10085971

>guy says he doesnt want to be a lsoer
>anon tells him to buy link

you are really cruel.

>> No.10085991

Nice try faggot, Link is the best project right now. I'm not going to shill why that is to faggots like you.

>> No.10086002

Idk you gotta look within nigga everyone's different. But you probably have some looping thoughts in your head everyday that you aren't aware of.

>> No.10086011

Unironically here to know
I feel like there are two types of people in life; those destined to succeed and those who are losers. I keep reading success self help books, one after another, but each time I keep thinking, “yeah, that’ll work for THOSE people, but I really am a loser, and everything I set out to do, fails.” I feel like there are two trajectories in life, and somewhere my life split into the failure path.
Gonna see a new therapist next Wednesday...

>> No.10086031

Also I own over 100k LINK, but I’m unemployed and a dropout. I feel like I don’t have the self control and everyday I worry I’ll sell too early. I feel like LINK is my last chance to be a success but knowing how often I fail I am really sorry if my luck hurts my LINK bro’s.

>> No.10086062

You’re only a loser because you think you are. “No one can make you feel inferior without you’re consent” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Same, it will be glorious

$100-200 will happen within 3 years, you do the math

>> No.10086144
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Get it together motherfucker. I'm going to make it, you're going to make it, we're all going to fucking make it. If you're worried about selling too early, don't ever sell. Just stake and start selling portions of returns at certain price targets.

You can fail once, you can fail twice, you can fail A HUNDRED TIMES, and if you get it right on the hundred and first, YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL. There are plenty of poor men out there that haven't lost a dime but not a single rich man who hasn't seen losses. Don't live like a pleb, take risks and do what normies wouldn't dare to do, you will win.

>> No.10086237

thanks for this bro

>> No.10086521

Stop reading those bullshit books, you are a loser if you keep buying them.
Wanna succeed? Introduce discipline in your life and start a business/app. Do your fucking bed every morning, don't eat junkfood. Work a little on your idea/business, even if it's only 30min a day.
And stop reading that self-help crap

>> No.10087063

The root cause of meekness, and the reason the meek must be ostracized by insane society:

Is because the worship of psychopathic traits and the idolatry of stature is essential dissonance for the continuing business of cannibalizing/infanticiding humanity.

Not having the will to dominate others is perceived to be the only sin under dominant Satanic Moral Relativism, Social Darwinism, and Service to Self Material Hierarchicalism.

Because you are of your heavenly father and not your earthly one, you are 'punished' by hell.

>> No.10087322
File: 31 KB, 376x349, A72E5AD3-6457-4E75-87D2-55C0981C3A2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to be cool? Just make your bed and learn Python.

>> No.10087519

this has gone too far