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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10084470 No.10084470 [Reply] [Original]

Top crypto scams ranked:

15. you
14. can’t
13. rank
12. them
11. because
10. each
9. scam
8. deceives
7. their
6. users
5. in
4. beautiful
3. unique
2. ways
1. Tether

>> No.10084495

How's the weather in Tel aviv mr Berg?

>> No.10084499

epic reddit meme

>> No.10084548

you're so JUSTED that you blame jews for losing your savings? (I know you haven't sold yet) - this amount of denial is impressive

>> No.10084611

Hey faggot, insider here(unironically) the main reason our firm has made a killing shorting this market is becuase all of you brainlets are too dumb to see tether for what it is, an actual cryptocurrency with use case and a true store of value(old baby boomers and financial firms do not care about your gay satoshi value) . All this fud has kept many institutions out as they still simply don’t trust tether enough yet. Thanks for being our useful idiot need people like you

>> No.10084627
File: 63 KB, 920x584, trixie-mattel-920x584[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's the T.

>> No.10084635

Why do some retards think they're so smart by virtue signaling their anti-Tether stance on Twitter?

Hehe look at me, I am saying "Tether is a scam", I am so enlightened

Fucking retard monkeys trigger me

Where's the evidence you fithy kike?

>> No.10084884


lol, I'm so happy poltards are losing money