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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10083828 No.10083828 [Reply] [Original]

guide us in those tiring times

>> No.10083832

Sell all the crypto you have and come back early next year

>> No.10083849

i mined in early 2010 so im pretty old fag. sold everything today. ill buy back at 2000

>> No.10083869

buy low sell high
don't buy shit that won't be around in 10 years
don't buy (or refuse to buy) something just because of some misguided ideology bandwagon you jumped on.
Do your own research and be honest, what has the best change of not only still existing, but going up in value
If the answer makes you angry, then you need to reevaluate your decision-making process.

>> No.10083872

Is it true miners need to have the price stay like this to earn profit if yes why would it go down

>> No.10083876

how low are we goin frend
2000 is way too low. if it gets to that point alts would either have to decouple or be completely slaughtered

>> No.10083899

>useless alts go to 0
This will happen anon

>> No.10083910

$3500 is my estimation. It’ll happen sometime this summer and I have a feeling the pump begins again near December - perfect time to get greedy in hopes of a good Christmas filled with things that you’d expect. Coming from a Wallstreet Finance Investor. I’m not in it but I plan to. $3500 is the lowest it should go to reach cheap deals for new money to enter so it can pump up and the boys playing the show can strip the wealth like a honey bee keeper.

>> No.10083923

It's overdue if you ask me. This space has gotten too crowded. There are a few winners out there but a lot of alts need to die.

>> No.10083937

I'll agree with this. ARK needs to get its shit together already

>> No.10083940


I have my buys set anywhere between $2k and $3k. Gonna play it by ear when we get near there. Also most alts are gonna fucking die don't hold them

>> No.10083953


Outside of BTC, ETH, LTC, and BCH - only 3 other cryptos are gauranteed to survive the crypto crash. Others might but it's super risky. LTC will barely survive and be the first sacrifice in the new crypto space.

>> No.10083983

You forgot ETC & XMR bitche

>> No.10083992

What's your take on which alts survive? JNT is my number one. It's the type of project I see kick starting the next wave of money coming in.

>> No.10083999


Good joke

>> No.10084015

ETC will be listed on coinbase you dumass

>> No.10084023


>> No.10084033

ETH is finally going to be known for the scam shit it is. once the ETH eco-system crashes and burns we can get back to decentralized store of value and currency and get rid of all these greedy faggots trying to charge money for a fucking dappcoin

>> No.10084036

It’s not something anyone can accurately even assume let alone predict. This will turn into an emotional and pessimistic state of trading that only the best marketed and somewhat independent coins that rely on BTC but are trying to stand on its legs with own infrastructure.

It could be that the shit coin no one expected is the one that not only survives but moons purely because that’s the one everyone is running to since it’s green.

>> No.10084050


I said 3 others. Then you list 2 and call me a bitch. Reading comprehension +1

>> No.10084086

Fuck off fag

>> No.10084091

>ETH and all platform coins

>> No.10084098


No u

>> No.10084107

Platforms have the best chance.
I think ADA has a very good shot of displacing ETH as it's designed by a former co founder to fix everything wrong with ETH from the ground up whereas ETH is trying to duct tape on the fly.
My other pick is WAN. Being a crypto bank.

>> No.10084142

How many JNT have you got bro?

>> No.10084155

2013 anon here I listened to /g/ and bought the top of the april/may bubble then I held and added a bit then sold the run up to 1k at about 500 then I got back in starting at 600 and got some buys in as low as 300, just kept on dollar cost averaging and buying small bits every friday when I got my wages in (0.1-0.2). This doom isn't yet as much as the last bear market, people got so bored of btc that we all fucked around in alts/shitcoins (they were mostly ICO PoS - literal trash) which aside from a handful all went to 0 before then alts didn't get much attention other than say LTC, NMC, PPC, FTC, sort of stuff listed on btc-e (which aside from NVC and CNC were pretty decent), alt trading really took off when bittrex first came about (lots of ICOPoS). I just wish I had bought more but I am happy I got my initial back and then some a long time ago which allows me to be risk free. One day all of you will be in the same situation, my advice would be just keep on adding small bits you can afford, avoid shitcoins or any alts for that matter (use alts only to get more btc), don't leverage trade unless you really know how to manage risk (if you do start with 10% balance exposure and no more than 3-5x, ALWAYS use stops), don't get emotional, don't have crypto as your only chance of making it - keep working your day job and saving up capital, also build a book and expose your earnings to other markets not just crypto.

>> No.10084159

>Platforms have the best chance.
people actually believe this. fucking kek

>> No.10084182

One of /biz/'s first posters here. I'm not done accumulating. When I am, however. I'll tell you all you need to know about the current state of cryprocurrencies and what's going to happen in the future.

>> No.10084215

Around 13k right now. It's the only alt I mean to hold.

>> No.10084241

XMR, LINK and I don't know the other one.

>> No.10084308


You must lurk here both too much, and not enough.

Link will definitely not survive. The entire purpose of link is being written into cryptos now.

>> No.10084317

There's about 4 people in this thread and none of believes anything you say so you might as well tell your story and be entertaining

>> No.10084354

Heh, sure buddy. Every crypto has trustless on-chain data loading. Yup, LINK not needed, Oraclize will suffice.

>> No.10084373

Get out of alts. Many will die. Save cash for the bottom. Never leave completely. Survive.

>> No.10084374

The cost of mining is different all around the world. And the difficulty will eventually adjust to the lower hashrate

>> No.10084391

My focus is always on what comes next. I like to look back on the way that the tech has been evolving in an effort to position myself ahead of the curve. The way I see it, ETH and the ICO madness was responsible for the huge bull run last year. I think we all knew that it wouldn't last in it's current form though. Too many money grab projects cashing in on the hype. ICOs provided a new way for investors to get into promising projects early, but they were always a very risky investment. There's no accountability for the way those funds were burned and money was too easily raised.

The next logical step I see is the rise of assets backed tokens, as they will provide a new level of security to investors that ICOs do not.
I think this is going to be what attracts more traditional investors and institutions in the future.

>> No.10084547

"not done accumulating" is a shill meme. yo.

t. oldfag.

>> No.10084567

The dark web likes monero so for the short term it has liquidity and a use.

>> No.10084575

KEEP STACKING AND BTFD....... I agree mon ami.

>> No.10084580


>> No.10084590

A lot of people on /biz seem never to have read Jack and the Beanstalk

>> No.10084592
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Pick a coin that will survive, like XLM given the IBM connection. Give it a few years but the bull will return eventually. The market is cyclical if you haven't noticed.

>> No.10084596

To me the sentiment feels not like 2014-2015, but summer 2013, after the $250 bubble. Everyone is SURE we are going lower, that the bubble has popped, but is waiting to buy the bottom and still obsessing over price.

Maybe it's just pre-mature and we need more downside for everyone to forget about crypto for a while...but it feels to me like we're going to get a strong bounce off the "bottom" and head back up, rather than grind around at lows for 9+ months.

Wild speculation: I'm calling for an implosion event for tether involving SEC calling for it to unwind as an unlicensed money transmitter. Crash to ~$1500 (2018's Silk Road moment) and then a steady march past ATH by Q1 2019.

>> No.10084605

thy're fucking fags
educate yourselves nucoiners https://vimeo.com/217855365

>> No.10084616
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Somewhat oldfag here.

I'm only holding because I'm still well in green.

>> No.10084634

Everything in BTC, BCH, ETH and XMR, do a 30/20/30/20 split.

>> No.10084657

Solid advice.
I hold nothing at the moment but in amongst all the shills this is pratical.
If I was to want a portfolio this is what It would look like.