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10081011 No.10081011 [Reply] [Original]

It seems that all that everybody cares about is price and speculation.

I am a believer in crypto and its premises and all this crap pisses me off.

Crypto was never meant to be just about short term gains and another way of playing (Russian) financial roulette. People seem to forget this now, but Bitcoin's premise was freedom.

You need to get your head out of the ground and realize there is more to crypto than staring at coinmarketcap hoping for prices to rise.

>> No.10081031

everybody is panicking over btc

I’m not investing in any btc and I never have because it’s a shit coin. I have been in altcoins the entire time, well researched and determined which coins have better companies and tech behind them. Just got a new skyminer delivered and I will go with them until the end

>> No.10081048

Remember, remember…the crash of 2013, crypto will come back stronger than ever!
Until then keep going slowly with small amounts of altcoins eth, ltc, sky and wait for it…

>> No.10081088

agree, we don't need Bitcoin to die, we just need another Bitcoin competitor or two to show that crypto in general is worth investing in, what we need is healthy competition

>> No.10081442

that freedom has been at the root of all problems so far. see what the fudders did to sky due to their ambitious project that involves.. you guessed it. FREEDOM. tough times for the blockchain, hope it will recover

>> No.10081466

HODL frens! If you panick now, you won't see good alts recovering soon. To give a hint, etc, sky, lisk, iota.. you know what to do

>> No.10081480



Not gonna make it son

>> No.10081483


Muh skycoin lolololol

>> No.10081489

>Well researched

>> No.10081491

I agree with BTC being a shitcoin, but to make the leap fron there to Sky is just amazing. Enjoy going to zero.

>> No.10081502

>was never meant
yeah thats why supply is limited and it started at pennies. What the fuck did you expect would happen. Imagine the early days, easy as fuck to quadruple your $. Massive speculation and volatility is inevitable by its very nature. Its the smartest ponzi ever invented

>> No.10081511

Ofc, not gonna make it. All you guys hold solid arguments. Yet another fag posting time well spent

>> No.10081597

Agree, I am also in for altcoins, and so far it goes well. I know how to handle it my coins and not panicking. But I just couldn't not to see how everything is went on fire now without realizing that is just an episode, nothing more.

>> No.10081639

bet you re holding to quite some alt coins. if btc is shit, you re here just for the talk, no action. sky is a good project, if you ve made money out of it. the rest will just fudd, that what they can do

>> No.10081683

there s nothing to handle if they are bullshit. we got some examples out there.. nano, bitconnect etc. finds a solid project, ripple, sky, and play smart. no one is going to do it for you

>> No.10081756

I am constantly looking for good projects.

I am not just praying on coinmarketcap for the price to go high. The best thing to do is always to look for the blockchain and technology infrastructure behind the coin, and sky is one of the many

>> No.10081873

you don’t get it. Now one is jumping from btc to sky, it is about having a plan, which does not involve btc. owning amounts of altcoins, yes – eth, sky, iota, etc with a purpose is different. think about it before jumping into conclusions

>> No.10081885

>sky fiber
>new hardware
> high ratio antenna
> openwrt router

>> No.10081898

Agree to disagree. Freedom is necessary otherwise it would be a bs centralized and organized by one driving company and good bye. Those who are smart and knows what is quality didn’t go for the fudder’s bullshit

>> No.10081998

well, you got lots of new currencies all of a sudden, everyone not sure how and where to use them.. small groups of supporters investing hard.. news about the hype.. lots of people investing.. smth need to go wrong unless the projects are bullet proof and well managed

>> No.10082014

yes please, that sounds just about right. best hardware supported project around.. not to mention there is more to come. cant wait for my hardware wallet to be shipped

>> No.10082051

True, lots of coins on the market and not all of them are on the same level with the same tech behind.

That is the spirit! Finally I see some rationality here!

>> No.10082100

I do not give a crap about all the btc scandal and what ever shit is going on. Playing with my kitties on kittycash, working on making a rare one and sell it for good money.
So simple, so good

>> No.10082118
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yea lol, I love the tech, people don't realize that the coin doesn't have to be worth 10000000$ to work, it's all about private money, decentralization, a system you can truly trust.

>> No.10082144

there no breeding function yet smart ass. you can just buy the kitty and give it a name. i should now, i m playing the game already. so are you a fudder trying reverse psychology or what?

>> No.10082164

obviously shill

>> No.10082174

There are at least 20 real project with a purpose outside beside just making money
Decentralisation has a purpose, fiber platforms have another purpose and so on. It is about developing technology for a better use

>> No.10082207

just to check you re true.. how much SKY you re bagging? what about Ripple?

>> No.10082231

lol no you don't. you just want to be rich. you want to have more Bitcoins than others when there's real world adoption, you don't care about the technology. I bet you'd take a $50m in a heartbeat if it meant abandoning crypto forever.

>> No.10082292

for what cucktard? revealing an ashole for not really playing kittycash?

>> No.10082438
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>> No.10082529

what are you trying to say SKY is good we know that. what s the new hardware you re talking about? heard rumors but that s all

>> No.10082533

Too bad corecucks have killed bitcoin. I have lost faith in crypto because of BTC.

>> No.10082613
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LMAO SKY shilling ATH

>> No.10082620

yeah and we re here for the circus. everyone in the crypto world is for the money, unless they re the fucking team.. who will eventually be in it for money... see the SKY mk team getting greedy. happens to good projects too

>> No.10082660

>doesn't own shitcoins
>owns skycoin
Heh. Nice bait tho.

>> No.10083325
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So, people are checking the coinmarketcap without no logic behind.

Such a disappointment.

>> No.10084147
