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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1008039 No.1008039 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think of Martin Shkreli?

>> No.1008044

based as fuck and he is my rolemodel

>> No.1008057
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the hero /biz/ deserves.

>> No.1008058

Seems like your pretty standard millennial yuppie type.

>> No.1008061

Smug bastard looks like he loves the attention. And the media kikes love to give it to him

>> No.1008062

The uncontested king of /biz/

>> No.1008079

Definitely an idol for those serious about business.

>> No.1008081

Absolute weapon in business hopefully he makes a comeback

>> No.1008085

Thought he was a scumbag after the whole Turing thing, but after listening to his reasoning it makes absolute sense. He's the definition of self-made but im not sure who's trying to ruin his reputation. Hell he probably did it himself for the publicity.

>> No.1008089

I'd lick his asshole. All of us on /biz/ think he's sexy as fuck and would love to fuck him and make us scream. He's the hero we deserve. Based Shrekli let us lick your toes.

>> No.1008100

>Son of poor immigrants
>Becomes hedge fund manager and CEO
>Now worth 100milli

Is there a bigger success story than this tbqh senpai?

>> No.1008109

this, he did LITERALLY nothing wrong

just the SWJ retarded liberals looking for somone to crucify

>> No.1008118

He's the king /biz/ deserves.

>> No.1008123

He looks like a fucking rockstar. Look at his chiseled jaw and brooding eyes. What a badass. If I was a girl I'd ride on the back of his Harley anyday. I don't think a man can be any more based.

>> No.1008167

arrogant scumbag sociopath who is going to be in prison for decades. good riddance to bad rubbish.

>> No.1008195
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God amongst men, anything for a sheckle Shkreli is my hero.

>> No.1008210

smart /biz/nessmen don't get caught

smug dumb idiot that craves attention

>> No.1008214
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If he was smart he wouldn't have been caught.

>> No.1008220

Wall St jews are mad when this guy literally goes from rags to riches. Thats the real reason why he got arrested.

>> No.1008248

If any of us were CEO of Turing, we would do exactly the same thing or raise prices even more.

>> No.1008349

Tryhard who put himself into the public spotlight when he probably shouldn't have.

>> No.1008350


Couldn't he have made lots of money without price gouging or cheating on his trading?

>> No.1008356

KaloBios terminates Shkreli as CEO

>> No.1008361

Sorry, I do have a concept of morality. And I doubt a pill like that would have issues turning profit at its original price. Gouging like that only invites regulation and meddling, anyways. Just look at what happened.

>> No.1008387

he is the fall guy for government mismanagement and corrupt legislation

>> No.1008390

He's a spoiled piece of shit that needs to give us the Wu-Tabg Clan album.

>> No.1008399

You have poor sources. Here's what's known in Europe about him.

>set up hedge fund
>failed miserably
>set up second hedge fund
>forged reports in order to cover losses from hf#1
>managed somehow to set up turing
>5000% price increase is not a somewhat swift business move, but his one&only way to cover losses from hf1&2&lawyers
>2015, shit hits the fan and his house of cards collapses

Rather a miserable failure than king of /biz.

>> No.1008437

Then why he still has almost $100m net worth?

>> No.1008459

why does he have an obligation to help aids fags?

next step is people get arrested for not donating to hospitals


>> No.1008490

>Sorry, I do have a concept of morality.

Specifically, what did the Shrek-man do that was immoral? Is generating a profit by selling your property immoral, or is selling your property and generating "too much" profit immoral?

>And I doubt a pill like that would have issues turning profit at its original price.

Deraprim was generating $5 million in profit annually.

>> No.1008493

He will lose those 100 million and more in the lawsuit

>> No.1008494

It is inmoral, if you are in the dessert it is inmoral to charge abusive prices for water just because "le demand and supply"

Economics says that you CAN do it, morals that you SHOULDNT

>> No.1008500

Economics say that you can't do it. Try selling generic bottle of water for 10k and see if it sells.

>> No.1008501

>It is inmoral, if you are in the dessert it is inmoral to charge abusive prices for water just because "le demand and supply"

Are you the person who defines "abusive prices"?

>Economics says that you CAN do it, morals that you SHOULDNT

It is immoral to force an individual to do a particular thing with their private property. It is immoral for the state to compel an individual to do what the state wants with that individuals private property.

>Martin owned Deraprim.
>Deraprim is Martin's private property.
>Martin can do what he wants with his private property.
>Martin can do what he wants with Deraprim.

>> No.1008544

>Page not found
Good try faggot

>> No.1008567


>In a series of seven tweets, Shkreli's account offered to give away money, raffle off Wu-Tang Clan's one-of-a-kind secret album and told his followers he had 'anal aids'.

sounds like a typical /b/ tard

>> No.1008572

>implying intellectual property, distribution collusion, and anti-competitive regulation are moral

>> No.1008578

ffs link died for some reason

>> No.1008587

>>2015, shit hits the fan and his house of cards collapses

baby's first analysis

biz is a shithole

>> No.1008600
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They also renamed his youtube channel "Martin Nigger".

>> No.1008848

government is what allowed for a drug monopoly in the first place

>> No.1008918

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.1008930 [DELETED] 



guys, I think I might be a genius

>> No.1009141


Can someone justify Shkreli's price hiking of the HIV drug that he bought?

I'm willing to give Shkreli the benefit of the doubt, but I don't see how I can justify it.

I need reasons /biz/. Educate me please.

>> No.1009142


>> No.1009146


...Which news report? There's a ton.

>> No.1009158

Fairly sure it's actually an anti-parasite drug, the parasite is just only deadly in the immunocompromised (HIV).

In the interview he did on some news show he said he was using the revenue to fund R&D on better versions of the drug.

>> No.1009161

he could have even done the price gouging and cheating and still get away with most of it. he just wanted too much too quick. if he's cheating on some papers, then stay away from public controversy. if he's price gouging, stay clean on the papers.

>> No.1009940

This guy actually did nothing wrong.

>buy unprofitable company which has incorrectly priced drugs
>raise price of drugs to keep lightbulbs on
>offer lower prices to people who can't afford therapy from their insurance
>use money for r&d to create a remedy that actually works better

Yet all I hear is "autist", "evil scumbag" and "here's to capitalism" from people that have no idea about medicine, the pharmaceutical industry or markets/commerce work.

This guy is a hero and everyone else is jealous that he gets to spend his time playing video games and streaming OKCupid sessions in which he gets asked out hundreds of times by girls who don't give a fuck about what he did because he's rich.

>> No.1009961


getting rich the shkreli way

>buy 51% of a company and become CEO. Completely leverage the entire company to get your money and more back
>rinse repeat

>> No.1009970

>thinks this is a minority opinion here
You guys are all preaching to the choir. 90% of /biz/ loves him. If you want to go off on a rant do it on le Reddit or something. You'll get more blowback there. Here you're not telling us anything we already don't know.

>> No.1009971


Cool story. I'm still wondering what he was thinking setting up a HF with only $700k.

>> No.1009974


>> No.1010254

>this, he did LITERALLY nothing wrong
Except the whole lie to the SEC thing, defrauded his investors thing. The aids-drug thing, meh, business. Business is rarely pretty and if he wasn't such a smug cunt, he'd have come out of it smelling like roses, but ripping off other investors because he doesn't actually know how to engage in legit business? Nope.

>> No.1010377

You're just talking out your ass while you feed yourself reddit news headlines.

When did he "defraud investors"? The worst he's done is lose money for investors at his hedge fund so he took profits from another company he owned to pay them back.

>> No.1010414

If other people were invested in that other company he isn't allowed to just do that you dolt.

Him holding the controlling share of it doesn't discount the possibility some of that was money others have a stake in. If he was using the funds irresponsibly (as far as those investors' interests are concerned) then he could well be liable.

>> No.1010419

Both companies involved were private you dolt.

>> No.1010446

Could he still have embezzled the money if an investor gave him funds on the condition that it was put to business purposes?

>> No.1010448

>Both companies involved were private you dolt.

>The FBI said he was targeted instead in an $US11 million ($15.5 million) embezzlement probe at another company he once led, Retrophin.
>Retrophin, Inc. (NASDAQ: RTRX) is a publicly-traded, San Diego-based biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, acquisition, development and commercialization of drugs for the treatment of debilitating and often life-threatening diseases for which there are currently limited patient options.

>> No.1010449

>Shkreli is accused of siphoning about $US120,000 from one of the hedge funds to pay for food, clothing, rent and other personal expenses.

>He is also accused of lying to investors about one of the funds' size and performance by claiming returns of nearly 36 per cent, when it had really generated a loss of 18 per cent, and saying the fund had $US35 million in assets, when it really had less than $US7,000.

>The former hedge fund manager is accused of cheating investors and the company [i presume this is talking about Retrophin] out of $US11 million in what the FBI described as a "securities fraud trifecta of lies, deceit, and greed".

>> No.1010452

Who said he used investor money? He used profit you inbred goof

>> No.1010455


>> No.1010458

Are you going to cite a source or will you continue copy and pasting reddit post headlines?

>> No.1010460

It's text from a news article you can just search one of the lines you retard.

>> No.1010467



So you can't provide a source?

>> No.1010493


>> No.1010502
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Everyone else in the market had raised the prices much hire then he did in the same category,hes small fry in the big scheme, if it was a big company like phizer, its prize would be even higher. Just the drug industry destroying competition

>> No.1010504

what fucking lawsuit?

>> No.1010566


So in the first three results I find are secondary ones from halfway around the world and one that refers to him as a "douchebag" in the title.

5/10, must try harder.

>> No.1010648
File: 36 KB, 500x501, qsnokn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be so much retarded.

>> No.1010795
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Would said morality be something like, giving the drug to people who can't afford it? If yes, then you support based Martin.

>> No.1010896

this, he thought he could play the system while choosing to ignore the fact that much smarter and cautious men than him have tried and failed.

>> No.1011005

He bought a pharma company and raised the price on a drug that literally no one buys. It's not even an AIDS drug people just said that to get more people to hate him. It's for this rare as fuck disease that hardly anyone gets. Also I would like to know who took it to the media? Drug prices get raised all the time but no one ever puts pharma company CEOs on blast in the media like they did with him

>> No.1011024

You realize that's a made up offense that basically every business owner does? He's just putting personal expenses on the business account, which isn't illegal and almost every business owner (including high profile ones such as Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Jobs) has done publicly.

>> No.1011066

>You realize that's a made up offense that basically every business owner does? He's just putting personal expenses on the business account, which isn't illegal and almost every business owner (including high profile ones such as Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Jobs) has done publicly.
So a bank manager is allowed to dip into your account to buy himself a hooker for the night?

Somehow I don't think that's how it works even if he owns the bank.

>> No.1011074



>> No.1011080


>> No.1011402

Cash Rules Everything Around Him.

>> No.1012502

I wasn't trying to troll, merely showing the articles that the dude was quoting from.

>> No.1014167


>Martin Shekel

>> No.1014176

Nice Jew meme retard.

>> No.1014182


Nice disproportionate butthurt reaction faggot.

>> No.1014188
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>> No.1014190

>he a good boi he dindu nuffin

>> No.1014192

Slopes are slippery, aren't they

>> No.1014196


There's a thousand Wallstreet savages exactly like him.

He just came to fame on account of the drug hike scandal, and his public persona

If he had just kept his mouth shut he wouldn't have caused a scandal, and wouldn't have been targeted by the Feds. Now their gonna make him pay for his flamboyance. He's gonna do time.

>> No.1014198

Yeah, he looked real busy playing Dota 2.

>> No.1014205

Is he? Do you think a business can go far by fleecing? You'll just fuck yourself by opening to your competition. $750 a pop and bam, $1 clone appears. And anyone who says that any attention is good attention really has never ran a business before. My dad's business gets business all the time just because the competitor has a reputation of being a massive dick.

>> No.1014207

Complete fucking asshole that made my grandmothers medication way to high. She fucking died because she couldn't pay the price that he raised.

I miss you Mee ma

>> No.1014236

Your grandmother had aids? How did she live so long?

>> No.1014239

>synthetic pharmaceutical shops are the same thing as a burger joint

>> No.1014274


>This guy actually did nothing wrong.

Except, you know, commit massive securities fraud.

Not only is he immoral, but he's also an incompetent moron who tanked multiple hedge funds. The SEC does not give two fucks about his little HIV drug price hike.

>> No.1014307

Because of her medication, but when it was taken away she passed

>> No.1014343

Yes but what illness did she have?

>> No.1014429

You're full of shit. Insurances cover it and those who aren't insured don't have to pay the full amount. Plus there's other better alternatives. I hope your grandma gets buried in a ditch.

>> No.1014445

>>use money for r&d to create a remedy that actually works better

if you think manufacturers do any r&d you're stupid

>> No.1014496


>> No.1014866

muh capitalism
muh hollowed out husk of a soul

>> No.1014891

>"private property"
Top fucking kek, anon, they convinced that you owned anything. Try not doing paperwork and payments for any major asset you own for a year, see if they still let you keep it.

You own none of these, you lease them from the government.

>> No.1016296 [DELETED] 
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faggit basically stoled several monies from me
>lesson lr2

>> No.1016298 [DELETED] 


>> No.1017653

Well from a business standpoint he didn't but medicine is morally a grey area. It is one of the few things someone sells that you have to buy. Basically you accept their price or die. It's not like an Iphone. You literally can't live wihout their product.

>> No.1017699

These two things don't belong in the same sentence. WTF is wrong with you assholes? I hope you choke on your fucking sheckels losers.

>> No.1017708

Or see how long it takes for someone to kill you for it. Which biz would birch about unless that person turned it for a profit, based murderer!

>> No.1017781
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>> No.1017792

Don't you understand? That was the point. He wanted to call out the drug companies for gouging people. He just did it in a more extreme way which got the public to look harder into the practice. And so wall street, pissed that he essentially called them out on it, sent the Feds for Shkreli.

He is a visionary. A defender. A hero.

>> No.1018349

I'm pretty sure that even after the discount you are talking about, the drug prices were still unreasonable. It would be interesting to see just how much money uninsured people had to pay for the medicine.

>> No.1018354



He was a successful idiot, but I don't really understand why you would cheat on your hedge fund shit when you've already got a safe standard of living.

>> No.1018358

What a fucking retard.

>> No.1019362


A specialty compounding pharmacy was undercutting them already.

Competitor's retail price was .99 a dose.

>> No.1019376

Spoke to him day b4 arrest.
Shame hes got loud mouth thats all.

>> No.1019546


How did make sure my ponzi shenanigans and pissing over SEC regulations slips under the radar?

Attract massive amounts of publicity in a move so shady morally it will only attract regulators, envy or jealousy from the public. Then I'll stream my lifestyle to make sure everyone is irritated.

Had lehman Bros not collapsed he wouldve been caught sooner.

>> No.1019547

He's stupid. If he was smart he would use his money to daytrade and live a comfortable life.

>> No.1019578


> Day trading
> Comfortable life

>> No.1019586

This fucking lawsuit.


>> No.1019801

Ok, but that's a competitor company. It might not even be based in the US, making importing prescriptions complicated. Martin Sheckle has stated in vague terms that uninsured people could acquire his company's medicine with help, but I have yet to see the true extent of their assistance.

>> No.1019884

his buying of turing was nothing more than a CC balance transfer.

the guy is a faggot and has no idea how to money and PR.

>> No.1019888


He said in one of his finance training vids that trading is 'crazy.' He must have realized that after blowing up 3 hedge funds in record time. That being said, he has (had?) enough money to live off interest, but clearly he's trying to get on the forbes top 100 list and build an empire so he's not going to lounge around all day. I find it ironic that he thinks trading is crazy give that he /could have/ made $100m plus on the KBIO debacle if he would've sold after he announced he would be 'turning it around.'