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10076105 No.10076105 [Reply] [Original]

>cashed out £600,000 in December
>tried to send £400,000 to my Fidelity investment account
>bank pushes the transfer though apprentley
>get home and log into my online banking
>savings account has dissapeared
>ring bank
>fraud team are investigating
ruh oh, what do guys?

>> No.10076113

gotta wash that money son

>> No.10076114

There obligated to refund you in full if it was if there was any fuckery

>> No.10076118

stop LARPing is what do

>> No.10076130

hope you have access to the accounts you used to buy and sell bitcoin and have records of the transactions

>> No.10076131


That’s enough money to open up an offshore. Oh well. Back to being poor anon

>> No.10076144

>fraud team are investigating
>your money has disappeared
Literally unironically why we need crypto

>> No.10076150

If not a larp, I seriously hope you did your homework and kept track of all your transactions leading up to this point if you don't... They're gonna take everything. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.10076176

I just used the live chat on my bank to show proof, hold on faggots, been dealing with this shit for a month, had to get a new passport to do the transaction and then they fuck me anyway.

>> No.10076177

This is also why people need to stay the fuck away from "anonymous" coins like Monero. This shit is literally made to buy illegal shit on the darkweb, if you plan to cash out at any point in fiat you NEED to be traceable.

>> No.10076204

the bank is pretty much obliged to investigate when 700k appear in your bank account out of nowhere. did you at least report it for tax purposes?

>> No.10076258
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Yes I even did a self-assestment and paid an accountant to do it for me, registered with HMRC and all sorts, this fucking pajeet from India on the live chat is useless, when I rung them they said the fraud team is investigating.

>> No.10076347

customer service rep prob can't do much since its started lol. probably want more concrete proof of where its coming from.

also some banks really hate crypto and make it a huge pain to cash out since they do shit like this

>> No.10076374

He's a legit Pajeet, he has an Indian name the bank pretty much closes its systems until banking hours 8-6pm I think so they can't do anything anyway.

I did call them but again I called at like 7 or 8 since I didn't think there would be a problem since I got given a stamped letter as a recite for the 400k transfer, I have been to the branch like 5-6 times over the month trying to get this sent, got a new passport, printed off the transaction back in 2012 that I bought the crypto, exchange history, brought my self-assesment but no, they shoah my account and now I have like £30 to my name since I had the money I save monthly from my wagecuck job in there too so I am literally poor now.

>> No.10076389

Your pesos re worthless either way paco

>> No.10076437
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Funny you should make this post. Bank of America just JUSTed me. My assets are frozen and they won't say why, only that I have to go to my nearest branch. You really can't cash out.

>> No.10076445
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Are we gonna make it bro?

>> No.10076465


dude, I had to walk home from work because I couldn't afford a taxi. I couldn't buy food. I have to go there at 8:30 am tomorrow and I am terrified

>> No.10076480

I have like £30 in my other bank account, I am broke too brah, it's 3:50 here and I am just gonna stay up all night and be first in line and hope they don't v& me as I walk out.

>> No.10076510


same here. They didn't even call me or send an email or anything. I just logged into my online banking account this afternoon and BOOM, all gone.

>> No.10076529

if we both get fucked, at least we're living memes, you seriously can't cash out.

>> No.10076570
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>He's gonna buy into the stock market now.


>> No.10076604

does it really matter at this point, i've lost everything lol.

>> No.10076605

Fake and gay

>> No.10076627
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>> No.10076714

>hey, you're not supposed to have that much money
>let us hold that for you till we figure it out the best way to confiscate it

>> No.10076739


>non-log scale

Big peak!! really scary!

>> No.10076775

First of all, go to a lawyer and explain what happened. Then ask him if he can work with you and the bank. Every communication that goes out to the bank is through the lawyer. They're not gonna confiscate your money but they will take their sweet ass time to release it, and might trip you up on how exactly you got it - trading/ ico investing/ etc.. Thats why every single piece of communication has to be in writing and with your lawyer as the intermediary. Happened to a nigga I know who was in btc early

>> No.10076822

The scariest part is that it's not like cryptos that do a full retrace in 6 months or so, that would be a 2-3 years or till 1600.

>> No.10076847

DId you file your taxes on the gains? If so then just show them that. Also, are these bank threads real? Makes me fucking scared desu

>> No.10076852
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>he fell for the "can't cash out meme is just a meme" meme

>> No.10076926


Haha, fucking banks man. That's just retarded. THIS IS LITERALLY WHY WE NEED CRYPTO.

>> No.10076928
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is there legal recourse for these situations?

>> No.10076943

nice larp, made me giggle. noone is this retarded.

>> No.10076944

I don't get what's the problem. You show your binance trades when you bought some shitcoins and sold when they mooned

>> No.10076947

yeah, the state recourses you from your mansion to a jail cell

>> No.10076975

>Not buying 50 pounds of gold instead
Keep sucking that Jew dick

>> No.10077005
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I fucking hate jews

>> No.10077024

In the future, call your bank before you cash out and let them know that a large sum of money will be appearing in your account. You also call Coinbase before you even convert your crypto gains to fiat on Coinbase Pro (Formerly GDAX) and they will do a short KYC with you over the phone and as long as you verify your identity you'll be good to cash out. The KYC varies in rigorousness depending on how much you're cashing out.

>> No.10077095

Me too

>> No.10077146

Is it better to withdraw smaller amounts (25k-50k) at a time over longer periods of time or to withdraw one large amount so you only have to deal with the kikes once?

>> No.10077160

doesn't really matter, they'll question you either way.

>> No.10077182

Best is to never cash out

>> No.10077215

when the golden bull comes just make sure you convert your gains to fiat or tether

other biz bros will be cashing out and one of those fags will be knowledgeable enough to post a greentext explaining the best method(s) for cashing out