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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10072020 No.10072020 [Reply] [Original]

Is a Finance degree worth it? I'm 26 and have been dicking around trying for years to get a Computer Engineering degree. I have a bad GPA around 2.0 and am near academic probation. Yes I'm a retard, I just slave all day part-time in the bay area and have to take care of my family. My work (major bank) will pay for half my finance degree, up to $5250 per year. Maybe I should get a minor in computer engineering and a major in finance? I've completed Calculus 3, Physics with Electromagnetism, Data Structures and Algorithms. I just have to do some Digital Design Courses and a Microprocessor course I'll have my CE minor. Finance is easy since I do it every day at my workplace, I could get A's and B's instead of C's

Please read all my shit and help a young nigga out.

>> No.10072078
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Here is the finance degree ive taken a lot of the courses at Community college

>> No.10072092
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And here is the engineering minor which im almost done with

>> No.10072090

If work is paying for it, fucking do it. You can still get your lulz with the minor

>> No.10072128

I honestly wish I could have time for an Engineering degree but most engineers I know spend all day studying while I head for work every day. i don't have rich parents and they hate me for supporting Trump. Does the CE minor look "Quantitative" enough?

>> No.10072184

You're overthinking it imo. Yes, that's enough. Get the paid for degree, get out, make good full time money. You'll probably get more motivated for classes when you can see some applications at your current job. Your family is annoying. You're going to get a good paying job.

>> No.10072231

You can fill credit hours with your job as an"internship" perhaps also. Get it done

>> No.10072375

Do you want to work 900 hours a week? That's what a finance degree will get you.

>> No.10072397

That's the irony. i can't disclose it but I practically run a bank in San Francisco as a teller. They need me all the time and pay me well. I've I threatened to leave they would have to shut down the bank or fire my manager since so many tellers have quit. It's just that the stress of my job hurts my brain and I get so tied i can't stay awake to do anything more advanced then C programming after work. Yesterday I was so mad at this fucking Baby Boomer who withdrew $50,000 in settlement money I was going to go beat the fuck out of him. Hard to concentrate when every other customer is suing me. I've been sued 5 times in one year because boomers try to make money suing everyone who makes the tiniest financial mistake. i'm a thug now, this must be why 2008 happened

>> No.10072409

There are only 80 hours in a week dumbass

>> No.10072418

> wagekek
> debtslave
You’ll never make it

>> No.10072424
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>he doesn't know the underside of time

>> No.10072448

>slave all day part-time

This is what kills u

>> No.10072496

Not really I go to a CSU and If I'm done soon I'll have only about $15000 debt which is tiny for a grad. Goberment pays for my school and if I get a 3.0 again they'll pay more. i can restructure this debt with a lower interest loan from First Republic since I'm a banker.

>> No.10072502

It's only worth it if you have rich as fuck parents or connections in some financial firm that can get you in. Most of those finance jobs that were around 20-30 years ago are gone now because you can just make your own trading account online now. Nobody needs brokers anymore. I minored in Finance and options trade on the side as a hobby. Took me less than a week to setup the account and everything.

>> No.10073156
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The what?

>> No.10073195

Dope dude i also use binance

>> No.10073205

>was going into tech
>decided to go for networking and cyber security
>finish 2 years but decide after 1 class into cyber security I'm not that into the geeky hacker shit
>working at a helpdesk
>no idea what to do next

I feel like I need to figure out what my gameplan is fast but I just don't know

>> No.10073235

More certs and see if your employer will pay for a degree. In college now and most of the STEMies are like 30

Fuck Obama

>> No.10073260

they hate me for supporting Trump
rightly so

>> No.10073302

Employers don’t give a monkeys ass about what you minor in.

>> No.10073386

I was on probation during my chem bsc feels bad man

>> No.10073469

I'm 27(turning) 28, been stuck at this biochemistry bullshit for a long time(I dare not to think of it to much because it only causes me more spiritual annihilation) and i got one year left of college courses but I've been stuck at it for a while as I said, but when I starrt going to school I always get this blacked pill attitude and think about how much I fucked up my life and I also start procrastinate and avoid studying.

I just feel so damaged, mentally and spiritually and I can't stop obsessing over how much time I've wasted. And I'm depended on sleeping pills and have been for a long while.

The only think I do right is going to the gym 6 days a week.

>> No.10073764

Kinda of in the same situation as u 27 going into 28 need 3 more semesters of very tough electrical engineering courses to graduate from a good research state flagship university in the north east. It’s hard to fall asleep at night because I’m unhappy with myself because of all the tile I wasted in my teen years and in my early twenties... I feel victim to the brainwashing of young adults and teens by the media ... I dicked around for 4 years going from part tile to part time job and taking community college credits in calculus and physics... now that I’m 27 I feel like time is running and if I don’t make it or fail a course I feel like the only other choice is to an hero

>> No.10073794

>I have a bad GPA around 2.0 and am near academic probation.

Would hire someone like this to manage your money?


>> No.10073819


>> No.10073836

>now that I’m 27 I feel like time is running and if I don’t make it or fail a course I feel like the only other choice is to an hero

For me my mental state is such a wreck that I can't really drink that often or do any sort of drugs because that would sent me over the edge and I'm afraid of becoming absolutely unhinged.

I'd get self harm thoughts too, but they seemed to go away when I started my summer job again.

I feel like I've gone past the point of ever having a healthy social life, it feels like there's a deadline on becoming a well adjusted normie and it has to do with having a social circle of friends during your early 20's, which I never had. Now I've just too far gone and out of touch with other people and peers.

>> No.10074114

At 27 I tried to socialize with other 20 , 21 year olds and I just can’t. They talk about banging girls and stupid early twenties stuff... and I just want to find a catholic virgin girl and settle down... my only other choice to save my social life was to talk to 19 and 20 tender young girls... in college there’s so many of them... it’s literally like I’m in a candy store.. but it’s only a temporary fix to my depression... because those roasties once they figure out I’m 27 they’ll never talk to me the same way... and we both know we can’t be friends.. unless I try to fuck them... but at this age being 27 almost 28 it’s just pathetic.. I fcked many roasties during my prime years of 23 and 24 but at this age it’s just depressing...

>> No.10074757

Dude just get a job. Seriously, actually being good at working is your only hope.

2.0 is academic suicide, but after a few jobs no one cares.

A finance degree is worthless.

>> No.10074807

the leak of present time to future time. some people think it is the cause of all these 30 year old boomers popping up everywhere in the crypto scene

>> No.10075140

STEM is a meme. Don’t fall for it. 12 years programmer and start-up veteran here. The more quantitative a field is more susceptible to automation it becomes. Go for qualitative knowledge with some quant thrown in. Example - equity research - CFA + some Python programming or CPA + Economics + Python combo. CPA route needs some exam credits, I believe. CFA route is longer and tougher but can be made through by self-study. Stay away from compute engineering meme unless you plan for a PHD in AI/distributed computing/Blockchain and plan for working in Google Research or Facebook Reserach. Most CSE jobs are actually glorified code-monkey jobs.

>> No.10075152

I’m about about to graduate with a finance degree and it’s a complete joke if you’re IQ is above 110. I wish I had majored in computer science desu.

>> No.10075208

That all sounds so complex and tiring anon. I think I'll just charge the fuck out of old people for tech support somewhere down the line. Make a little business.

>> No.10075453


Fell for the CS meme and can confirm it's a meme. I'm about halfway through my master's now and I'm about 50/50 if I should even continue or not. Feelsprettyfuckingbadman.

>> No.10075462


29 year old CS boomer here and I know that feel brah. Feels like I'm stuck at.

>> No.10075488

what if I want to be a lawyer

>> No.10075616

OP here using my home computer

Stay at it man i cash FAT checks of people who work at genentek in the bay area they make $200k easy

>> No.10075621

I'd say finish your degree but it will be tough to find a job in STEM with under a 3.0. I graduated with a B.S. in CompE a month ago. Making good money and I enjoy the work, but I got out with a 3.4 despite partying hard. If you already have your more difficult classes done (math, physics, data structures), the microcontroller classes are a breeze. If you could get yourself up to a 2.75 before you graduate it would probably be worth it.