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1006643 No.1006643 [Reply] [Original]

Inheritance Thread

How much are you gonna get when the folks kick the bucket?

I'm next in line for $350,000. I would be damned if I had a sibling or two which could have put me down to $150k or so.

>> No.1006646

>Tfw least favorite child of the family and senpai told me I can expect nothing

;-; Feels bad bro. Is there any way to get my fair share? How does disputing a will work? Anyone done it?

>> No.1006649

How did you manage to become such a "least favorite" that they excluded you from the will?

Also, I don't think you can dispute a will, especially while your parents are still alive. It is their will afterall.

>> No.1006656

I meant dispute it afterwards.

Idk they just hate me. I get almost no gifts at all compared to my siblings that get vacations paid for by parents, regular gifts, all sorts of stuff.

They've threatened to kick me out for a long time and even said I won't get anything for inheritance.

>> No.1006658


Don't you only get a third of it though?

>> No.1006664
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>be me
>have rich asshole dad that's the medical director of the local hospital
>total jerk to his family
>dad cheats on mom
>the two have a nasty legal battle that's technically still going on
>formally divorced when I was in the fourth grade
>mom sister and I move to the other side of the state to stay with my grandparents
>mom is an RN
>she has to go back to school to be able to support the three of us
>she ends up broke as fuck from school expenses and taking care of us
>dad remarries to some cougar
>any possibility of inheritance gone
>he doesn't even want to help pay for college
>I'm stuck in this shithole

>> No.1006668

Dude that sucks big time.

>I meant dispute it afterwards.

How does one go about doing that? How well does that work?

>> No.1006669

Lol could be worse. Same but parents hate me and I'm lucky they let me live in their house for a little while longer but no other financial assitance from them and definitely no inheritance.

Feels bad bro.

>How does one go about doing that? How well does that work?

That is the question. Supposedly in some countries siblings are suppose to get a somewhat equal portion of inheritance so one sibling doesn't get a whole house and the other gets nothing. Seems like a lengthy and challenging process though.

>> No.1006725

>Tfw your siblings get vacations, laptops, phones, etc paid by parents while you literally get nothing

Fuck this shit man.

As soon as I finish University and they need some shekels from me I will tell them "no".

>> No.1006736

2-3 million dollars. Land. Will never sell though, that land has been in the family for centuries and it would be like pissing on father's grave to sell. The income it generates is marginal and is eaten up by maintenance.

>> No.1006737

Where's the land? Is it just open land?
Have you ever considered starting up some kind of business on the land?

>> No.1006738

In Sweden the children are entitled to an equal share of 50% of the inheritance. 50% can be given away to others in the will. Without a will, an equal share of 100% is given to the children, no exceptions possible.

>> No.1006741

My parents are both poor as fuck when it comes to actual money, but both have 6 properties each. 3 are owned outright, 3 are mortgaged, and the owned ones rent goes to cover the mortgages. Bit of a house of cards, but should pay off.

I will get like 4 of those properties. 4 more will go to my brother, and 4 more to my mum's husband's kids.

>> No.1006742

Swedish archipelago, which is why it's worth so much. City folks love to build summerhouses there. We do rent out some cabins but that market is not nearly as profitable.

>> No.1006743

Yeah I'm going to look into it deeper.

I swear if these niggas don't give me my share of inheritance...

>> No.1006747

>sell land
Are you retarded?

>> No.1006749

>between 100-300k when my grandma passes away
>between 200k when my mom passes

>> No.1006752

$1000k when parents pass - life insurance
$1250k house(s)
$100k cash (right now, more in future)

Also around $50k - $75k in investments, mostly oil and tech, but that's right now, will be more in future.

me + another sibling = 50/50

>> No.1006758

And piss away my heritage? Nah.

>> No.1006767

That's a poor man's mentality.

>> No.1006782

i have 50k in the bank plus stocks plus 80k left to pay on my mortgage and im 28, now that thats setup

My Dad is currently spending every last dime he has on trips and depreciating things like new trucks every yea, he has 2 morgages on his house and is trying to get a third to spend on more shit thinking that when he dies that is it

which would be totally fine, i get no inheritance but the guy thinks that when he gets so old that he cant do stuff independently that i will take care of him

no inheritance = your ass thrown in a state run home

>> No.1006786

Question: Will the government take life insurance money if there's unpaid debts?

>> No.1006791

Addition to this question.

What money can they take to pay off unpaid debts?

>> No.1006801

i'm assuming it varies province to province/state to state but it typically works that before any inheritance is paid out, any outstanding debts must be paid (personal, credit, etc) off. if no $, immobiles (property) are seized and sold

>> No.1006806

One third of a half-paid off mediocre house worth 180k with an acre of rocky hills and moss.

No cash.
No stocks.

>> No.1006811

That's parents, btw. All four grandparents already dead, I inherited $500.

I'm 26 and already the most successful person in my family. I love them but, fuck, if they did anything right life would be so easy.

>> No.1006835

2 million dollars in stocks/cash + 1 million dollars in land

>> No.1006836

oh I was gonna say something about how we were similar, but forgot. that's why I replied to you

>> No.1006838

>being this much of a failure that parents' money is worth bragging about

I hope my parents get to enjoy the rest of their money before they die. In fact, I'm working on a plan to pay them back for their partial payment of my college education.

>> No.1006863

>Mother died
>got a grand total of $5,300 from social security

No telling when my dad will die, but he's a poor retard that buys lottery tickets instead of saving.

>> No.1006864

pretty sure my dad's dad lost his ass in the stock market when i was a boy

they did own land which they subsequently sold but who knows if they are eating that money in retirement

my mom's parents struggle to pay their bills and afford medication

so i don't expect anything and that's fine

>> No.1006869

A fully paid home.

>> No.1006877

why are all you faggots bitching

My parents make 25 grand a year and I pay most bills and I haven't even left the house yet.


Fucking man up and better yourselves

>> No.1006878

my grandpas a multi mil goy with two beachfronts, give him another decade. All 4 of his kids already got pre death inheritance of 750k each. my immediate family has two properties, along with assets they total around 1.5mil. its just me and my bro, whos a drug addict mental case, so safe to say ill get most of it.

>> No.1006883


How much does he make if he's a poor retard? Spending money on lottery tickets might be a sound investment if he would save like $100 a month you fucking retard.

>> No.1006885

I already have a trust fund which issues 70k every 5 years until it runs dry (currently at about 2 million)
My Grandfather, who made the money, has already passed but everything went to my grandmother (duh). She is in a pretty bad condition now with dementia and my aunt has been power of attorney over her, So we think she has fucked with the will. We may have to get lawyers involved but should be a large sum of money, this will be split with 4 kids and 6 grand-kids (I am one of 4 grand-kids from one of the daughters). So that is really up in the air, could be an ass ton of monies or could be bare bones by the time it gets to me. My Mother has set up all kinds of investments and life insurance and lives in a multi million dollar home and has written out one of my siblings so everything should be split between three of us but she is liable to donate a bunch to charity of just random friends and crap so again we will see what happens there.
All in all I have no problem working for myself and have already gotten much more than I deserve from my elders while they are alive plus the trust fund is some kind of god send.

TLDR I'm a lucky SOB even if I get $0 inheritance

>> No.1006890

Who's the richest guy on /biz/, have we established that?

>> No.1006902

You have 2million in capital that only pays 14k/year?! Your financial manager is a criminal. You are getting screwed out of your money.

>> No.1006907

>realizing youll be dead long before you ever even get through half of that fund lol

>> No.1006909

you misunderstand, it is a long term fund, it will most likely pass to my children. It acrues about 13% each year and pays out 70k every 5 years. My grandfather set up trust funds for his kids, grandkids, great grandkids, and possibly more basically.

>> No.1006911

I think it's actually pretty smart because if any of us were to become heroin addicts or some crab we would have a legit chance to rebuild our lives every 5 years and if we had kids and died penniless it would leave them something.

>> No.1006933

Not so much inheritance but
>Dad died when I was 3
>His sister is semi well off
>Puts money in an account for me from before when I was born
>It's hit 400k so far
>2 more years until I can officially touch it
Buying mom a house, fug everyone else who hasn't helped her in her current state and hopefully let her live the rest of her life good off.

>> No.1007110

currently at 300 k pln plus the apartment

>> No.1007122

2 houses and an apartment

Have a brother though. Also by the time that happens, I'm gonna assume that I will be financially well off that it won't matter that much

>> No.1007139

I'm an only child, so I'm in line to get everything from my parents.

>$100k current market value house
>$3k current market value cars (they drive old cars)
>$100k current checking/savings/CDs
>$5k FMV miscellaneous items (kitchen items, electronics, etc.)

Also, my dad's parents just kicked the bucket. He's one of 3 children and his parents had a house that has at-least a $600k value. So they should be getting another $200k very soon.

So I should be in line for at least a $400k inheritance.

>> No.1007144

just sue your dad for money, it's rightfully yours

>> No.1007148

My trust has a little over 2 million in it.
I will come into some serious manufacturing buildings and equipment, and 3 apartment buildings, plus our private homes. Jelly?

>> No.1007177

About $50K in debt

>> No.1007178

No inheritance, but I'm getting a millie from a wrongful death lawsuit.

25k per year for my college years, 225k five years after, 325k five years after that, and finally 425k after five more. Everything completely tax free.

Got me a degree. Got my first big shot last year, paid down all debt, have a crummy house, and 150k in index funds.

>> No.1007300

Last I heard it was around 400k+ from my dads 401k plus his life insurance but idk how much that is since he works in union construction I imagine it can't be as much as most people who work office jobs. Also if it happens while he's still in the union I'll get a few thousand for funeral costs. Now to how much I get idk. My dad now has a wife who has 3 kids. Two are older and one is like 7-8. I have one full sister and a half brother and half sister. I don't honk my dad put either of my half siblings as a beneficiary since they are both from separate moms and live in a different state. Older brother ran away and has always been a screw up. Older sister my dad found out about when I was about 12 when he got caught for child support. So since we've only met like twice I don't think my dad has her listed either. So I'm guessing it's going to be split 3 ways between my step mom, sister and me. My step mom is very nice though so I don't think she would try to take all the money. If it was my last step mom I'd be SOL.

>> No.1007306

Also one of my friends has a million dollar life insurance policy. His parents pay a few hundred a month. We've tried to think about how we can fake his death and get the money so far we haven't worked it all out

>> No.1007312

And my dads barely 47 and my grandpa is still alive in his 70s so it doesn't look like I'll be getting anything for a long time

>> No.1007325

Lets see.

Parents own:
>$1.1 million stock portfolio
> Residential home ~$500k
> 3 commercial properties, worth ~ $480K, generating $32K in annual rent.
> 1 small boat, 2 cars, some paintings, scrap value ~100-150K.
>500k in build up retirement funds at an insurance company that gets payed out as a lump sum in Dec 2017 (When my dad turns 65). They are forced, by law, to buy an annuity with that, they said they are looking for something that gets passed on to their children when they pass away.

They have two children.

>> No.1007342

wrongful death?

>> No.1007357

I live in Europe.... I don't have any inhertiance.. My parents are going to live with me in the coming 5 years to cut costs. Im going to have to take care of them untill they die.

>> No.1007359

>take care of them until they die
You can shorten that timespan, anon.