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10066242 No.10066242 [Reply] [Original]

Boys i live in Kangaroo Island

And I just found out that after TAX an income of $50000 per year takes home $40000

$75,000 gets $57,000

$100000 a year gets only 73k

200k a year gets only 132k

What the Fuck!!
Fuck this tax shit boys

Where can i move that has low to Zero Tax boys

Cucking for nothing wtf?

>> No.10066266

70k income nets you 45k in finland. You are fine.

>> No.10066280

Wjere the fuck does that money go? U guys socialist or something??? (Hurr duurr socialism everything is FREEE, except it costs half ur income every year hurrr)

>> No.10066286


Are you for real finnbro?

I've been to Helsinki how is life living there?

Whats the average home price and shit

>> No.10066288

pay your taxes friend

>> No.10066299

just read yo laws

>> No.10066300

if you're self employed then just incorporate. If you're not self employed then you're pretty much fucked

>> No.10066309


I'm buying a Malta citizenship. No crypto taxes boiii

>> No.10066312

In Russia you pay 13% of income. Russia is shit, though.

>> No.10066316

How else is Tyrone and latisha gonna eat

>> No.10066324
File: 111 KB, 1243x748, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to Belgium and give those sweet refugees some money.

>> No.10066323

Boys? Should we fuck off to Dubai and get that Arab Money

>> No.10066342

Even though we get fucked by tax you have to consider we have it pretty good compared to most other nations like us. UK and USA are basically third world now.

>> No.10066343

wha.. what the fuck

>> No.10066347

and 70k income is considered "very good"

>> No.10066355

malta has crypto taxes
pick cyprus instead

>> No.10066359


>> No.10066361

an income of 100.000 Euro in Germany would be taxed at 55% plus 20% on everything you purchase plus 200% on tobacco and alcohol
youre also forced to have health insurance and pay it yourself

>> No.10066362
File: 82 KB, 686x689, 1529872157443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Belgian

>> No.10066382

It's one of the best places to be. Houses in Helsinki are in same kind of bubble as many big cities, countriside is starting from under 100k.
>free university
>social security
>great army

>> No.10066400

Helsinki is one of the best places to be?
wtf bro Helsinki is shit, and Finland in general is only livable for 6 months of the year

>> No.10066419

social security and uni is great but it also leads to a lot of abuse and high taxes for example fucking 34% on crypto

free uni is questionable because the result is massive degree inflation so now you need a fucking masters to get an entry level job making 35k/year

>> No.10066418

Stop voting left wing, bucko.

>> No.10066447

Yeah and to make matters worse, net is how much money you get to keep above zero. However, what it really should be compared to is the base rate you would get from unemployment which is probably around 10-15k for doing less than an hour of job applications. So subtract that off your total net income OP and let's see what you really make per hour.

>> No.10066453

i vote right tbqh

>> No.10066466

>Not using your crypto money to become the right wing George Soros of Belgium

>> No.10066472


64% tax? how much left do u get after 100k 50k etc
i know nothing about tax just learning now becsuse schools never taught me, how could it be worse in uk/us?
u wot m8? whats the average salary
explain how justed you are
how much is uni as an international? free?
can you get a job without finnish?
I visited last november, chilly as fuck
its crazy ive been to all 4 scandanvian countrys and it literally looks like the best quality of life there is to be a refugee with subsidesd housing and benefits and free school/uni. why bother working

>> No.10066476

If you earn 500k you only get like 300

>> No.10066487

Had to sell my 16btc and 222eth in 2015 for abot 4000€ to pay for taxes. JUST

>> No.10066501

>u wot m8? whats the average salary
less than 50k USD/year

>its crazy ive been to all 4 scandanvian countrys and it literally looks like the best quality of life there is to be a refugee with subsidesd housing and benefits and free school/uni. why bother working
well it is true that things are in general very good here right now, I just don't know how sustainable this will be in the future. Mostly I'm just pissed from freezing my ass of every year and losing 1/3 of my crypto gains to taxes

>> No.10066564

USA is very diverse. some parts are third world tier, others are first world utopia tier. just depends on where you live and how much monee you have

>> No.10066635


I noticed that when I visited. In a single city like NYC there are some of the best things in life and some of the shittest poverty.

Still better than Auz though

>> No.10066656

holy shit

>> No.10066686

welcome to two-class democratic communism.

>> No.10066692

Ausfailia dollars are basically play money anyway. Who gives a shit?

>> No.10066713

Scotland reporting in: definitely not the third world

>> No.10066717

mine more than half the amount of gold as china

>> No.10066745

6% for under ~2.5 mil. but if you ll make 2.5 mil in a year, you ll be getting offers you cant refuse

>> No.10066753

and the banks can take your money away at any moment if they consider your activity 'suspicious' and the court will tell you to go fuck yourself. but 6% is a 6%

>> No.10066775

If living in the barren middle of nowhere with arabs and indians is worth it to you, then yes.

>> No.10066776

did u pay your cryptos? ;-)

>> No.10066798

And yet it's almost as cost effective to wipe my ass with dollaridoos as double ply, Kirkland brand 'Merican toilet paper.

>> No.10066802

I got some crops that need harvesting
Will provide food and lodgings