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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10065695 No.10065695 [Reply] [Original]

Who will you shit on when you make it?


>10/10 women compete to be shat on by arab millionaires in exchange for $30-$50k over a weekend in Dubai

>http://tagthesponsor.com/ suddenly goes down :^)

I always wondered what the fuck is going on with the gram and why everyone is competing so savagely

she agrees to fuck a rich 13 year old


>meanwhile I am an 8/10 and only manage to fuck landwhales and 1/10's

>> No.10065705 [DELETED] 

>He doesn't know about tagthesponsor.com

No shit this website made me admire Ted Bundy

>> No.10065706
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rumor is Linday Lohan was paid about $40k to be shat in her mouth. after that she turned to heroin again

>> No.10065708

>>10/10 women compete to be shat on by arab millionaires in exchange for $30-$50k over a weekend in Dubai
Does this actually happen or is it just another bullshit narrative that pol/r9k incels created to help cope with the fact they are ugly and unwanted?

>> No.10065717

Why are they admitting this?

>> No.10065733 [DELETED] 

They're retarded hoes that send "proof" like a timestamp to the 'saudi billionaires' they think are messaging them

>> No.10065738


I used to think it’s true but the emphasis on the pooping thing makes me skeptical. Scat is a VERY specific fetish, this sounds like just some bullshit to make people paranoid since in our modern society we are happy to have our women by jizzed on by hundreds of guys before we date them, so scat now has the same “shock value”. What I do know is true for 100% fact is Saudis will drive yachts around islands in the Mediterranean, pick up women, fuck them, and then strangle them to death. The instagram pooping thing is starting to sound like an urban myth. I can ask my sister if she knows about this stuff ever happening (she has 20k Instagram followers and is your typical travelling thot type)

>> No.10065739

>being this sheltered


gram models have like 10 years tops to make enough money to live on the rest of their lives, of course this isnt larp

>> No.10065745

the joke is on the neckbeard neet contacting them. in real life if he even gets within 1 metre of the model he is charged with rape

>> No.10065753
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At least it's not pedophilia.

>> No.10065757 [DELETED] 

It's a saudi guy exposing them and some of them are genuinely rich/and or pissed that their peers do this

So nice try white knight but not really lmao

>> No.10065767
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>20k Instagram followers and is your typical travelling thot type

Oh boy anon. check this out

your sister will never admit to being shat on, but probably she was pissed on and 99% chance she is a highly paid escort. all her travel expenses are paid for by rich men to fuck her

>> No.10065772

Maybe it's because this is 4 year old news to me, but I'm not in any way surprised by that. And if it's actually fake, I still don't consider it out of the scope of what's possible.
>people having flipped morals
>people dehumanizing other people
>people wanting to fuck the ones considered hottest of the species
Well it makes sense

The 13 year old thing... I'm not sure what to feel about that. Unless there's a case that the boy will be traumatized from that, and apart from the fact that this age constellation is illegal here... it's a cultural thing and I don't know Arab culture.
Although Juliet in the play Romeo and Juliet is also 13 and Mother Mary is unlikely to have been older than that. And we're talking not about a girl here, but actually a rich boy who wants to know what tits feel like anyway.

>> No.10065777

guess who is the loser?

>be billionaire

>instead of going ape-shit with whores you marry a 2/10 arab landwhale and try cock-blocking men fucking 10/10's

>he will fuck a 2/10 till death

>all his white knighting only served to supply of 10/10's willing to be shat on

>> No.10065779

how to tell if a girl is involved with this? i heard they all have a tattoo under their left collar bone that means they have been shit on before

>> No.10065792

Yeah the oil niggers are pretty barbaric. Middle east is seen as end of the line in human trafficking. They get raped and tortured then fed to lions or tigers etc.
As for the high end models and the like that hang around in Dubai.. They just get paid to show up to events and models are so fucking stuck up I doubt any would subject themself to being shat on.

>> No.10065797 [DELETED] 

>Guess who is the loser
I think that will be the one being shit on for money and sucking off camels/fucking dogs for money, no?

You sound like a fucking virgin muh 2/10 muh 10/10

Have you ever seen a cunt not on the internet, you fucking momo?

>> No.10065800 [DELETED] 

>They just get paid to show up to events and models are so fucking stuck up I doubt any would subject themself to being shat on.




>> No.10065806 [DELETED] 


Read it and weep beta male

>Muh preccious women will never do that no no no


>> No.10065807


>> No.10065812

Rich guys paying whores for sex?


Are you fucking idiots retarded?
This has been happening waaay before the Saudis, the only reason is mainstream now it’s because Instagram allows them to pick girls that otherwise might not involve themselves with it.
If a girl is fine with being half naked on instagram and building a following based on that then she will be fine with being fucked by some old dude for 20k.
The scat fetish it’s just the tinfoil spin, basically not real to the extent they want to make it look like, but it does happen, it’s definitely not a must do but some pay for that and some girls are willing.
I doubt Lindsay would get shit on her face for 50k when her net worth is well above 30m
Maybe 500k, even then why would she get shit on her face when whoring nets her 20-50k, I’d rather whoremyself out drunk and high 10times than get shit on my mouth.

Either way who knows
One thing is certain, lots of insta hoes and even Hollywood class A fuck saudis for money, some get shit on their mouths and what not, most don’t.

T. Knows Australian girl who fucks saudis

Aussieland has lots of insta hoes with mid tier following, this girls are whores already, the fact that some dude offers them a dream holiday and big money plus a bit of legitimacy makes it x100 better. They’re already looking for sugar daddies etc, being invited by some super rich dude to an exotic destinations is the jackpot.

>> No.10065815

>I doubt any would subject themself to being shat on.

money talks, bullshit walks

think about it; women start dating and fucking at early teens.... by age 21 they already have 8 years of almost daily sex experience....and you think in 8 years of fucking their man never wanted something extra?

I understand why they accept to be shat and pissed on...Chad did it for free...so why not get paid $30k to be shat and pissed on?

>> No.10065836

Cant even access the site so whatever dude

Women DO NOT want to be pissed or shat on.
Only the most fucked in the head meth addict prostitutes do that shit. And they are forced to.
99% of women wont suck dick if it even smells like piss yet you think the average chick wants to be shat on... You are fucked in the head bro.

>> No.10065839


This is another thing people don’t consider, I know a lot of the types of women who blow through huge amounts of cash and are instanthots, the thing you realise is their attitude towards money could only be justified when you realise how easily they make money.

A women who was shit in her mouth for 50k would never blow 10k on a handbag for herself or just generously give money to people whenever they ask for it. You need to realise a beautiful woman can attract donations that can support a comfy lifestyle literally doing nothing, I mean look at all those twitch thots. When you realise women could get paid 1-5k just to talk to some sad guy on the phone, the 50k for being shat on really reveals itself to be the product of the imagination of someone with some pretty serious fetishes, probably a pajeet. I am not defending women, they live life on easy mode. But if my sister had solicited such services she would tell me, we have a very open relationship, I know all her passwords and we’ve talked about sex a lot in the past. Idk to be honest it just doesn’t add up. A 9/10 woman could make 10k a month just shilling some make up product or getting a patreon from lonely faggots and 50k really isn’t enough to justify being shit on for most of these women who could probably marry a millionaire no problem. What is real are Saudis trafficking women to be killed.

>> No.10065852 [DELETED] 

yeah cos its being ddos

>> No.10065857

There are beautiful women out there marrying rich old dudes who they find disgusting purely for money, they spend years with this old fucks before cashing out.

And you mean to tell me girls won’t get shit on their faces for 100k?
I would get shit on my face for 100k.

>> No.10065866

Some girls would no doubt just like youd suck 1000 dicks for $1 each. But dude its probably less than like 1 in 1000 that would.
Either way this topic is too gross for me Im out

>> No.10065869
File: 5 KB, 230x219, downkghkload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about what you just said; you are a 4channer and probably a virgin or fucking 1/10's / landwhales who has a whore model sister with whom you are open about sex and yet not fucking

this was your only shot at fucking a model and you blew it to hig hheavens

you will NEVER make it

>> No.10065876


>fuck your sister


>> No.10065878 [DELETED] 

>the thing you realise is their attitude towards money could only be justified when you realise how easily they make money.
The utter state of numale bugmen with no concept of morality or integrity

You're a fucking retard you pathetic maggot

>> No.10065886

Lmao messing with u brah.
It’s just autism, like >>10065839 said.
This beautiful women already make thousands just looking hot on their instas, people literally donate money to this hoes through patreon, twitch etc. Even those that whore themselves can easily make 10-50k just fucking, why would they get shit on their faces for 100k?
No way, not doubting some would perhaps for more money but the majority is comfortable fucking for money and leeching off beta dudes on the Internet.

>> No.10065894


What the fuck are you talking about? Talk about finances with your average attractive roastie and you will very quickly realise that they have never had to work hard for most of their money. It gets showered on them by betas. I know you like to believe these women justify their lifestyles by literally eating shit, but the painful truth is they probably just got it from sad lonely men for smiling at them. Welcome to reality, if you’re a man you’re gonna have to break your back and be a net tax contributor, and if you’re a roastie you’re gonna cruise through life with an army of men who will do anything just to put benis in your bagina.

>> No.10065902 [DELETED] 

Didnt even read past the question mark you gimp
Shut the fuck up
I dont give a fuck how you try and justify whoring, its pathetic and people who engage in it should be unironically hanged, men included nigger

pathetic cunts

>> No.10065906

>how you try and justify whoring

you just outed yourself as a poor person on /biz/

>> No.10065913

These are some impressive arguments.
You sound sad my dude, get off the computer once in a while.

>> No.10065914 [DELETED] 

No I'm likely wealthier than you and your family combined, but what does it matter on here? Nevertheless, you are going to try play the "I pay them to leave, bro!" because you think you're don draper or something, but in reality, you pay them to touch you because you're a greasy ugly fucking autistic cunt

Waaah i dont give a fuck for argument you bellend

>> No.10065920


I didn’t justify whoring lmao, the exact opposite I’m saying that saying these women get shit on is giving them too much credit. They make more than a nurse does just by flirting with people on the internet and getting showered with gifts and donations.

>> No.10065923

Serious question here. Been seeing way too many threads like this and I gotta ask. Why do people on here have such a bad view on women?

According to biz every women just wants a chad, or some rich guy, or a guy that has both. Why do you believe all women are shallow or just using men? Are most people on here actual virgins and have no life experience with girls? Or are a lot of you damaged by some previous relationship and now have a lot of anger and frustration?

>> No.10065927 [DELETED] 

No you're implying its justifiable for them to do so because its easy money

You know what else is easy money nigger?

>> No.10065931 [DELETED] 

Because they are by their nature you retard
Life experience teaches you this, not the opposite

When you see it happening in real time, you realise we're just monkeys

>> No.10065947


I never made a value statement you mouthbreathing retard. I think it’s disgusting but I was being descriptive not proscriptive. I was just explaining my observations not saying that what I saw was good. How do you actually function in real life? You’re as bad as an SJW who gets offended without even trying to understand context.

>> No.10065952 [DELETED] 

nah i must have misread no big deal

>> No.10065953

Can you shut up you annoying cunt?
Nobody wants you irl and even on the Internet you’re an insufferable retard.
Just fuck off you have nothing to contribute, shut the fuck up, nobody cares about your edgy teenage take on life.
Thread ruined, I’m out.

>> No.10065956

I'm sure /r/4chan will have answers for you

>> No.10065958

you better drop some nuts you beta piece of fucking dog shit. your sister is already a prostitute. incest can be hotter than fuck once you get over the awkward phase. I have no siblings btw

>> No.10065965 [DELETED] 

Yeah nice projection lmao the utter state of this cunt

>> No.10065967

Jesus Christ. Can we ban anyone who cries about /pol/ already? This has absolutely nothing to do with them, you underage retard. Dubai party potties is a well-documented phenomenon dating back before you got your first erection watching Steven Universe or Pokemon.

>> No.10065969


Because autists have a tendency to hyperfixate and over rationalise everything into universal rules. What I am saying is independent of whether any of this is true, what I am saying is a UNIVERSAL TRUTH of all subcultures dominated by NEETs and autists, and that includes weird left wing autism sites where trannies congregate. He sooner you understand this about autists he sooner everything makes sense. It’s also why /biz/ can develop such fierce loyalty to certain shitcoins or has a tendency to make generalisations about everything because autism hates ambiguity. I’ve been on 4chan and lots of NEET sites for ten years and it finally clicked that this is how it is. I am not saying suddenly you’ll find great women everywhere, I am saying ANY topic discussed with spergs will lead to extreme opinions. Couple this with postmodernism and humans just putting less effort into appearing to have any sort of good character, and you get a very bleak outlook on life.

>> No.10065976
File: 78 KB, 256x256, 1431641381937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so ugly noone even wants to shit in your mouth
lmao imagine how that must feel

>> No.10065978

this anon speaks wisdom

>> No.10065985

Dude don't know what kind of life experience you have but mines totally different. I have met beautiful girls who respect themselves and would never sell themselves for any amount of money. They are independent and want to make an honest living using their talents and skills and not just get ahead off of their looks.

You just sound like an extremely bitter person and sounds like you got fucked over in your previous relationships (if you really had any).

Try treating people with respect and kindness and maybe you won't be such an angry person all the time.

>> No.10065997

wait until those Godly women hit age 25 and are single and burnt by a dozen ex bfs'....cheated on etc etc... then try offering them $10k for a fuck. shouldnt be a problem for you since you are a Link marine right? :^)

>> No.10065998

Great answer thanks!

>> No.10066004

Someone has to do mankind a favor and stab that psycho

>> No.10066010 [DELETED] 

No you're just a faggot who doesnt know what goes on behind closed doors lmao

>Wah u must be a virgin ha!
Nice one bro did you come up with that all by yourself?

>> No.10066031

First of all don't know how you can assume I am a LINK marine... I am not invested into any coins at this time. Crypto is done and will be stagnant for a while until institutional money gets poured into this.

Secondly, these women aren't Godly they are just normal people. This may happen to some of them where they get into toxic relationships get cheated on and have some damage. It's part of life. Happens to guys and girls. What I don't understand is how everyone believes everyone is willing to whore themselves out for money. If you were in opposite side and some guy asked you to ass fuck you for $10k would you do it?

>> No.10066041

>some guy asked you to ass fuck you for $10k would you do it

chad already ass fucks them for free once a week

why not get $10k for it

You are very green when it comes to woemn

>> No.10066051

Most chicks refuse to do anal even it if was with brad pitt.
You are very green when it comes to women dude. Greentexts on pol and r9k does not equal experience. Just because you love that shit doesnt mean everyone else does and deluding yourself into thinking they do does not make your sick disgusting fetish any less degenerate.

>> No.10066056

>Most chicks refuse to do anal with betas

Chad does not ask for permission; he just get her wet enough

>> No.10066059

Dude stop with the r9k tier bait shit this is /biz/ we only care about money

>> No.10066065

>we only care about money

the end goal is woman. money is just the key to unlock the vaginal gates

>> No.10066094


>> No.10066126

Have to agree with you there. Anon over watches too much porn and doesn't meet enough women in real life. Not saying that there aren't sluts out there but they don't make most of the damn population

>> No.10066130

I know a girl who used to whore around on instagram, she would travel and post pics with a different partner every time. She died and no one knows how, i doubt her body will ever turn up.

>> No.10066137

you learned well manny

>> No.10066139

and not a single fuck was given

maybe what this anon said


what these sub-human whores dont understand is that they are fucking some of the most powerful men on earth

>> No.10066345

lots of these sluts simply don't know about twitch streaming or being a financial domme or don't take it seriously.
They aren't rational decision makers who are carefully evaluating their utility function.
a lot of them will just hear "50 k ! I don't need to work for more than a year!" then not think about the rest

I agree it is still exaggerated but I reckon the girls who have been recorded agreeing to eating shit by text or video are probably real

you're right that the vast majority will just be probably just been flown out to be fucked and degraded in other ways.

>> No.10066377

>Most chicks refuse to do anal even it if was with brad pitt.

this is probably your experience of women because you get with prudish women or women don't consider you hot enough that they are willing to do whatever they want to please you.

I fucked 15 girls on tinder before getting my long term gf and about a 1/3 of them had either done anal before , did it with me or wanted to do it but never got round to it (I quite like anal but it's a little of a hassle so don't pursue it often. I get most of the satisfaction from a girl being willing to let me fuck her asshole) . The hotter the guy is the more likely the girl is to be willing to do what he wants.

>> No.10066424

How the fuck did you get 15 girls on tinder? What country? Country makes all d difference. I am an 8/10 but live in a super conservative shithole

>> No.10066427

>thinks this is just a meme

You obviously don't get arab mentality. They do this not because it's a fetish but because it's demeaning to white women and non-muslims in general. I'm from the Philippines and they even rape the men who immigrate there to work. They don't do it to get off, they do it because it's humiliating to the receiving end. Islam even promotes this because they view non-muslims as animals ready to be exploited.

>> No.10066480


Lmao that’s cos your pulling dirtbirds who have been cycled around on tinder. Other anon is right, most girls wouldn’t let prime brad Pitt do anal with them.

Your view on life, sex, and women is so skewed man haha. Either you are o my talking to absolute degenerate women irl or you don’t get off the computer. Threads like this remind me why I only stick to biz.

Lemme guess, you’re a “late bloomer” right? Kek

>> No.10066519

Found the roastie. gtfo roastie.

>> No.10066548

>Most YOUNG chicks refuse to do anal even it if was with brad pitt.
ftfy, ,most chicks over 25 will give up the butt after three drinks. After 30 it's pretty much a given, even on the first date. Anal sex is the blowjob of the 21st century, and blowjobs are the handjobs.

>> No.10066550

When the existential post hits

>> No.10066578

Most people here are playing pretend, let them dream about not being rejected, let them pretend they are the chads of life by saying women are trash. 4chan hates women unless we are talking about sex and fetishes, if you say something even remotely close to a compliment to the female gender, they go apeshit. Like the "real world," you have a "code" of conduct here, you are supposed to hate women, love incest and all the fucked up fetishes, if you don't show you are fucked up, they tell the clichê: "go back". That and have a love / hate relationship with cryptocurrencies, oh and fuck reddit.

>> No.10066609

Yeah this is an autistic echo chamber . Like r9k is a depression echo chamber. HOWEVER that dont mean the echo chamber is 100% wrong.

>> No.10066611

What a peaceful religion.

>> No.10066624

its not

>> No.10067323

name some aussie hoes who do this

>> No.10067925

is that alot
my friends dog has 60k

>> No.10067990

>gets 1 million per movie
>" shit on my face I need that 40k"
Ok bruh

>> No.10068127

Oh my sweet boy you know nothing about the deep cravings of women

"Can you please hit me again just like you just did and also i really like being choked and you really dont need to be gentle i like to see the bruises after and when i say no you should really just take what you want"

>> No.10068158

im a local of the country and a hikikomori. ask me anything :^)

>> No.10068205

can i come to dubai?

>> No.10068228

I would never even touch a whore that has a instagram, chances are high they are ridden with herpes and other diseases
in a fair world they would cull such people (the arabs too, why we even need them? Just murder them all and take their oil already)

>> No.10068274

>just murder them all and take their oil
What do you think (((they))) have been doing since the establishment of Israel? The Arabs were doing extremely well in the 50s and 60s, go look up old pictures of Afghanistan in the 60s. Women were going to college dressed completely normally, not covered head to toe in burkas. It wasn't until the religious extremists overthrew the caliphate spurred by increasing destabilization that turned the Middle East into the dusty shithole you know today

>> No.10068348

Based Jews

>> No.10068478

go ahead, were a progressive country approving of everyone from any nation to come by and visit ^^

>> No.10068495

Sadly though they're getting rid of the white people first. They are not your friends. Once the whites are gone taking out the browns will be easy and there will be no one left to stop their goal of expanding Greater Israel. That's the whole reason behind the war in Syria right now

>> No.10068532

I've had anal with a bunch of young chicks, heaps of them one night stands. The ones that say no have probably been the minority DESU. You just fuck them silly then stick your finger in as you're banging them and before they know it you got your cock up their ass. A lot of them had supposedly never done it before (who really knows DESU, not like a give two fucks).

Source is I've probably banged 60+ chicks just of online dating apps, and probably over 110 all up I lost count.

I went through a period of time where I was also paying chicks through sugar daddy websites just to save time and cut to the chase (i.e. it's like ordering a pizza they just come to yours and within 10 minutes you're fucking them, no hassles). And that shit just opened my eyes. The amount of girls on these sites is absolutely unbelievable, and the shit they're willing to do for money if mindblowing. I've absolutely lost respect for most women DESU after witnessing this stuff first hand. Honestly for only 150-200 bucks these chicks would let me do whatever I wanted, fuck them in the ass, slap them, cum on their face, film them you name it. So I have absolutely zero doubt that all of the high end insta thots are funding their lifestyles by doing the most depraved shit you can imagine.

I don't even know if you can blame them. They have so much power by virtue of their gender that if they leave their morals behind for just a year they can make enough to retire if they're smart.

>> No.10068533

shut the fuck up you crazy ass schizo

>> No.10068965

Fuck. The truth lenses you have my friend

>> No.10069141

lol this is exactly what they're doing

>> No.10069239

You have a mix of autism here plenty of perma virgins that are just mad that a girl would never give them the time of day and then you have failed normies such as myself who have been with several women and have been burned repeatedly by roasties in relationships and in other areas. Of course not all women are evil but their real nature sure as shit isn’t the Disney bullshit nurturers that just want true love BS the zog media has been feeding us our entire lives. It’s extrmely frustrating seeing how easy women have it in today’s world and how much they fuck shit up on the daily and how they have unlimited options for dick and relationships as well as jobs and opportunities to obtain money from betas. All I want is a decent looking woman with decent taste in things that’s not a turbo whore and that’s loyal, I’m asking too much I suppose.